Alien Soldier/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Goddamned Boss]]: Some of the bosses may not be tough, but they are certainly annoying.
* [[Non Sequitur Scene]]: A blue teddy bear, menaced by kissing aliens, operates a power boat and is unceremoniously thrown overboard by a giant lobster. Hell, half the bosses are like this; a cyborg wolf with an [[Arm Cannon]] riding a horse, anyone?
* [[Tear Jerker]]: That cute blue bear that drives the boat for you? He gets thrown into the river by the Lobster boss, helplessly calling for help.
{{quote|'''[[Player Punch|"HELP!"]]'''}}
* [[That One Boss|Those Several Bosses]]: Listing these would take up half the article. The queen bitch of them all, however, must be Siren Force. [[Underwater Boss Battle|You fight her underwater,]] depriving you of your fire-based weapons, in a constantly moving vortex full of mines, [[Timed Mission|with a timer that's about to run out.]] Oh, and after you've fought Valkyrie, Medusa, Silpheed and Artemis Force, none of which are exactly a walk in the park.
** Epsilon-1, your character's [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] which manifests itself in an [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot|evil giant robotic eagle]] [[Kill All Humans|bent on destroying humanity.]] Its [[Attack Its Weak Point|weak spot]], [[Boom! Headshot!|the head]], is obscured by its two talons that absorb ALL shots they touch. Oh, and EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of his attacks do '''200''' damage, enough to kill you in a few hits or so. Finally, the only weapon that does decent damage against it is the ammo-scarce Lancer Force (provided it doesn't get blocked by the talons). Which you might probably have run out of after [[Boss Rush|three boss battles in a row]] against Sunset Sting, Viblack, and [[Giant Spider|Back Stringer]].