Audrey Hepburn/YMMV

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  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Still very popular in Japan, where she is seen as a model of young womanhood. See for instance Rec (the anime, not the horror film).
    • Of course, she's also still highly popular, like, everywhere in the world. Just insanely popular in Japan.
  • Hollywood Homely: Would you believe she was considered this in her time?
  • Iron Woobie: Crappy parents, terror, violence, repression, and hunger during the war, several miscarriages, and wandering husbands, but did she complain? Nope.
  • Memetic Mutation: The glowing praise of her grace and elegance makes it sound like Queen Victoria was a tactless ogre in comparison.
  • Moe: This was even used to her advantage when working secretly against nazis.