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** The Envoy [[Prestige Class]] in the second edition of ' was specifically a diplomat, who nevertheless enjoyed all the bonuses of its base [[Knight in Shining Armor|Paladin]] class.
** ''Every'' drow diplomat is a [[Dark Action Girl]], as for them, the two roles are invariably intertwined. The word for "ambassador" in their language is the same as their word for "assassin".
** In the original ''Dungeon Masters Guide'' for [[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]]'', [[Gary Gygax]] advised against this for low-level players (high level players ''becoming'' this or starting [[Fallen Princess| as exiled royalty]] was acceptable). His reasoning was, aristocrats tended to have more money, which gave PCs both an advantage and little incentive to go dungeon delving at.
* The Eclipse Caste from ''[[Exalted]]'' (and their corrupted equivalents, the Moonshadows and Fiends) are meant to serve as diplomats, ambassadors, and envoys, and have Charm sets aimed towards managing bureaucracies, engaging the court, and composing perfect letters. They are just as capable of learning nigh-godly fighting styles as any other Caste, and are capable of writing a [[Strongly Worded Letter]] that can ''kill you''.
* Lorette Strider in the [[Traveller]] volume ''Interstellar Wars''. She was a great explorer, and worked to build an understanding between Terrans and Vilani. Sadly, she failed; however, the Third Imperium could be considered the eventual realization of her dream.
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