Babylon 5/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* For someone who knows the [[Backstory]], the meeting between Delenn and "King Arthur" in "A Late Delivery from Avalon". Both bore heavily the knowledge that they had helped to start the Earth-Minbari war. Indeed "King Arthur" might actually have fired the shot that killed Delenn's beloved mentor.
** The prequel [[Clip Show]] movie ''In The Beginning'' verifies that his flashback was the real deal. This also has the [[Hey ItsIt's That Guy|weird effect]] of giving Micheal York a half-second cameo in the film.
* Londo after he finds out {{spoiler|Adira}} is dead. The haunted loss on Peter Jurasik's face was something that a lesser actor could have reduced to [[Narm]], but in his capable hands...sob.
** There's also the follow-up in the Season Four episode "Into the Fire." Londo has been informed that it was in fact Mr. Morden who had {{spoiler|Adira}} killed. As soon as he is alone, he completely trashes the room he's in, upending tables and breaking furniture, screaming "He played me!" over and over again. Then, he collapses against a wall, sobbing uncontrollably and staring at a picture of himself, looking into the face of the one indirectly responsible for her death.