And I Must Scream/Real Life: Difference between revisions

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(put references to the late Stephen Hawking into past tense)
(the incredible murder/neglect case of Lacey Fletcher, as far as I am informed about it)
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* [ Akathisia], a movement disorder characterized by restlessness and a painful urge to move. Jack Henry Abbott described it:
* [ Akathisia], a movement disorder characterized by restlessness and a painful urge to move. Jack Henry Abbott described it:
** "You ache with restlessness, so you feel you have to walk, to pace. And then as soon as you start pacing, the opposite occurs to you; you must sit and rest. Back and forth, up and down you go … you cannot get relief …" <ref>Jack Henry Abbot ''[[In the Belly of the Beast]]'' (1981/1991). Vintage Books, 35–36. Quoted in Robert Whitaker, ''Mad in America'' (2002, {{ISBN|0-7382-0799-3}}), 187.</ref>
** "You ache with restlessness, so you feel you have to walk, to pace. And then as soon as you start pacing, the opposite occurs to you; you must sit and rest. Back and forth, up and down you go … you cannot get relief …" <ref>Jack Henry Abbot ''[[In the Belly of the Beast]]'' (1981/1991). Vintage Books, 35–36. Quoted in Robert Whitaker, ''Mad in America'' (2002, {{ISBN|0-7382-0799-3}}), 187.</ref>
* The case of [ Lacey Fletcher] who was found [[I'm Melting|"fused"]] into a sofa in her parents' house. ([[Nightmare Fuel|WARNING]] [[Nausea Fuel|DISTUR]][[Paranoia Fuel|BING!]])
** Unfortunately, there is a lot of low-quality information out there about this case. From what is known, Lacey was a friendly but shy and socially awkward girl who gradually started avoiding other people and going outside from puberty on. On a doctor visit at age 16 or 17, she got a diagnosis of [[Shrinking Violet|social anxiety disorder]] and a debatable diagnosis of [[Asperger Syndrome]]. After occassionally going out and meeting a neighbor boy until around age 21, she was no longer seen outside her house. Around 2010, when she was 24, her parents reported to a doctor that she would no longer leave the sofa in her living room and become incontinent. (Or at least so they said.) Apparently, [[There Are No Therapists|this didn't have any consequences]]. From then on, she was confined to that place (watching [[Otaku|Disney movies]] all day or what?), with all her body's waste accumulating on the sofa under her and gradually corroding both the furniture and her body. She ultimately died around new year of 2022, in such a state of [[Body Horror]] that even the pathologists were sick for several days following her autopsy ([[Schmuck Bait|Don't search the internet for pictures, please!]]). Later it was reported that Lacey would have suffered from Locked-in syndrome, but that theory fits poorly with the details of the crime scene, and it seems more likely that a mental disorder (or perhaps akinetic mutism) was responsible for her progressive seclusion and self-neglect. Anyways, she was obviously ill, and whether or not the initial cause was a physical one, she would have been immobilized by contractures after the first one or two years at maximum. Despite this, her parents stated that she [[You Fail Biology Forever|"always had a sound mind and made her own decisions"]], which probably kinda explains why they neglected her more and more. (If they weren't outright intentionally abusive; as of 2023 this case is still open.)
*** Disregarding the possibility that her parents somehow restrained her on purpose, this all sounds a lot like an extreme form of a [[Hikikomori]]. (Well, combined with caregivers who are either [[Jerkass]]es bordering on [[Complete Monster]] territory, or [[Too Dumb To Live|morbidly stupid]].)
** Whatever exactly happened (we may never know), this case is really an abomination. And it seems it's [[Fridge Horror|not even the first time]] such a thing happens. A couple of similar cases are known from the last decades, the dark figure is unknown (in case of Lacey nothing outside her house looked in any way suspicious), and it's probably [[You Fail Animal Care Forever|a lot more common to happen with animals]]...
