Age of Mythology: Difference between revisions

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* [[Blob Monster]]: The Argo creatures from the sequel are clearly described as floating amoebas with tentacles and many eyes.[[One-Hit Kill|That can cry a stream of acidic tears as his special attack.]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: Ajax's comments about pulling off his enemy's head border on this.
* [[Celestial Bureaucracy]]: Compared to the other pantheons, the Chinese one operates like this.
* [[Chinese Mythology]]
* [[Classical Mythology]]
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* [[Fan Service]]: Is it necessary for the drawing of most of females within the game to have [[Buxom Is Better|large breasts]]? Or the goddesses to be [[Stripperiffic]]? And it's not just the girls - Apollo's image pictures him pretty much naked until a few centimeters above his crotch, and Anubis has a quite well defined chest...
** At one point in the Norse campaign Amanra, the Egyptian girl, [[Lampshade Hanging|complains of the cold]] due to her [ outfit]. This is never mentioned again, however.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: The Atlanteans can be described as a melange of Greek, Roman and Mesoamerican influences. Their units include inspirations from, among others, gladiators, legionaries, Byzantine Greek Fire and llamasllama caravans.
* [[Fire and Brimstone Hell]]: Erebus. Tartarus - the part where the Titans are imprisoned - is never shown, but presumably it's much the same. Interestingly, the Norse refer to it as Niflheim, which in actual myth was more like a Frost And Icicles Hell.
* [[Finish Him!]]: When Arkantos's army defeat "Gargarensis"'s in the Norselands, the heroes manage to capture "Gargarensis" (take note of the quotation marks; he's actually {{spoiler|Kemesyt, but transfigured into the form of Gargarensis via Loki's trickery magic}}. In the end, Ajax even resorts to asking Arkantos whether or not {{spoiler|to put him in a cage somewhere in Atlantis}}, rather than {{spoiler|cutting off his head}}. Arkantos refuses, saying {{spoiler|he has done too much against the Atlanteans, and orders to kill him}}. Ajax {{spoiler|chops off his head with a ''large axe'', with no remorse}}.
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* [[Gravity Sucks]]: Atlas' divine power, Implosion.
* [[Greek Mythology]]
* [[Hell Gate]]: FiveThe kinds: one the AtlantisAtlanteans can build one as a passage although it looks more heavenly (it is a ''sky'' passage),. There are also the Tartarus Gates, Apollo's Underworld Passage, the decorative or plot passage that can't be used, and the Titan Gate.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Chiron pulls one, by causing a rockslide that traps him with a bunch of giants but allows the other Heroes to escape This may be a form of [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]], as it is mentioned that Chiron ''is'' immortal.}}
* [[Hollywood Tactics]]: The cinematic for the original game and the expansion shows the spearmen charging, despite how dense formations were the method of using them of the time period. Since the spearmen were just rejuvenated and ready to attack from being previously getting beaten before ([[Fridge Brilliance|plus, their formations probably would've been useless against the ridiculous brute strength of the mythological creatures they were facing]]), their lack of discipline in the situation may be a [[Justified Trope]]. Also, [[Shown Their Work|since the unit information on them notes the use of formations]], it was at least the [[Rule of Cool]].
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* [[Physical God|Physical Gods]]:
** Athena, Osiris, Zeus, Gaia, Thor and the other Olympian/Egyptian/Norse gods. {{spoiler|Arkantos becomes one after his [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|ascent to godhood]].}}
** Manifesting physically, only Osiris {{spoiler|and a disguised Loki}} in the campaign, Gaia and Kronos in the Xpack, and {{spoiler|Arkantos.}}
* [[Physical Heaven]]: The [[Greek Mythology|Greek version,]] of course. {{spoiler|And Arkantos's son wastes no time in wrecking it either.}}
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: The [[Horny Vikings|Norse]] faction. They even gain Favor by just ''fighting.''
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** The Egyptians are depicted as they are in every Biblical and mummy movie ever made.
** The Norse are [[Horny Vikings]] at their most distilled.
** The Atlanteans, while not based on any one source, evoke both the legends Plato recountsrecount and Roman epics.
** The Chinese can be described as ''[[Romance of the Three Kingdoms]]'' meets ''[[Mulan]]'' and every kung-fu movie out there.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: Build a Titan Gate, and get a beast that can destroy an entire civilization. [[Death of a Thousand Cuts|But not necessarily the army attached to it]].
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** Egyptians to an extent, as they have the cheapest and weakest base units. The main god Set even provides you with free animal allies to bolster your forces. Quite a few of the minor gods support that kind of tactic as well.
** Leto's Automatons in the expansion campaign being the most memorable. The Tartarian Spawns near the end of said map qualify as an extremely deadly version of this.
** The Norse seem based around this strategy. They can make their basic soldier unit from town centers, this tactic can cripple an opponent early in the game by wiping out his villagers. Their buildings are weak so they rely on rush tactics to gain and keep an early advantage in the game. And their infantry are the ones that actually build buildings. So you can rush your troops in, throw down some training centers outside the enemy's base, and have a steady stream of soldiers rushing them. You also gain FaithFavor from Norse fighting, so attacking with a steady stream of sacrificial lambs is a surefire way to get a massive army of fire-giants relatively quick behind. Oh, [[But Wait! There's More!|and if that wasn't great enough]], Loki's decently cheap heroes can randomly summon myth units in battle, which can lead to an early victory just due to luck.
** Averted with the tabletop game. There's (usually) a set number of units that each side can bring to a battle.