Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise/Heartwarming

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Every instance of Aang and Katara calling each other "sweetie". Ooginess aside, it really shows how far they've come since their first meeting.
    • Also the subtle nod to their Relationship Upgrade with Aang's new glider--which he and Katara fly on together--colored Water Tribe blue.
  • Sokka managed to find Boomerang again, after losing him during the airship battle!
    • What about Space Sword?
      • Part 2 suggests that it hasn't made its way back to him.
  • This moment from Part 2 was so heartwarming, it made Toph tear up:

Ho-Tun: Sifu Toph, you're the first person to believe that we can become more than what we are.