Alias (TV series): Difference between revisions

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[[File:syd15Alias_poster_tv.jpg|frame|Don't be fooled by the wig that she's got, she's still Jenny with a Glock...]]
{{quote|My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago I was recruited by a secret branch of the CIA called SD-6. I was sworn to secrecy, but I couldn't keep it from my fiancé. And when the head of SD-6 found out, he had him killed. That's when I learned the truth: SD-6 is not part of the CIA. I've been working for the very people I thought I was fighting against.|'''Sydney Bristow''', ''opening narration''}}
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'''Jack Bristow:''' As I expected.|'''Alias,''' ''The Counteragent''}}
'''''Alias''''' is a [[Cliché Storm]]/[[Troperiffic]] [[Spy Drama]] (2001-2006) by [[J.J. Abrams]] about Sydney Bristow ([[Jennifer Garner]]), an agent for SD-6, black-ops division of the CIA, who discovers that, whoops, it wasn't a black-ops division of the CIA so much as a faction of a powerful [[Western Terrorists|terrorist group]] called The Alliance; so she becomes a [[Reverse Mole|double agent]]. She then discovers her father, a supposed salesman, is also a double agent for the CIA. Sydney then has to divide her loyalties between a team of good men at SD-6 who simply don't know their boss is the devil, and a team of mostly good men and a few pricks at the real CIA.
Pretty much a show full of [[Trope Workshop:Impossible Mission]] episodes, with a twist -- Sydney must perform her mission for the CIA, while appearing to be performing her mission for SD-6. There's also a large element of soap opera though, as she learns all kinds of secrets about her parents and their [[Mysterious Past]].
Unusual for its willingness to embrace a fanciful [[Story Arc]] about a centuries-old prophecy. The first four seasons all featured a subtle, never explained [[Myth Arc]] about an [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Italian inventor with a penchant for odd drawings and fanciful words]]. Somehow, this 15th century prophet is still relevant today. His designs have been implemented and his writings dissected. And apparently the global intelligence community has nothing better to do than go to war over every piece of technology he might have even glanced at.
Also notable for the fact that the show was [[Retool|ReTooled]] three separate times. Each time, character relationships and roles changed in fundamental ways.
One of the leaders in [[Wig, Dress, Accent]].
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** Debatable, Sydney rather brutally breaks a guard's neck near the end of Season 1 Episode 2.
* [[Aborted Arc]]: Originally Irina was supposed to have more of a role in Season 4, but the actress left for contractual reasons.
* [[Action Girl]]: Mainly Sydney, but also Irina, Lauren, Nadia, Rachel, Anna Espinosa and Allison Dorren.
** Really, it would be easier to name the female characters who aren't Action Girls.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Averted. The suave international terrorist Sark clearly has eyes for Sydney, but she'll have none of it.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: So Elena is supposed to be Russian??
* [[And I Must Scream]]: {{spoiler|Sloane's ultimate fate}}.
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* [[Arc Words]]: "Truth takes time". "The Passenger".
* [[Attending Your Own Funeral]]: The Covenant forces Sydney to do this as part of their brainwashing.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: {{spoiler|In the series finale Sloane is shot and killed by Sydney. Luckily, his body fell into a vat of special Rambaldi liquid that healed his wounds and brought him back to life}}.
** Bigger problem though. {{spoiler|He was stuck under a collapsed pillar when Jack blew himself up}}.
* [[Badass]]: A basic requirement for being a regular character on this show.
** Especially true of Jack Bristow.
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: Jack, a game theorist [[The Chessmaster|chessmaster]] who will nonetheless disarm you in .5 seconds and shoot you between the eyes.
* [[Badass Family]]: Almost. The characters are related somehow, and sometimes they even go on missions together. It's dangerous enough to mess with Sydney, but if you mess with Sydney ''and'' Jack at the same time, you're just asking for trouble. Also, the two-part episode in Season 2, "Passage", where {{spoiler|Irina goes undercover with Jack and Sydney to India as a family of tourists to recover six stolen nuclear warheads}}, is a badass family vacation if there ever was one.
* [[Bad Guy Bar]]: A staple trope in ''Alias''.
* [[Bait and Switch Gunshot]]
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** {{spoiler|Lauren}} worked for the Covenant, but posed as an NSA agent.
** Sark is always claiming to work for someone or other, but is usually just out for himself.
* [[Dueling Hackers]]: Marshall (the resident Omnidisciplinary Nerd) was in a hacking duel at least once, as someone tried to break into [[SD 6]]'s system.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: There's dysfunctional and then there's the Bristow family. The dysfunctionality certainly extends past the Bristows though. Most of the characters lives a marred by the death and/or betrayal of loved ones. It certainly doesn't help when our heroes are forced to work with the bad guys and double-crossers or the people they thought were dead but actually weren't.
* [[Elaborate Underground Base]]: APO.
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* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: Goal: Take Down Sloane.
* [[Fake Defector]]: {{spoiler|Sloane}}.
* [[Faking the Dead]]: Nearly every character does this at least twice.
* [[Fan Service]]: Done, very much with a wink, in "Phase One": the opening shot of the episode is Sydney in her red underwear and holding a whip. This episode, by the way, was right after the Super Bowl. However, there are many a straight example.
* [[Final Season Casting]]
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* [[Flak Jacket]]
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Season One's [[Big Bad]], "Suit-and-Glasses".
* [[The Generic Guy]]: Rachel Gibson and Thomas Grace were two characters added in the fifth season to fill in while Jennifer Garner was pregnant (which meant she wasn't up to full Action Girl speed). They were both fine and action-y, but neither one was equal to Sydney.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Dixon, an excellent guy to have as backup and whose brains are well-balanced with his brawn.
* [[Good All Along]]
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* [[Homage]]: There's one to the famous fight scene from ''[[Raiders of the Lost Ark]]'' in "A Free Agent", complete with a fistfight on an airfield and a [[Mook]] going into the propeller of a plane.
* [[How We Got Here]]: Done several times, by necessity.
* [[I Have Come Too Far]]
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Played with in respect to Emily Sloane, though ultimately {{spoiler|subverted, as Sloane was pulling this on ''himself'' and Emily was in on the con}}.
* [[Trope Workshop:Impossible Mission]] {{context}}
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: "Arvin Clone".
* [[Incredibly Obvious Bug]]: Averted. Marshall loves to show off bugs that look like paper clips or pens, or in once case an actual cockroach.
* [[Instant Sedation]]: Happens a ''lot''.
* [[Ironic Nursery Tune]]: "Pop Goes the Weasel" in Season Two's "Double Agent".
* [[Jigsaw Puzzle Plot]]: The show juggles with its Rambaldi devices, ancient conspiracies, modern spy dramas, and family problems. There's an overarching [[Myth Arc]], but by the fifth season, there are too many pieces and they don't all fit it in the same puzzle.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: Very few people, surprisingly. Danny, in the very first episode, then later the Iceman, {{spoiler|Francie}}, {{spoiler|Lauren Reed}}, {{spoiler|Emily Sloane}} and {{spoiler|Diane Dixon}}. Being a love interest other than Vaughn seems to be deadly. But for almost everyone else, [[Death Is Cheap]].
** Except for {{spoiler|[[Kill'Em All|a large number]] in the last season - Jack, Irina, Thomas, Nadia, and Sloane all bite the big one}}.
* [[Kudzu Plot]]
* [[The Lab Rat]]: Marshall.
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* [[Magical Defibrillator]]: At the end of the Season 3 episode "Facade".
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: Literally named "The Man". Played with, though, because {{spoiler|"The Man" is actually Irina, a woman}}.
* [[Martial Arts Do Not Work That Way]]: Mostly seen with the female characters, who occasionally use high-flying kicks, backflips and the like. The male characters' fighting styles are generally less flamboyant.
* [[The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life]]: ''Literally'', in many cases, and the first major event in the show.
* [[Mata Hari]]: Most of the cast.
** Not to mention one of TWOP's [[Fan Nickname|favorite nicknames for Irina]], "Mama Hari".
* [[Memory Gambit]]
* [[Mind Screw]]
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* [[Mole in Charge]]: Jack, occasionally. Sloane, in Season Four.
* [[Moscow Centre]]: Irina Derevko was originally a KGB agent, posing as an American to gain the trust and confidence of Jack Bristow and steal secrets from the CIA.
* [[MotifsMotif]]: A number of them, running throughout the series.
** [[Animal Motifs]]: One of Sydney's call signs {{spoiler|after she returned from the "dead"}} was [[The Phoenix|"Phoenix"]]; Jack's call signs are all birds ("Blackbird" with SD-6, "Raptor" with the CIA).
** [[Esoteric Motifs]]: The Rambaldi sign, which looks like this: '''<o>'''
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* [[Not Even Bothering with the Accent]]: Melissa George as Lauren Reed. They wrote the character as American, cast an Australian who can do a serviceable American accent, and make her an American raised in England. The result was an Australian accent jumbled in with vague attempts at sounding American and English at different points. Inexplicably her parents, played by Raymond J. Barry and Peggy Lipton, Americans who were supposed to be doing American accents, would randomly use British inflections for no apparent reason. ''Even by the standards of a show where the accents were questionable much of the time'', the Reeds' accents were awful.
* [[Obstacle Exposition]]
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: [[Quentin Tarantino]], visibly enjoying himself as McKenas Cole. In Season 1, he's more of a Two Episode Wonder, but when he pops up again in Season 3, he fits the trope perfectly.
* [[Opening a Can of Clones]]: Rule of thumb on ''Alias'' - even if we've seen a body, they're probably [[Not Quite Dead|not dead]].
* [[Pair the Spares]]: Will Tippin and Francie. Also, much later, Weiss and Sydney's [[Dead Little Sister]], Nadia.
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* [[The Rashomon]]
* [[Recap Episode]]: See the entry for [[Clip Show]] above.
* [[Retool]]: The show was [[Retool]]ed several times. By nature, of course, this contains several spoilers.
** In Season 2, halfway through, {{spoiler|Sydney and the CIA bring down the entire Alliance, including SD-6, Sydney starts to work for the ''real'' CIA in the open}}, and her relationships with Vaughn, Sloane, Sark, and Dixon all change, and her relationships with her father and Marshall remain basically the same. Her relationships with Will and Francie both {{spoiler|end}} as a result of this change.
** In Season 3, {{spoiler|after Sydney's 2-year memory hole, faked death, etc}}, Sydney finds that Vaughn is {{spoiler|married}}, her dad {{spoiler|is in jail}}, Dixon {{spoiler|is the director of the LA office of the CIA}}, Sloane is {{spoiler|living in Europe as a philanthropist,}} and other things.
** In Season 4, Sydney works for a branch of the CIA called APO, or Authorized Personnel Only, which is a lot like SD-6. Here, the official team relationships are the same as at the start of the pilot (minus the double-agent part), with the original team of Sydney, Dixon, Sloane, and Marshall back together in their original team roles, along with Jack and Vaughn. However, after three seasons of betrayal and general evil by Sloane, all the personal relationships are extremely frayed.
** There are other, more minor [[Retool|ReTools]], but these are the major ones. Season 5 is sort of a [[Retool]], but it's constantly changing and never settles. The interesting thing is that all of the original characters are maintained (minus {{spoiler|Will and Francie}}) despite all of the changes in the show. The same might be said of any show, but in ''Alias'', all of the characters completely change teams at least once and repeatedly betray one another, some of them over and over, in ways that would destroy most real (and even most TV) relationships.
* [[MataSeductive HariSpy]]: Most of the cast.
** Not to mention one of TWOP's [[Fan Nickname|favorite nicknames for Irina]], [[Mata Hari|"Mama Hari"]].
* [[She Fu]]: One of the [[Trope Codifier|Trope Codifiers]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: One of Marshall's passwords is "[[The Elric Saga|Moonglum of Elwher]]".
* [[Significant Monogram]]: Sydney's dad Jack is a Cold War relic of a superspy with the initials "JB". [[James Bond|Hmmm...]]
* [[Sinister Surveillance]]
* [[Something They Would Never Say|Something They Would Never Do]]: This how Sydney knows that {{spoiler|Francie}} is an imposter. Sydney offers her some coffee ice cream, something the real {{spoiler|Francie}} hated, and she accepts.
* [[Special Guest]]: Many.
* [[Spot the Imposter]]: Via [[Cloning Blues|Project Helix]].
* [[Spotting the Thread]]: Happens several times, given the villains' tendency to clone people close to Sydney and send them in as spies.
* [[Spy-Versus-Spy]]: This show is one of the few non-intentional uses of the trope. In the beginning, it was CIA versus SD-6. And SD-6 also had enemies in K-Directorate. Then it became CIA versus the Covenant. And then CIA versus... well, that's when it started getting complicated.
* [[Spy Drama]]: Kind of self-explanatory.
* [[Spy From Weights and Measures]]: While working for SD-6, Sydney and associates ostensibly work for Credit Dauphine Bank.
** Except Jack, who allegedly manufactured airplane parts for Jennings Aerospace.
* [[The Stoic]]: Jack Bristow, ladies and gentlemen.
** [[Not So Stoic]]: Any time his family is threatened, and most of the time Irina is around.
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* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Katya Derevko for Irina, because they could get Isabella Rosselini and couldn't afford Lena Olin. Katya has all of Irina's attributes and was rather obviously interchangeable. Extra cool because {{spoiler|Jack gets to hook up with her}}.
* [[Taking You with Me]]: Jack Bristow's final [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] in a long line of them.
* [[The Teaser]]: At times long enough to have their own commercial breaks.
* [[Techno Wizard]]: Marshall. His wife and [[Distaff Counterpart]] Carrie, in her brief appearances.
* [[Terrorists Without a Cause]]: Sark routinely changes his alliances, and his true allegiance seems to be only to himself.
** The same can be said of Irina.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Subverted. Dr. Barnett is even a [[Recurring Character]].
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** "I've waited almost thirty years for this." {{spoiler|"MOM?!"}}
** "Syd... since that night... {{spoiler|you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years}}."
** "Well, for starters, my name's not {{spoiler|Michael Vaughn}}."
* [[Wig, Dress, Accent]]: Sydney's favorite method of disguise, occasionally used by other agents.
** Lampshaded by the TWOP [[Fan Nickname|nickname]] for her - "Spy Barbie".
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