• Non Sequitur Scene: The 'Miss Brighteyes' musical number at the end of Awkward 3. It could be removed entirely without impacting the rest of the series... but it is fucking hilarious.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Awkward 6: Alex standing up to Jermaine and Kevin showing up out of nowhere so they and Lester can "take out the trash".
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Lester and Alex making up and Alex standing up to Jermaine in Awkward 6. Awwwww.
  • Moe: Kevin is dangerously close. The Dogged Nice Guy thing helps.
  • Narm Charm: Lester's M&Ms speech and Kevin's 'I like weird' bit edge into corny, but they're all the sweeter for it.
  • Squick: Alex claims to have seasoned Lester's popcorn with his own semen. He claims to be joking, but with Alex it's hard to tell...
    • The second season trailer reveals Kevin is squicked by sex with zombies, while Lester and Alex are squicked by sex with someone covered in leeches.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Alex is only interested in another guy because he snapped and isn't right in the head. A lot better when you realize it's not a matter of gender so much as proximity; Lester is just conveniently close.