Ace Attorney/Characters/Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Officers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Butt Monkey]]: More comedic characters seem to enjoy messing with him. From Oldbag the [[Abhorrent Admirer]], to Larry being a dumbass (admittedly, he's one around other characters too), to Yew laughing at him for being too serious, and so on...
* [[Catch Phrase]]:
** '''''{{<span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color|:red|;">Eureka!}}'''''</span> in ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth]]''.
** "I won't rest until I've inspected every suspicious-looking nook and cranny."
*** After he's found all the necessary information, "I already checked this place, but it never hurts to take another look."
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* [[Covers Always Lie]]: The cover of the first game makes him look strangely intimidating, even [[Grandpa God|godlike]].
* [[Deus Ex Machina]]: There are several moments in the series when the Judge intervenes during a seemingly hopeless situation for the player and rescues them. One of such moments is during {{spoiler|"Turnabout Goodbyes", where after allowing himself to be maniulated by von Karma throughout the whole trial, [[Neutral No Longer|he finally says "ENOUGH!"]] and demands Von Karma be subject to testing}}.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Either "the judge" or "Your/His Honor". His real name is never revealed. This is even lampshaded in one game where he gives Wright his business card, but the name is too smudged to read.
* [[Flanderization]]/[[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: There's always been the occassional silly moment involving the Judge, but as the series goes on, he becomes almost comedic relief, and gets increasingly dumber the further the series progresses, Homer Simpson style.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: He can speak Spanish.
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* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Starts as a female [[Jerkass]], ends up a Type A [[Tsundere]].
* [[Dynamic Character]]: Franziska [[Character Development|goes through a lot of changes]] throughout the series, and yet frequently reverts to past behaviours, shifting back-and-forth between being mean and antagonistic to siding with the protagonist. She ends up being very multi-layered, and you can never be sure what to really expect from her.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: She tends to use her whip to intimidate those she doesn't like... and those she ''does'' like... And those who annoy her, frustrate her, her own brother, or pretty much anyone who interacts with her at all. But she draws the line on children, elderly, and disabled, three groups who are safe from this treatment.
* [[Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy]]: Commonly does when introducing herself.
* [[Full-Name Basis]]: To the point that everyone else present starts doing the same, whether [[Got Me Doing It|by accident]] or [[Lampshade Hanging|to call her out on it]].
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* [[Not So Different]]: {{spoiler|With Yumihiko}}.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: To Phoenix, though Edgeworth'll do in a pinch {{spoiler|since he's the one Franziska wants to be superior to}}.
* [[Parody Sue]]: Seems to be a {{<span style="color|:red|;">[[Take That]]}}</span> at the [[Jerk Sue]] and [[Villain Sue]] used by many a fangirl.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: She won't whip children or the elderly (except for the Judge and his Canadian brother). Phoenix also remarks that she seems genuinely hurt after Pearl chews her out for being a "mean lady". In Case 4 of ''Ace Attorney Investigations'', {{spoiler|she shows concern for Kay, relating to her on the fact both her fathers were respected prosecutors, and also admits she wouldn't know what to do without her father (although she seems pretty fine now...)}}, and on the game overall, she sometimes shows concern for Edgeworth, even dropping the [[Full-Name Basis]] with him when she's not angry or exalted. Also in Case 4 of ''Ace Attorney Investigations 2'', {{spoiler|she was appalled by Bansai's treatment of Yumihiko which can reflect on how her father treated her, and in the ending, seems concerned about Yumihiko, since both of them are trying to live up to their fathers}}.
* [[Rage Quit]]: Her first loss to Phoenix causes her to {{spoiler|angrily whip him into unconsciousness}}.
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*** {{spoiler|In ''Ace Attorney Investigations'', Detective Badd actually manages to '''dodge it'''; the look of shock on her face is priceless}}.
*** ''Ace Attorney Investigations'' also sees Agent Lang ''catch'' the whip ''in midair''.
* [[Wise Beyond Her Years]]: Gotta give her credit, managing to earn a law degree before turning 18.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Mellows out a little between the second and third games, resulting in this. {{spoiler|She even ''helps'' Phoenix in the last case of the third game}}.
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl|Wouldn't Whip a Girl]]: Averted in her first appearance, where she has no trouble whipping Lotta Hart and Ini Miney when they get on her nerves. Played straight in the subsequent games, however, where she tends to whip the nearest male character (usually Gumshoe) if one of the female characters is annoying her.
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An International Affairs detective who also plays guitar in Klavier's band (see above). Appears in the third case of ''Apollo Justice''. {{spoiler|1=With Machi Tobaye's help, he smuggles a Borginian Cocoon out of Borginia. However, Interpol agent LeTouse was on his trail, and so Crescend killed him as a result}}.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: His design is based on a [[Everything Is's Even Worse Withwith Sharks|shark]], including his torpedo-shaped hair and jacket decorated with shark teeth.
* [[Anime Hair]]: An oversized, phallic pompadour with a patch of white on the tip. It goes beyond even the most extreme standards of impossibility when {{spoiler|he has his breakdown, by developing some split hairs... that split in the wrong direction, ''towards his head'', as if they originated from the tip}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Friend]]: He's this to Klavier, who he secretly used as a way to smuggle cocoons out of Borginia}}.
* [[Everything Is's Even Worse Withwith Sharks]]: His design is evocative of sharks, most obviously with his shark mouth-collared jacket and its shark fang zipper. {{spoiler|During his breakdown, he swings his head around so fast that his pompadour is evocative of a shark's fin zooming around in open waters}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: The guy is a dickhead in both the figurative and literal senses: he's prone to talking down to Apollo, is antagonistic towards Klavier, openly voices his displeasure for Borginians, and goes as far as to laugh at Mr. LeTouse for getting killed. {{spoiler|His attempted murder of Lamiroir as well as his plan to frame his child accomplice for his murder of LeTouse don't win him any likability points either}}. Plus, there's his infamous penis-shaped pompadour.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: "Crescend" might come from "crescendo" and could also be a reference to his Japanese name, which contains the kanji for "moon". "Mayuzuki" may come from "''mayu suki''" ("{{spoiler|I like cocoons}}").
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|Diplomatic Immunity? [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Agent Lang won't have any of that]], ''Ex-Ambassador Alba''}}.
** {{spoiler|Mind you, earlier that same night, ''he was shot in the thigh''. Most men would be cooped up in a hospital bed, but not Lang}}.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: '''''{{<span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color|:red|;">Not so fast!'''''}}</span>
** Also: "Lang Zi says: [''insert [[Metaphorgotten|wolf-related aphorism]]'']".
* [[Cool Shades]]: Way too cool for words. Just how do they even stay on his face?
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: She's said to always have a kind smile on her face, but is merciless towards anyone who breaks the law.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Has her moment in Case 4.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: '''''{{<span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color|:red|;">Overruled!'''''}}</span>
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Has black hair and eyes.
* [[I Have Your Wife|I Have Your Son]]: {{spoiler|She was forced to work against Edgeworth when they kidnapped her adoptive son}}.
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* [[Death by Origin Story]]: He's long dead by the time the game is set. His death in disgrace is what made Shi-Long Lang what he is today.
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