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* [[Flavor Text]]
* [[Foreshadowing]]: During the opening cutscene, when the temple begins collapsing, it is {{spoiler|Poseidon's trident}} that breaks from his statue and almost crushes the protagonist.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: The Atlanteans under Castor in ''The Titans'' go from a struggling, dying culture to a potent force to be reckoned with.
* [[Gaia's Vengeance]]: Gaia helps the heroes fight the [[Big Bad]] throughout the campaign by granting them the use of her powers to weaken the power of the Titans. {{spoiler|She also appears in person to fight [[God of Evil|Kronos]], and helps to imprison him once again.}}
* [[Gameplay Ally Immortality]]: The campaign heroes. Justified for Chiron and Regenlief, who are both actually immortal.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: [[Shown Their Work|The information attached to everything shows that the developers know how everything really worked in the relevant civilizations and time periods]], but the gameplay doesn't necessarily reflect it.
* [[Giant Spider]]: Leto's Divine Power summons some spider's eggs which hatch in full grown ground spiders. They'll catch and drag a single enemy soldier underground, and then disappear.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: PhoenicesPhoenixes can make a short work of anything without ranged attacks with their area-damaging fire breath, but once they're confronted by some archers they won't last long.
* [[God's Hands Are Tied]]: Justified by Athena when she tells Arkantos that {{spoiler|the gates that imprison Kronos can only be opened by the hands of a mortal, and that direct intervention by Zeus could spark off a war among the gods.}}
* [[Gods Need Prayer Badly]]:
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** Manifesting physically, only Osiris in the campaign, Gaia and Kronos in the Xpack, and {{spoiler|Arkantos.}}
* [[Physical Heaven]]: The [[Greek Mythology|Greek version,]] of course. {{spoiler|And Arkantos's son wastes no time in wrecking it either.}}
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: The [[Horny Vikings|Norse]] faction. They even gain Favor by just ''fighting.''
* [[Public Domain Artifact]]: The Relics system is taken from Age of Empires, but in this case each relic is a unique object that gives you a different benefit. They range from "the Nose of the Sphinx" and "Trojan Gate Hinge" to the more whimsical "Boots of Kick Everything".
* [[Purple Is the New Black]]: In the cinematics, the "evil smokes" are usually purple and black; Kronos has purple-black smoke oozing from his body, his shapeshifting servant arrives with a purple-black smoke, and transforms from Krios to his demonic self in a puff of purple and black energies.
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* [[Theme Music Power-Up]]: The soundtrack gets action-based when you use some devastating god power like Meteor, or when you order your troops are in close proximity to a fortress or town center they're attacking. The latter starts with hearing men yell out a [[Kiai|War Cry]] to help pump you up.
* [[The Time of Myths]]: Crossed with [[Anachronism Stew]], with each civilization being an mash of various eras associated with their respective lore. The Norse and Chinese in particular stand out, given how they wouldn't be too out of place in ''[[Age of Empires]] II''.
* [[Turned Against Their Masters]]: It's mentioned in the Atlantean lore that Leto's Automatons rose against their creators at one point. Though it didn't overturn or destroy Atlantis, it led to them gaining greater acceptance and even citizenship.
* [[Updated Rerelease]]: The ''Extended Edition'', which enhances graphics and introduces features like Steam support and updated online multiplayer while keeping the original gameplay.
* [[Units Not to Scale]]: Especially when you compare units to Transport Ships and 5-person monsters to 10-person houses.