Acceptable Hobby Targets: Difference between revisions

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==The devoted hobbyists==
Whether it's [[The Collector of the Strange|collecting something people generally try not to think about]], spending a lot of time watching/reading/playing something that many would think would have stopped being entertaining days ago, or just peppering any and every bit of conversation with obscure references to their hobby, it's generally considered okay to think of people like this as obsessive freaks. Characters may temporarily become like this during a bout of [[Fleeting Passionate Hobbies]].
=== [[Web Comics]] ===
* An aversion of this comes from the web comic, ''[[Shortpacked]]!'', which makes jokes about toy collectors, [[N-Word Privileges|but is written by one]].
=== [[Real Life]] ===
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* [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Bronies.]] Good gravy, bronies. While most [[Periphery Demographic|Periphery Demographics]] get some weird looks(an [[Double Standard|exception]] being [[Nostalgia Filter|something from their childhood]]), bronies are often regarded with a lot more scorn than any other. They are frequently referred to as "[[Man Child|creepy manchildren]] with a near unhealthy obsession with a TV show aimed at little girls, who actively try to convert you into their perverted mindset, all the while being well above the normal age demographic for such a show." While [[Silent Majority|most bronies]] tend to be good-natured fellows, this view puts them squarely in this territory. The fact that a [[Vocal Minority]] of bronies seem to be hell bent in making ''everyone'' watch the show, and dismiss anyone who doesn't like it as a [[Troll]] or [[Fan Hater]] doesn't help. It should be noted, though, that this is a ''very'' [[Vocal Minority]], and most level-headed bronies tend to scorn off these, since they are the ones that give the [[Fandom]] a bad reputation. Case in point, [ My little brony], a site with at least 40% of their [[Image Macro|Image Macros]] dedicated to elevating the fandom as much as possible.
* Speaking of [[Vocal Minorities]], the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' fan community is infamous for having one that will bitch and whine to no small extent about ''anything'' that makes the post-''Adventure'' games different from the Genesis ones, [[Sarcasm Mode|because those were totally flawless]].
=== [[Web Comics]] ===
* An aversion of this comes from the web comic, ''[[Shortpacked]]!'', which makes jokes about toy collectors, [[N-Word Privileges|but is written by one]].
==[[Furry Fandom|Furries]]==
A group of people who enjoy art and literature about [[Funny Animal|anthromorphic characters]] (werewolves, Bugs Bunny expys and the like)? No big deal. Popular internet humor/FanHater site ''[[Something Awful]]'' posting the worst dregs of freakish [[Fetish Fuel]] that they can find out of the entire subculture? '''BURN THEM.''' The fact that ''Something Awful'' is supposed to be a satire site is lost on 99% of the people perpetuating this meme.
=== [[Real Life]] ===
* Odd enough the main reason why people don't like furries isn't the [[Fetish Fuel]]; it's the really annoying members that cry out "Fursecution" when people make fun of them.
** However, this has shades of [[Dead Horse Trope]] about it - the very term "Fursecution" is hard for anyone to take seriously these days, both by furs and non-furs, and it generally only gets bandied about by the kind of people on both sides who take it far, far too seriously. Fun drinking game! Go on [[Deviant ART]], punch in "fursecution", and take a drink for every impassioned essay about how "the fur menace should be cleansed" or "this persecution needs to stop". It's like the debate between extremist ethnic minorities and far-right nationalists, only really, really silly. [[Strawman Fallacy|Strawmen]], [[Windmill Political|Windmills]] and [[Insane Troll Logic]] abounds on both sides.
*** And then there are the ones who target other furries for not being [[No True Scotsman|''the right kind'']] of furry...
* Within the fandom, certain subsets are considered [[Acceptable Targets]]; and, recursively, there are even more specific subsets within these subsets that are considered [[Acceptable Targets]] to the less-specific subsets. It starts to resemble politics after a while.
=== [[Live-Action TV]] ===
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=== [[Western Animation]] ===
* Some [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]] of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' seem to have made the assumption that [[Insane Troll Logic|since the main characters of the show are (barely) anthropomorphic animals, everyone who watches and enjoys is therefore a furry (in the loosest definition of the term) and must be relentlessly mocked]].
=== [[Real Life]] ===
* Odd enough the main reason why people don't like furries isn't the [[Fetish Fuel]]; it's the really annoying members that cry out "Fursecution" when people make fun of them.
** However, this has shades of [[Dead Horse Trope]] about it - the very term "Fursecution" is hard for anyone to take seriously these days, both by furs and non-furs, and it generally only gets bandied about by the kind of people on both sides who take it far, far too seriously. Fun drinking game! Go on [[Deviant ART]], punch in "fursecution", and take a drink for every impassioned essay about how "the fur menace should be cleansed" or "this persecution needs to stop". It's like the debate between extremist ethnic minorities and far-right nationalists, only really, really silly. [[Strawman Fallacy|Strawmen]], [[Windmill Political|Windmills]] and [[Insane Troll Logic]] abounds on both sides.
*** And then there are the ones who target other furries for not being [[No True Scotsman|''the right kind'']] of furry...
* Within the fandom, certain subsets are considered [[Acceptable Targets]]; and, recursively, there are even more specific subsets within these subsets that are considered [[Acceptable Targets]] to the less-specific subsets. It starts to resemble politics after a while.
==[[Naked People Are Funny|Nudists]]==
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* On ''Jimmy Macdonald's Canada'', it's footage of a nudist camp that finally pushes Jimmy over the edge. Nevertheless, most of the humour is in his extreme reaction, and not the nudists.
* ''[[Monk]]'' subverted this hard. Monk initially accused someone of murder based on the fact he was a nudist, and his rants on the subject came to the point of denying nudists were even human. Every single one of his friends came down on him for it. By the end he was convinced his prejudice was wrong, and the initial suspect saved the day. (He still freaked out when the naked guy hugged him. Of course, he's ''Monk'', so...)
=== [[Real Life]] ===
* May not be helped along by the fact that a lot of pro-nudism people seem to go the over-the-top route of saying that all those people wearing clothes are just deluding and restricting themselves, and if they'd only strip down everything wrong with their lives would magically fix itself; IE, that ''everyone is a nudist'', they just don't know it yet. People tend to get a little annoyed when they're told that complete strangers know what they need better than they do. (Which is, of course, why you have so many [[Acceptable Political Targets]].)
=== [[Web Comics]] ===
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* Averted - and even [[An Aesop|Aesoped]] - in ''[[Family Guy]]'' when Peter and family are invited to dinner by a bunch of nudists to thank Peter for saving the father (Peter didn't realize he was a nudist, he thought he had just lost his swim trunks at sea). The actual mentality of being a nudist is played for laughs (they literally do everything naked) but Peter and Lois's prejudice against nudists is eventually proven to be an unfair bias and they learn their lesson. When the couple shows up again in another episode, Peter and Lois greet them warmly, and it's not even addressed that the two are naked.
* Averted in ''[[Futurama]]''. At several points during the show characters will walk around in the buff. This is, for the most part, ignored by the other characters after it's initially pointed out. Notable exceptions occur when the nude character had recently engaged in sexual conduct.
=== [[Real Life]] ===
* May not be helped along by the fact that a lot of pro-nudism people seem to go the over-the-top route of saying that all those people wearing clothes are just deluding and restricting themselves, and if they'd only strip down everything wrong with their lives would magically fix itself; IE, that ''everyone is a nudist'', they just don't know it yet. People tend to get a little annoyed when they're told that complete strangers know what they need better than they do. (Which is, of course, why you have so many [[Acceptable Political Targets]].)
==Chicago Cubs Fans==
See also [[Every Year They Fizzle Out]] and [[Butt Monkey/Sports|ButtMonkeyReal Life/Sports]].
Until 2016, the Chicago Cubs hadn't won the World Series since 1908, and hadn't even been ''in'' a World Series since 1945. So, therefore, they are ''obviously'' the worst team ever (even though plenty of other Major League Baseball Teams have ''never'' won the World Series), and all of their fans are complete idiots with no class who root for a lost cause. (Whether this will change with their World Series win in 2016 remains to be seen.) Similarly, fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs can be acceptable targets in that they have not won the [[NHL]] Stanley Cup (or made an appearance in the finals) since 1967.
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Men who knit are frequently compared to homosexuals, old ladies, or old lady homosexuals. Despite the fact that a girlfriend would probably love to have a guy that can make gorgeous accessories for her from scratch.
=== [[FilmsFilm]] ===
* John Spartan of ''[[Demolition Man]]'' was turned into one of these during his sleep. He was baffled when he admitted that the first thing he wanted to do was knit. He even knitted a sweater for his partner.
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==Fans of "That Other Football"==
For most, if not all of the world, the most popular sports in a specific nation will usually include one game that is called "Football"... and usually only one sport at that although in rare occasions two. (exe.g. [[Association Football]] / Soccer and [[Rubgy Football]] in the United Kingdom, [[American Football]] in the United States, [[Gaelic Football]] in Ireland, and [[Australian Rules Football]] in Australia). However for some reason, it seems to be taboo for one to like two or more football codes, especially one that is considered "foreign". In Australia for example, most of the country is either divided between Rugby and Aussie rules, with soccer being an afterthought (outside of the national team),; while in the US;, outside the US MensMen's (and sometimes WomensWomen's) National Team, soccer is not seen well as a spectator sport compared to American Football, and it is hard to find someone to openly say they are a fan of both Football and Soccer (or even just soccer for that matter). Of course, since there are quite a few sports that claim the name Football, there are quite a few heated arguments among the fans of each sport on which sport really is the "Real" Football (Soccer vs [[American Football]] debates especially), [[Internet Backdraft|with plenty of]] of [[Serious Business|eloquent]] and [[Did Not Do the Research|well-researched arguments]] to [[Fan Dumb|make their point]].
For the record, if you were wondering where all these sports called "Football" came from, in the 19th century, kids played their own versions of football however they felt like it. But soon after, there was a call in England for standardizing the rules of Football, which of course led to lots of arguing. In the end the arguers settled on two games: Rugby Football and Association football. Not long after, other organized sports based on these two sports as well as others were formed ([[Australian Rules Football]], [[American Football]], [[Gaelic Football]], etc.) and all of these "Football" sports have since gained a foothold in sports culture. Of course since there are quite a few sports that claim the name Football, many of these arguments continue on to this very day.
=== [[Literature]] ===
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They are often accused of bringing "nerd-like traditions" into sports fandoms, and cheering when they are "not" supposed to cheer.
=== OtherAdvertising ===
* [ This article from] [[The Onion]] notes this.
* [ This ESPN commercial notes this]. In the commercial, two jocks were discussing baseball stats when a couple of nerds pass by and call them "nerds".
=== Web Original ===
* [ This article from] [[The Onion]] notes this.
==Women who don't like clothes (or [[All Women Love Shoes|shoes]]) shopping==
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See also [[Everyone Hates Mimes]].
==Historical Reenactors==
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=== [[Live-Action TV]] ===
* An ''SNL'' sketch featured John C. Reilly as an actor at Colonial Williamsburg who felt attitudes about slavery in the Eighteenth century justified pushing around his black co-workers. Even in e-mails.
* A [[You Go, Girl!]] episode of ''[[Ellen]]'' had the titular heroine trying to join a reenactment as a union soldier, when the only roles open to women were nurses and camp followers.
* Mark on ''[[Peep Show]]'' makes friends with Daryl who's into history as much as he is. One scene features them both at an event, dressed as German soldiers when Daryl starts making racist remarks. Marks starts joining in, thinking it's just role-play, only to discover his new friend really is a white supremacist.
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=== Literature ===
* As well as many digs at folk-music (a [[Take That Me]], since Sir Pterry's a huge fan in real life), ''[[Discworld]]'' includes two shots at accordianistsaccordionists: it's one of the tax officer's faults in ''[[Discworld/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]'', and in ''[[Discworld/The Truth|The Truth]]'', William worries that if the paper names members of the Ankh-Morpork Recovering AccordianAccordion Players Society, they'll complain.
=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* Pheobe's music in ''[[Friends]]''. Also Ross's peculiar keyboard arrangements, and his attempt to learn the bagpipes.
=== [[Radio]] ===
* In the ''[[Hamish Andand Dougal]]'' episode "the Vampire of the Glen", there's a gag about "Count Cardula ([[Sting (music)|Dramatic Accordian Sting]]) ... the accordian player" who tortured people by playing the accordian at them.
==Anime Fans==