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Revision as of 01:10, 9 March 2014

  • Fridge Horror:
    • In the first game, Vidic noted that "we already have the Masyaf artifact." But we see in Revelations that Altair locked it away in his library vault, specifically saying "it needs to be hidden until its secret has been passed on." How did they get it? Ezio refuses to pick it up, noting that if he does, his quiet life with Sofia would be in jeopardy. The Templars just kept trying to go after it, and eventually succeeded.
      • Fortunately the Masyaf artifact was the one lost in the Denver International Airport incident.
      • Also luckily its secret had already been passed on the moment Ezio came into contact with it thanks to a twist on You Already Changed the Past, so aside from its run of the mill Mind Rape powers, it was essentially useless to the Assassins.
  • The Lost Archives takes you from Animus Island, to a runthrough of Subject 16's life up to this point. At the end of memory 7, "The End of The Line", you are deposited back on Animus island, and when you go through the gate like you did at the beginning of the DLC, it sends you back to memory 1: "The End is the Beginning". How many times has Clay gone through these memories, only to fail at the very end and restart?

  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • There's five keys to the door that locks Altaïr's library underneath Masyaf, but way more keyholes than that. The door is drawn or etched with a few animals from the Western zodiac, and all five of the "correct" keyholes are on the same constellation: Aquila, the Eagle.
    • In Revelations, Desmond is suddenly wearing a black hoodie, rather than his white hoodie. This might not just be because he's inside the Animus and in a very depressed, mentally broken state, but possibly also because he's now been trained and has the same skills as an Assassin Grand Master (both Ezio and Altaïr were this before dying), and as seen in AC 1, Al Mualim (the Grand Master) wore black robes, rather than the common white robes, and Altaïr's Armor in AC 2 has the same black color. In other words, the Animus shows us that Desmond is now as skilled as an Assassin Grand Master, and not just a student any more.
      • Furthermore, notice the color of Ezio's clothes during his trip to Constantinople. They're dark gray/black, just like Al Mualim's robes and Altaïr's Armor.
    • Suleiman and Ezio become quite suspicious of a certain man and wind up executing him, only to find out a bit too late that he wasn't necessarily against them. This is the sort of thing that happened a bunch of times in Real Life's Suleiman's life, including with one of his own sons.
    • Since Subject 16 wrote the database entries for Revelations, it might seem a bit inappropriate when he gushes over how hot he thinks Sofia is, what with her being his great-great grandma. But when you factor in that he's spent at least as much time as Ezio as Desmond has, his confused feelings are a bit more explainable.
    • Remember the identical grandson thing? Now is it just me or does Darim look just a little bit like Subject 16?
    • In Embers, Shao Yun is wearing black despite not being a Master Assassin. But white has different cultural connotations in Chinese society, as does black, so it's not surprising she isn't wearing white.
    • Why did Selim banish Ezio? Because Selim likely wants to keep the city safe, and considering Ezio was causing a war in Constantinopoli with the Templars, Selim wouldn't want to get caught in the middle of this.
    • Altaïr develops an accent between the first game and this one. Since the game is being played from Ezio's point of view, he hears and translates Altaïr's accented Italian. In Assassin's Creed, Altaïr is speaking and translating from his native language and hears no accent himself. It could also be that these memories of Altaïr are being viewed from a different Animus: Abstergo's Animus channeled Altaïr's voice with an American accent to make him seem more acceptable to the user and thus help with synchronization. The Assassins' Animus, on the other hand, translates with native accents as, Lampshaded by the second game, the Animus 2.0 has issues with translation. As late as Revelations, the Animus 2.03 only mostly but doesn't completely translate, although this crops up more with Turkish than Italian.