A Worldwide Punomenon: Difference between revisions

New section "Radio". Also cleaned up some potholes and italicized some titles.
m (clean up, replaced: [[DuckTales → [[DuckTales (1987))
(New section "Radio". Also cleaned up some potholes and italicized some titles.)
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** Done with a minor character in his run on ''[[Captain Mar-Vell]]''; a "rather clever fellow" named Plaht creates a ''device'' that allows Marv to break previously [[Magic A Is Magic A|unbreakable]] rules regarding his interactions with dimensional travel. He couldn't even keep it as a [[Stealth Pun]], as characters repeatedly call it "the Plaht Device."
** In the issue of [[Incredible Hulk]] with Rick Jones marrying Marlo Chandler, there is a cross company example. Marlo had been killed at one point and brought back by technology used by the Leader. At her wedding, Marlo sees [[The Sandman|a pale goth woman]] who comes up as if she knows Marlo and gives her a gift. It's a brush. {{spoiler|With death...}}
== [[Film]] ==
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* Many mystery series base all, or at least some of the titles of their books around puns. For example, there's the ''Evan'' series, which includes ''Evan Only Knows'' and ''Evanly Bodies'' and the ''Bubbles'' series: ''Bubbles A Broad'', etc.
* [[Bennett Cerf]] was a real life [[Pungeon Master]] and one of his books was titled ''Bennett Cerf's Treasury of Atrocious Puns''.
* Too many to go into, but during the early years of ''[[Dilbert]]'', Scott Adams was REALLY REALLY into puns (very little office humor was involved, Dilbert was ostensibly an engineer just to provide a context for nerd-jokes and nerdy jokes).
* ''[[Finnegans Wake]]''. Every sentence.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Power Rangers]]''. It's actually quite impressive to see how they can keep the pun ball in the air for long stretches.
* The title of every episode of ''[[Hannah Montana]]'' is a pun on the title of a well-known song. The character Robbie Ray constantly makes puns.
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* The villain of the day in ''[[Black Scorpion]]'' revolves around puns of their theme.
== [[Music]] ==
* [[Miami]] rapper Flo Rida. Just his ''name''.
* ''Words, Words, Words'' by [[Bo Burnham]].
** ''Anything'' by [[Bo Burnham]]. Ever.
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
* [[TNA]] wrestler Shark Boy's entire gimmick at this point is based around borrowing [[Stone Cold Steve Austin]]'s old catchphrases and mixing them with nautical puns, e.g. "Gimme a shell yeah!" and "And that's the fishin' line, 'cuz Shark Boy said so!"
== Radio ==
* ''[[Canada Reads]]'', a cross between a book club and a reality show, bills itself as a "title fight".
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* The ''Toon'' expansion ''Toon Tales'' (in the Way-Out West section) includes an optional rule for Punslingers, whose puns ''actually do damage''.
== [[Theater]] ==
* [[William Shakespeare]] absolutely loved puns. Wait, you mean they ''weren't'' actually talking about [[Double Entendre|how small a bee's stinger was?]]
** [[Austin Powers|Just a little prick...]]
* The Dutch comedian Herman Finkers is a master of puns, [[Double Entendre|double entendres]]s and other word-games.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Persona 3]]'' has Shuji Ikutsuki, who more or less embodies this trope. Nearly everything he says to SEES outside of serious situations is one pun after another. Yukari says after you meet him that 'you'll get used to his lame jokes.'
* The name of ''[[Ōkami|Okami]]'' is a pun. Depending on which kanji are used, "okami" means both "great god" and "wolf." Guess what two characteristics describe the protagonist.
* The villain names in the ''[[Carmen Sandiego]]'' games.
** The guides' names in ''Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?'' Guides had names like Anne Tickwitee or Renee Santz.
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* Subverted in ''[[The World Ends With You]]''. Whenever Minamimoto says "SOHCAHTOA", he's making a pun on "Sou ka?" or "Is that so?" It just so happens that his lines are perfectly appropriate for the situation.
* In ''[[Dragon Age]] 2'', we have this anachronistic gem from Isabella, when she is bribed to abandon the main character with the offer of a ship of her own:
{{quote|"What can I say. I love big boats and I cannot lie." }}
* In ''[[Nethack]]'' if you see a pit viper fall into a pit trap you get the message "How pitiful! Isn't that the pits?"
* Before the fight against Captain Hook in ''[[Epic Mickey]]'', Hook cracks this exchange as he's popping out of barrels:
{{quote|'''Hook''': I hope you're GEARED up for this...because it's going to be...BARRELS...of fun!}}
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{{quote|Benn: "[http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/138 Ray'd Bool gives you wings.]"}}
** The occasional pun on Richard's nickname.
* ''[[Evil Inc.|Evil Inc]]'' can barely go a strip without some horrific example or other cropping up. It's as if Brad Guigar enjoys punishing his readers.
* ''[[Narbonic]]'' once devoted [http://www.webcomicsnation.com/shaenongarrity/narbonic_plus/series.php?view=archive&chapter=41040 a Sunday strip] to a pun, including several paragraphs of set-up. (This built on elements introduced earlier in the story, but works just as well in isolation.) Unfortunately, it appears the song that is the object of the pun isn't widely known outside the US, so [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmPer3yNGHg here's] a recording.
* ''[[+EV|Plus EV]]'' is full of them, mostly [[Poker]]-related. [http://plusev.keenspot.com/d/20070305.html Big Blind], [http://plusev.keenspot.com/d/20081009.html Pocket Pear]...
* Nepeta Leijon, Feferi Peixes, Eridan Ampora, and Meenah Peixes from ''[[Homestuck]]''. The former uses cat-related puns, while the latter three use fish-related puns.
== [[Web Original]] ==
== Web Original ==
* Andy Zaltzmann in ''[[The Bugle]]'' He just can't help himself (or Chris and John who want him to stop).
* In [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zf2H5Z8bMw this ZapZapPewPew] <s>review</s>? <s>Let's play</s>? Video we have an especially wince-inducing one.
** While player 1 is laying mines, player 2 shouts ''"What are you doing? Don't you know, mines are a terrible thing to waste. That's what they tell me mannnnn..."''
* [[Cracked.com|''Cracked'']] has some on occasion.
** [http://www.cracked.com/article_19121_7-basic-things-you-wont-believe-youre-all-doing-wrong.html "Over time, you can even breathe abdominally in your sleep. (Not to be confused with snoring, which is just breathing abominably)."]
* [[Fark]] headlines are frequently punny.
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* Hybrid webcomic/browser game ''[[Demon Thesis]]'' does this ''constantly'' when in game mode, as virtually any action you have the characters take is accompanied by a pun or reference. For example, give Clady the spear and let her attack with it, and the attack is called "Clad the Impaler". Give Val, the sole American, the axe, and it's called "[[American Chopper]]" when she uses it. If Alain, a french-Canadian, goes into a defensive mode to take less damage, it's [[wikipedia:Bloc Québécois|Block Quebecois]], and so on and so forth.
* [[This Very Wiki]]. We ''love'' puns. Just look at the [[Just for Pun]] trope list.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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'''Rocky:''' Wait, Mr. Know-It-All...that's not a jar of pickles. That's a jar of jelly.
'''Mr. Know-It-All:''' No wonder I couldn't open it. It's ''jammed!'' }}
** [[Once an Episode|Every single episode]] of "Peabody's Improbable Histories" ended in a terrible pun.
* American cartoons also love a good pun: anything said by Genie in the ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'' movie or series, the names in ''[[DuckTales (1987)]]'' and ''[[Tale Spin]]'', and ''[[Animaniacs]]'' and ''[[Tiny Toon Adventures]]'' made heavy use of them as well.
* In ''[[Kim Possible]]'', everyone's name is a pun.
* ''[[Sheep in The Big City]]'' not only used excessive numbers of puns in naming characters and places, every episode and every chapter of every episode (of which there were 3 per episode) carried a sheep-themed pun. 'Wool you believe it?' 'On the lamb' etc.
** And then they went and one-upped themselves for the third part of season one's finale. They actually called it "Some Pun on the word 'Sheep'."
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{{quote|'''George:''' It's just a big glass ball.
'''Paul:''' Yeah, it's ''blue'' glass.
'''Ringo:''' Must be from Kentucky. }}
** [[The Beatles (band)|The Beatles]] in general were very fond of these, John especially. It's been overshadowed by the whole "redefining rock music" and "consuming small mountains of LSD" things, but there's a lot of puns hiding in plain sight. Nobody even notices these days just how terrible a joke the band's name is, to name the most obvious example.
*** This overlaps with "Music" and "Literature" but John Lennon wrote two books. Their titles? ''In His Own Write'' and ''A Spaniard In The Works''.
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'''Stan:''' Of course, sir, but why are we dressed up like this?
'''Avery Bullock:''' Because I thought we could be Secret Asians.
'''Stan:''' A 16-hour flight for a bad pun? (nods head) Yes. Yes. }}
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQMbXvn2RNI Cows with Guns]
* If you thought ''[[Batman and Robin (film)|Batman and Robin]]'' was bad about ice puns, try to dig up a Mr. Freeze episode from the 60s Batman animated series. Incredibly lame puns are expected, but by the end of the episode the writers run out of them and become increasingly desperate, culminating in Mr. Freeze declaring "you really frost me!" upon capture.
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* ''[[Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends]]'' has its episode titles.
* ''[[The Real Ghostbusters]]'' had lots of pun titles, the best being "Banshee Bake a Cherry Pie?"
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' loves puns, especially horse-related ones, both noticeable and [[Stealth Pun|stealthy]].
* Almost every episode of ''[[House of Mouse]]'' used puns, especially in the cartoon shorts but often in the main story as well. Like Mickey saying he had to stop at the bank because he was "overdrawn" and two sketches saying "He's lucky! We're not done yet!"
* [[Captain Planet and the Planeteers]]'s main job is to save the Earth while also making as many horrible puns as possible.
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*** This is also a {{spoiler|Spoonerism}}
** Also, The Longest Joke in the World, {{spoiler|Better Nate than Lever}}
* In post-war Europe, America ran various covert operations to gather intelligence from Soviet soldiers. One particularly successful campaign in Italy hinged on the fact that getting gonorrhea was a serious matter for a Soviet soldier; it guaranteed a recall back to the Soviet Union (where none of them wanted to go back to) and perhaps harsher punishment. So, the Americans got in touch with a doctor who ran a clinic that secretly treated gonorrhea and recruited the doctor, in exchange for money and free medicine. Then, the doctor would pick up anything he could from casual conversation and see if there were any likely defectors in the group. What did the Americans call this endeavor? {{spoiler|Operation Claptrap. [[Don't Explain the Joke|For those that don't get it]], "claptrap" was slang for "nonsense conversation". Meanwhile, "the clap" is slang for gonorrhea.}}
* In a similar vein to the above, American soldiers in [[World War 2II]] referred to the Good Conduct Medal as the "no clap award" for 2 reasons: 1) all you had to do to get it was not get in trouble for 3 years so it wasn't really worthy of applause and 2) getting an STD disqualified you.
* Mexican politicians get this trope very often.:
** Mexican president Felipe Calderón, called by whiny youths who oppose his government as FecalFeCal.
** "Dale un Madrazo al dedazo" was PRI candidate Roberto Madrazo's slogan in the 2000 primaries. "Madrazo" is Mexican somewhat vulgar slang for a beating. The dedazo is a Mexican idiom referring to how presidential successors were handpicked by the sitting president.
** Mexico City's former regente (governor appointed by the president) Carlos Hank González. He built ejes viales (amplified streets made for better road traffic) and pissed the City off so much he got the nickname of [[Alliterative Name|"Henghis Hank"]].
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