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{{quote|''I'm the damn bassador of I'll fuckin' kick your assador''|'''The Vandels''', ''Euro-Barge''}}
|'''The Vandels''', ''Euro-Barge''}}
Basically, a character whose primary role is some sort of ambassador/diplomat, but when the [[Peace Conference|peace talks]] fail whips out a can of [[badass]]ery. May be a [[Hidden Badass]]. Contrast [[Ass in Ambassador]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Marvel Universe|Marvel]] comics character M/Monet is the daughter of an ambassador, but is also very adept at ass-kicking. Being a [[Nigh Invulnerable]] [[Flying Brick]] helps quite a bit.
* [[Wonder Woman]] is a borderline example, as her [[Badass]] work as a superhero is her primary focus, with her work as an ambassador to "Man's world" as a secondary focus.
* In ''[[X-Men: The End]]'', that reality's version of Kitty Pryde becomes mayor of Chicago and then President of the United States.
== [[Film]] ==
* The Jedi from ''[[Star Wars]]'' are extremely adept warriors, but they are first and foremost diplomats and peacekeepers.
** Princess (and former Imperial Senator) Leia Organa & General Luke Skywalker.
*** Like mother, like daughter &and son. Padme Amidala was in the thick of it at the Battle of Theed, the Battle of Geonosis, and several engagements of the Clone Wars. Leia's adopted father, Bail Organa, also wasn't a slouch in the butt-kicking department. Given how pathetically incompetent security details seem to be in the ''[[Star Wars]]'' galaxy, it's probably one of the unwritten qualifications for being a senator.
* Raiden from the ''Mortal Kombat'' films serves as a mediator between mortals and the elder deities, eventually fighting alongside mortals.
* In [[Fort Apache]] Kirby York(US Cavalry) and Cochise(Apache) are each other's "contact in the enemy camp". Both are honorable fighters, both [[Worthy Opponent|respect one another]], and both are vainly trying to prevent [[Forever War|more violence]] from taking place.
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* As of the last two books of the [[Time Scout]] series, Skeeter Jackson is the ambassador from the downtimers trapped on TT-86 to the uptime world. He also kicks ass during riots, fights off downtime bandits, and captures trained uptime assassins. And takes a girl on a date.
* [[Vorkosigan Saga|Miles Vorkosigan]] in several of the stories in the series, including ''Cetaganda'', and ''Diplomatic Imunity''.
* In ''[[The Winds of War and War and Remembrance]]'', Leslie Slote is at first a timid man who is reduced to a state of idiocy under shell fire when Warsaw is besieged. However when he is dealing with something within his parameters like contacting partisans, or battling SS Guards in a contest of wills. Or in general things that involve dealing with people rather then explosives, he shows himself heroic. And he ends the book by becoming a commando and dying in battle.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Firefly]]'': Inara often functions as the ship's ambassador. She's also fairly adept at swordfighting and archery.
* Worf becomes an Ambassador at the end of ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]''. You don't get much more badass than Worf. Especially given that he's long since overcome his [[The Worf Effect|TNG-era jobbing streak]].
** Also, from what we've heard anyway, Curzon Dax would probably qualify. There has to be a reason that three of his closest friends were legendary Klingon warriors Kor, Koloth and Kang. And that said warriors allowed him to join their Blood Oath of revenge against [[Evil Albino|the Albino]].
** [[Minored in Asskicking|Ambassador Spock]] from [[Star Trek: The Original Series|TOS]] is pretty handy in a fight, too. [[Technical Pacifist|Just because he doesn't like fighting doesn't mean he's not good at it.]]
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'':
** The Envoy [[Prestige Class]] in the second edition of ''[[Dungeons and Dragons|Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]]'' was specifically a diplomat, who nevertheless enjoyed all the bonuses of its base [[Knight in Shining Armor|Paladin]] class.
** ''Every'' drow diplomat is a [[Dark Action Girl]], as for them, the two roles are invariably intertwined. The word for "ambassador" in their language is the same as their word for "assassin".
** In the original ''Dungeon Masters Guide'' for ''[[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]]'', [[Gary Gygax]] advised against this for low-level players (high level players ''becoming'' this or starting [[Fallen Princess| as exiled royalty]] was acceptable). His reasoning was, aristocrats tended to have more money, which gave PCs both an advantage and little incentive to go dungeon delving at.
* The Eclipse Caste from ''[[Exalted]]'' (and their corrupted equivalents, the Moonshadows and Fiends) are meant to serve as diplomats, ambassadors, and envoys, and have Charm sets aimed towards managing bureaucracies, engaging the court, and composing perfect letters. They are just as capable of learning nigh-godly fighting styles as any other Caste, and are capable of writing a [[Strongly Worded Letter]] that can ''kill you''.
* Lorette Strider in the [[Traveller]] volume ''Interstellar Wars''. She was a great explorer, and worked to build an understanding between Terrans and Vilani. Sadly, she failed; however, the Third Imperium could be considered the eventual realization of her dream.
* The Crane and Scorpion Clans in ''[[Legend of the Five Rings]] ''. Particularly the crane, who are all poise and diplomacy until a Kakita Dueling Academy graduate is cutting you from hip to shoulder.
* The Pornomancer concept in ''[[Shadowrun]]'' has skills in diplomacy and negotiation so high he can convince the guards shooting you to be his bodyguards in the middle of combat.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* Quercus Alba of ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations]]'', {{spoiler|while certainly putting the [[Ass in Ambassador]], manages to kill a man half his age in a fight while barely getting scratched while said man came at him with a knife longer than Alba's. Also, being able [[Marathon Boss|to fend off Edgeworth's arguments for so long]] has to count for something, right?}}
* S'taass in ''[[Star Trek Online]]'', who takes on Jem'hadar with his bare hands and claws.
* Mayor Pauline in ''[[Super Mario Odyssey]]'' can't exactly fight, [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?| but man, she can certainly ''sing!'']]
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'', ex-Admiral Breya Andreyasn functions as the United Nations of Sol's ambassador to the Fleetmind. Definitely [[Badass]], both for her accomplishments prior to appointment, and for some of the things she did AS ambassador.
* Ambassador Ichiro of [[Errant Story|Tsuiraku]], seen [ here], complete with [[Lampshade Hanging|commentary]] [ here].
* Prince Tramennis of Jetstone, in ''[[Erfworld]]''. As a diplomat, his father dispatched him to a relatively useless area... and Tramennis returned with a powerful alliance and peace offerings. As a Chief Warlord, he's been able to match wits with [[The Evil Genius|Charlie]] and keep up with [[Xanatos Speed Chess|Parson's]] [[Loophole Abuse|unconventional]] [[Rules Lawyer|strategies]].
* This essentially seems to be the function of the Imperial Overseers in ''[[Drowtales]]'', an [[Lady of War|all female]] group of women who serve the Chelian Empress and visit clans on her behalf, as well as breaking out a can of whoopass when necessary.
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* Venetian diplomats could live in unusual places hosted by rulers who were prone to [[Off with His Head|erratic behavior]], sometimes with the foreign diplomats as a target for their wrath. Venetian diplomats were not only known for their cunning but for their [[Stiff Upper Lip|coolness]] and their skill as [[Deadpan Snarker]]s. One example: Venetian Ambassador Giorgio Dolphin was in an audience with Pope Julius II who, in a fit of fury, declared his intent to reduce Venice to a humble fishing village. Giorgio replied that ''Venice'' would reduce ''him'' to "''un curatello qualsiasi''" (a humble country priest).
* The first Japanese ambassadors were samurai. It helped that there wasn't much else for them to do during the [[Meiji Era]]; the feudal system had been abolished and the military thoroughly modernized, so the samurai factions that had allied with Emperor Meiji against the Tokugawa Shogunate had to find less combat-oriented ways to serve.
* For a long time, when travel was constrained, being a diplomat required a long and dangerous journey, sometimes into unknown and uncivilized territory or even through a war zone. If an ultimatum was being carried, an ambassador often had to worry about the receiver's [[Off With His Head|reacting harshly]]. In frontier regions inhabited by warlike people'speoples, some of the toughest diplomatic jobs were to be had.
**Custer was a frontier diplomat himself as well as a soldier. His reputation at this was not memorable to say the least because of other aspects of his career but he did not ruin the job entirely.
**General George Crook was a very distinguished frontier diplomat as well as a frontier general. He had the distinction of being praised by [[Worthy Opponent| the Apache]] at his funeral.
**One of the best compliments to be given Lewis and Clark is that their trip was so ''boring''. They lost no men and left no feuds with Indians behind them(latter troubles sure as heck weren't ''their'' fault).
**On the Afghan border the Indian Political Service was known for haggling with Pathans, some of the toughest critters on the planet.
* In [[World War 2]], the [[OSS]] was sent to contact the Dalai Lama in Tibet because the terrain was [[Understatement|slightly awkward]] for traditional diplomats. The goal was to attain transit rights for the supply of China. There was the traditional exchange of polite potlatching, including an expensive timepiece. One request the Tibetans made was a radio which was finally sent. Unfortunately much of this was looked on with suspicion by the Nationalists who apparently [[Too Dumb to Live|considered their petty territorial claims]] more important than getting weapons to survive the Japanese and the Chicoms.
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