Age of Mythology: Difference between revisions

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* [[Flavor Text]]
* [[Foreshadowing]]: During the opening cutscene, when the temple begins collapsing, it is {{spoiler|Poseidon's trident}} that breaks from his statue and almost crushes the protagonist.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: The Atlanteans under CastorKastor's command {{spoiler|and eventually, leadership}} in ''The Titans'' go from a struggling, dying culture to a potent force to be reckoned with.
* [[Gaia's Vengeance]]: Gaia helps the heroes fight the [[Big Bad]] throughout the campaign by granting them the use of her powers to weaken the power of the Titans. {{spoiler|She also appears in person to fight [[God of Evil|Kronos]], and helps to imprison him once again.}}
* [[Gameplay Ally Immortality]]: The campaign heroes. Justified for Chiron and Regenlief, who are both actually immortal.
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** Leto's [[Zerg Rush|Automatons]] from the expansion.
** The Colossus unit is not ''living'', like the Automatons, but follows this anyway.
** The Terracotta Warrior unit for the Chinese from ''Tale of the Dragon.''
* [[Luke Nounverber]]:
** The Norse Hersir units are shown by names, which are randomly generated from a pool of first names and last name parts. It is possible, through editing some text files, to [[Fail O'Suckyname|add]] [[Awesome McCoolname|some]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|more]] [[Names to Trust Immediately|variety]] in Hersir names. Some examples include "Hamal Refreshingbeveragemaker", "Hrolf Eggpuncher", and "Egill Griffonminer".
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* [[One-Hit Kill]]: Some powers and special abilities works like this, like the Medusas' petrifying gaze, Argo's acidic tears, Leto's spiders or the Mummy's sorcery.
* [[One-Man Army]]: Titans can dispatch average armies of [[Redshirt Army|human soldiers]] with ease.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: The Jiangshi, a Chinese myth unit that's an undead hopping vampire.
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]: In Arkantos' dream, the forces he eventually take control of are in red while the "evil empire" is blue. {{spoiler|This is a hint that he's playing as the actual enemy, with the blue faction being Atlantis itself. Something Athena lampshades afterwards.}}
* [[Party Scattering]]: The team of heroes is scattered by an avalanche caused by Kronos and must regroup before they can build a settlement.
* [[Physical God|Physical Gods]]: