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Among the '''many''' [[Conspiracy Theories]] he holds, he purports that the elite is plotting to kill us all [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|any minute now]] via vaccines, food, fluoride and [[Everything Trying to Kill You|pretty much everything, really]]. He's also the guy who snuck into Bohemian Grove and took video, which he claims shows the world Elite about to sacrifice a baby to Molech [[Did Not Do the Research|(yeah, about that...)]]. He's also a 9/11 truther who, if you believe everything he's said over the years, believes that the US military trained the pilots who crashed the planes into the Twin Towers ''and'' that the planes weren't real.
On top of numerous legal issues both from his estranged wife (who alleged him to have been of questionable sanity, something that isn't doubtful considering his erratic and irrational behaviour) and those whom he accused e.g. families of Sandy Hook shooting victims, among them social activist Leonard Pozner whose son was murdered in the attack, Jones has since been branded a pariah by mainstream social media and internet services, namely Facebook, Apple, YouTube, Spotify, Periscope and Roku, largely for promoting hate speech and inciting violence against people of other faiths and ethnicities. PayPal also barred him from conducting business transactions, and the official InfoWars mobile apps were removed from the Apple App Store; the Android client remained on the Google Play Store for a time until it was finally taken down by Google on March 2020 due to fake news circulated by Jones relating to the [[COVID-19 pandemic]]. Similar crackdowns were made on YouTube channels and mobile apps either associated with Jones or mirroring any content from his site.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "You can't make this up, people!"
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: But he's a "performance artist", right?
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: A rather famous one.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: He claims that the guys at Bohemian Grove were sacrificing a baby to the god Molech. The statue which he claims represents Molech is an owl. Molech is a man with the head of a bull, and the "baby" is an effigy which is supposed to represent the "dull cares of conscience."
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* [[Media Research Failure]]: His "review" of the film ''[[Watchmen (film)|Watchmen]]''.
* [[Stealth Parody]]: Possibly used against him in the rotoscoped film ''[[Waking Life]]''. In it, he is shown yelling one of his monologues over a car loudspeaker, while the animation slowly increases his skin hue to brighter, darker shades of red. This could just be a simple exaggeration used in many pieces of animation, or a reference to the ''imprisoned psychopath'' who is shown in the same way earlier in the movie while he loudly and publicly devises the ''most harmful and painful way to kill the people who got him into prison in the first place''.
* [[Unperson]]: Mounting pressure from victims of mass shootings along with Jones's tendency to sow discord against minorities and people of other faiths forced social media outlets and web services to ''permanently ban'' Jones and InfoWars. Facebook, [[Apple]], YouTube, [[Spotify]], [[Periscope]], [[Roku]] and [[Twitter]] removed all of Jones's accounts and content posted by him or his affiliates, to name a few. Online payment service PayPal wanted nothing to do with him either, and the official InfoWars mobile apps were removed from the Apple App Store for terms of service violations; the [[Android]] client remained on the Google Play Store for a time until it was finally taken down by [[Google]] on March 2020 due to misinformation circulated by Jones relating to the [[COVID-19 pandemic]].
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: An attempted collaboration with fellow conspiracy loony Jeff Rense resulted in a very vicious falling out between the two, mainly because both of them suspected the other of being a double agent for the 'other side'.