All The Tropes:Everything's Worse With Snowclones: Difference between revisions

(→‎Snowclones that work: removed TVT reference)
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As you may have noticed, we have some titles that people very ''frequently'' try to make snowclones of, almost enough for the practice to become a [[Discredited Trope]] in and of itself. Be careful with these!
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not an Index?|What Do You Mean, It's Not (An) X?]]: This family of tropes is about when something is played up as X, but is not really X. The "not really X" part, unfortunately, expanded in scope to include various sub-concepts and now it's impossible to tell which one of them the snowclone is referencing (are the writers aware of the discrepancy? If they are, are they [[Played for Laughs|playing the contrast for laughs]] or actually trying to get the audience to go "whoa, awesome"?). This ''may'' be the best title if the trope is a really obvious instance of the "playing it up for X when it's not really" schtick across the board. If it's not, you should probably put the effort into coming up with something less muddled.
* [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov's X]]: This family includes tropes about elements that are introduced early to become important later. If what you're suggesting is this sort of trope, clearly explain what differentiates it from a generic [[Chekhov's Gun]] and make sure that it actually needs its own trope. If the difference comes down to "[[The Same but More Specific|Chekhov's Hat]]- a [[Chekhov's Gun]] that happens to be a hat", for instance, then it probably doesn't.