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* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: A rather famous one.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: He claims that the guys at Bohemian Grove were sacrificing a baby to the god Molech. The statue which he claims represents Molech is an owl. Molech is a man with the head of a bull, and the "baby" is an effigy which is supposed to represent the "dull cares of conscience."
* [[False-Flag Operation]]: Claimed the Sandy Hook shootings was a hoax perpetrated by “crisis actors” in a broad scheme to trample on Second Amendment rights. Given the lawsuits that resulted and the media platforms he's been kicked off of, it seems this was one time he crossed the line and was unable to do so twice.
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: Alex thinks that just about ''everything'' is part of a massive global conspiracy by the Elite to kill off the little people.
** [ And now, juice boxes are apparently part of the conspiracy, as well.]