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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]s in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
== ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'' ==
* [[Big Bad|Accelerator]]:
{{quote|"I strive for something [[Up to Eleven|beyond the strongest]], that challenging me would be the most ridiculous thought ever, [[A God Am I|that fighting me would be an unforgivable sin!"]].}}
* And another for Accelerator:
{{quote|"This is not a negotiation. It is not a suggestion, not a trade, not a petition, not an agreement, not a compromise, not a surrender. This is my victory march, you stupid bastards!"}}
* Acqua of the Back has:
{{quote|"Pick any unreasonable fight with me and I will shorten your lifespan."}}
* Fiamma of the Right has:
{{quote|"I am Fiamma of the Right. If that isn’t enough of a hint for you, then you really need to rebuild your intelligence agency from the ground up."}}
* From Touma himself:
{{quote|"God, if the world really goes by your rules, then I'm gonna smash that illusion apart!"}}
* Another from Touma, {{spoiler|in the rematch with Accelerator}} :
{{quote|Does a Level 0 like me really seem that incredible?! Hero? Villain? Stop kidding around! Can’t you save someone if you’re not standing at that spot?! In front of your eyes are people that don’t wish to cry that are crying! In front of your eyes are people that can only clench their teeth while struggling and can’t even say the words ‘please save me’! Is that not enough!! Just step up already!! You don’t need special positions or reasons!! With these, you can step up and be a shield for them!!}}
* Yet another:
{{quote|'''Accelerator to Kakine''': Between me and you, there is an impassable wall.}}
* And another:
{{quote|'''Fiamma, {{spoiler|[[Irony|just before all his plans crash and burn]]}}''': I'm about to save this world. Therefore, I have no more use for you. Feel the glory, meatbag. Your value as a human being, obediently let me have it.}}
** {{spoiler|And Touma's answer before crashing Fiamma's plans:}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|Our world is not so weak that it needs to be saved by a bastard like that.}}}}
== ''[[Discworld]]'' ==
* From ''[[Hogfather]]'', when Susan meets the first Bogey Man; "I was the dark in the cave! I was the shadow in the trees! You've heard about the primal scream? That was...''at me!''"
** Also from ''[[Hogfather]]'':
{{quote|'''Teatime''': I am no thief. But if I were, I'd be the kind that steals fire from the gods!"
'''Susan''': We already have fire.
'''Teatime''': There must be an upgrade by now. }}
* ''I can see your house from up here.'' -- Callus Tacticus
* "''Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?'' Who watches the watchmen? Me. I watch him. Always." and "Call me...the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." -- the Watchman.
* His Grace Sir Samuel Vimes, Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is MADE of this trope, but very laconic about it. From ''Jingo'':
{{quote|'''Sam Vimes''': Think of it (shipwreck) as the lesser of two evils.
'''Captain Jenkins''': What's the other one?
'''Sam Vimes''': Me. }}
* And again, [[Badass|Vimes]], from ''[[Men at Arms]]'':
{{quote|'''Assassin:''' Who the hell are you?
* From ''[[Thud!]]''
{{quote|As far as they are concerned I AM far reaching consequences!}}
* Vimes' inner watchman also gets one in ''[[Thud!]]'':
{{quote|I am not here to keep to darkness out. I'm here to keep it in. Call me... the Guarding Dark. Imagine how powerful I must be.|He then backs it up by throwing the 10,000 year old quasi-demonic pan-dimensional ''thing'' of vengeance that's been trying to possess him out of his head, becoming the first person to survive it.}}
* One of the gods gets one in ''[[The Last Hero]]'':
{{quote|'''The Lady''': I am the one in a million chance.
'''Cohen''': Oh yeah? Who're the others?
'''The Lady''': I am those also. }}
* Possibly the greatest was forgotten by many due to it being a subversion<ref>(it was a job interview)</ref>, but --
* Granny Weatherwax is Badass (since she bears more than a passing resemblance to Vimes, this is not surprising) and comes up with one of these, combining [[Badass]] and [[Genre Savvy]] in ''[[Maskerade]]''.
{{quote|'No.'*steady tapping noise* Salzella looked around.
'No one would believe Walter Plinge. Even Walter Plinge gets confused about the things Walter Plinge sees. Even his mother was afraid he might have murdered people. People could accept just about anything of a Walter Plinge.' *trapdoor opens beside Salzella.*
A pointy hat appeared slowly, followed by the rest of Granny Weatherwax, with her arms folded. She glared at Salzella as the floor clicked into place. Her foot stopped tapping on the boards.
'''Salzella''': Well, well, Lady Esmerelda, eh?
'''Granny''': I'm stoppin' bein' a lady, Mr Salzella.
''[glances up at the pointy hat]''
'''Salzella''': So you are a witch instead?
'''Granny''': Yes, indeed.
'''Salzella''': A bad witch, no doubt?
'''Granny''': Worse. }}
* ''[[Interesting Times]]'' averts this, where the tomb of the founder of the Agatean Empire says nothing about his accomplishments, but simply his name, One Sun Mirror. The reason being that it was unthinkable that anyone could be standing in that place and not know who he was.
== ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' ==
* "My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk."
* Injun Joe gets one too, when he tells the skinwalker exactly what he's going to do with him. And then proves it, in spectacularly awesome fashion.
* Harry may not have said it, but he realized what other people were thinking: "They were dealing with something far more dangerous than me, Harry Dresden, who's battered old Volkswagon was currently in the city impound. They were dealing with the potential dark lord nightmare warlock they'd been busy fearing since I turned sixteen. They were dealing with the wizard who had faced the Heirs of Kemmler riding a zombie dinosaur, and emerged victorious from a fight that had flattened Morgan and Captain Luccio before they had even reached it. They were dealing with the man who had dropped a challenge to the ''entire'' Senior Council, and who had then actually ''showed'', apparently willing to fight - on the shores of an entirely too creepy island in the middle of a freshwater sea."
* (paraphrased from ''Dead Beat'') "You don't get to threaten my friends again...Here's the deal: I've got two Knights of the Cross backing me up. I've got the Winter Queen offering me power. I've got Fallen Angels tripping over themselves to convince me to turn into an instrument of their power. And I'm telling you this: if you ''ever'' threaten any of my friends again, I will ''take'' their offers, and before the dust is settled, I will ''unmake'' you. So, you don't get to threaten my friends to get to me ever again. Got it?"
* In ''Changes'' Harry makes a simple boast to Mab: that she is the ''least'' of the evils that are offering him the power he needs to battle the Red Court, and she needs to decide quickly whether she wants him on her team. This is ''Mab'', ''[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Queen of Air and Darkness]]'' herself.
** A few chapters later, we have Murphy ({{spoiler|who has temporarily taken up the holy katana Fidelacchius}}) stare down no less than fourteen [[Physical God]]s. What comes next was not exactly her [[Badass Boast]], but rather {{spoiler|the Almighty [[God]] Himself}} speaking through her. Does not at all detract from the badassery.
{{quote|"False gods! Pretenders! Usurpers of truth! Destroyers of faith, of families, of lives, of children! For your crimes against the Mayans, against the peoples of the world, now will you answer! Your time has come! Face judgment Almighty!"}}
* The entire epilogue of ''Ghost Story'' involves Harry {{spoiler|discovering Mab kept him alive to serve as her Knight}}, and is summed up as him telling her "Yeah, I'll work for you, but on my terms. ''Deal with it.''"
* Harry enters the battlefield where the entirety of the Winter and Summer Courts of the Fae are fighting, and has to charge the sections where the most magic is being thrown around. Around him, his allies and enemies let out choruses of really kickass warcries. His? "I don't believe in Faeries!"
* After fighting the Ghouls in the flashback in Turn Coat, he leaves one alive so it can carry his warning back to the rest of the Ghouls, that there would be no mercy for their kind from Harry. He tells it that if they ever try their gambit again, he'll kill every single ghoul that exists.
* "Lasciel doesn't live here anymore." Boy was Nicodemus surprised.
* Ebenezer threatening Lara in Turn Coat. He told her that if she touched Harry, he'd send her shoes back to her family. Because that would be all that was left.
* "The end is nigh!" {{spoiler|Wizard Peabody}}
* Harry thought that Lara was boasting about her seduction skills, but after getting a kiss to fuel one of his spells in a pinch, he had to admit that it wasn't boasting.
** Minutes later, he threatened her to destroy her if she ever tried a gambit like the one they'd just survived.
** He also asked for some Listerine.
== ''[[Lord of Light]]'' ==
* From the djinn imprisoned in Hellwell:
{{quote|We are the legions of Hellwell, damned
The banished ones of fallen flame
We are the race undone by man
So man we curse-forget his name!
This world was ours before the gods
In days before the race of men
And when the men and gods have gone
This world will then be ours again
The mountains fall, the seas dry out
The moons will vanish from the sky
The Bridge of Gold will one day fall
And all that breathes must one day die
But we of Hellwell will prevail
When fail the gods, when fail the men
The legions of the damned die not
We wait, we wait, to rise again! }}
* Yama has one as well:
{{quote|'''Yama''': "Fallen or no, the real death dwells in my eyes."}}
* Don't forget Sam's from the end of Chapter 1:
{{quote|"I shall tear these stars from out the heavens," he stated, "and hurl them in the faces of the gods, if this be necessary. I shall blaspheme in every Temple throughout the land. I shall take lives as a fisherman takes fish, by the net, if this be necessary. I shall mount me again up to the Celestial City, though every step be a flame or a naked sword and the way be guarded by tigers. One day will the gods look down from Heaven and see me upon the stair, bringing them the gift they fear most. That day will the new Yuga begin.}}
== Other works ==
* [[Older Than Feudalism]]: In ''[[The Iliad]]'', both Diomedes and Achilles boast, "Unhappy those whose children face my might."
** Zeus gets an epic one at the beginning of Book 8, daring the other gods to defy him
Line 28 ⟶ 131:
* In ''[[The Bible]]'' David gets a kickass boast when he's squared off against Goliath. First Samuel 17:45-47
{{quote|"Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands."}}
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s ''[[The Silmarillion]]'':
{{quote|'''Fëanor:''' "Then turning to the herald he cried: 'Say this to Manwë Sûlimo, High King of Arda: if Fëanor cannot overthrow Morgoth, at least he delays not to assail him, and sits not idle in grief. And it may be that Eru has set in me a fire greater than thou knowest. Such hurt at the least will I do to the Foe of the Valar that even the mighty in the Ring of Doom shall wonder to hear it. Yea, in the end they shall follow me. Farewell!'"}}
** Note that this is made even MORE badass by the next line which is something like. "And so powerful was the force of his voice that even Eönwë, herald of the High-King bowed as one full answered." Basically Feanor's boast was so badass that the herald of a GOD (who is also a small-g god himself) went "Alright then...I'll just go now."
Line 38 ⟶ 141:
:* ''And'', spoken by Bard the Bowman, right before he fires the shot that slays Smaug:
{{quote|'''Bard:''' Arrow! Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old. If ever you came from the forges of the true king under the Mountain, go now and speed well!”}}
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'':
{{quote|'''Galadriel:''' "And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!"}}
** This is what Galadriel ''would'' have become if she'd taken the [[Artifact of Doom|Ring]], but she resists the temptation in the end, and is relieved at it.
Line 100 ⟶ 203:
{{quote|"I'm Captain Trenchard! The Dagger of the Sea! I've sailed the Straits of Darkness on Midwinter's Day! My ship's the Raptor and I've taken her into the Seven Lower Hells, drunk ale with Kahooli and sailed home again! My mother was a sea dragon, my father was lightning and I dance a sailor's jig on my victim's skulls! I fought with the war god and kissed death herself. Men tremble at my shadow and women swoon at my name and no one lives who can call me liar!"}}
* The panserbjorne (armored bears), Iorek and Iofur, in ''[[His Dark Materials|The Golden Compass / Northern Lights]]'' start their duel to the death with a ritualized series of proclamations: mostly what they'll do if they win, but also to show off their badassery to the other bears.
* [[Dresden Files|"My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk."]]
** Injun Joe gets one too, when he tells the skinwalker exactly what he's going to do with him. And then proves it, in spectacularly awesome fashion.
** Harry may not have said it, but he realized what other people were thinking: "They were dealing with something far more dangerous than me, Harry Dresden, who's battered old Volkswagon was currently in the city impound. They were dealing with the potential dark lord nightmare warlock they'd been busy fearing since I turned sixteen. They were dealing with the wizard who had faced the Heirs of Kemmler riding a zombie dinosaur, and emerged victorious from a fight that had flattened Morgan and Captain Luccio before they had even reached it. They were dealing with the man who had dropped a challenge to the ''entire'' Senior Council, and who had then actually ''showed'', apparently willing to fight - on the shores of an entirely too creepy island in the middle of a freshwater sea."
** (paraphrased from ''Dead Beat'') "You don't get to threaten my friends again...Here's the deal: I've got two Knights of the Cross backing me up. I've got the Winter Queen offering me power. I've got Fallen Angels tripping over themselves to convince me to turn into an instrument of their power. And I'm telling you this: if you ''ever'' threaten any of my friends again, I will ''take'' their offers, and before the dust is settled, I will ''unmake'' you. So, you don't get to threaten my friends to get to me ever again. Got it?"
** In ''Changes'' Harry makes a simple boast to Mab: that she is the ''least'' of the evils that are offering him the power he needs to battle the Red Court, and she needs to decide quickly whether she wants him on her team. This is ''Mab'', ''[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Queen of Air and Darkness]]'' herself.
*** A few chapters later, we have Murphy ({{spoiler|who has temporarily taken up the holy katana Fidelacchius}}) stare down no less than fourteen [[Physical God]]s. What comes next was not exactly her [[Badass Boast]], but rather {{spoiler|the Almighty [[God]] Himself}} speaking through her. Does not at all detract from the badassery.
{{quote|"False gods! Pretenders! Usurpers of truth! Destroyers of faith, of families, of lives, of children! For your crimes against the Mayans, against the peoples of the world, now will you answer! Your time has come! Face judgment Almighty!"}}
** The entire epilogue of ''Ghost Story'' involves Harry {{spoiler|discovering Mab kept him alive to serve as her Knight}}, and is summed up as him telling her "Yeah, I'll work for you, but on my terms. ''Deal with it.''"
** Harry enters the battlefield where the entirety of the Winter and Summer Courts of the Fae are fighting, and has to charge the sections where the most magic is being thrown around. Around him, his allies and enemies let out choruses of really kickass warcries. His? "I don't believe in Faeries!"
** After fighting the Ghouls in the flashback in Turn Coat, he leaves one alive so it can carry his warning back to the rest of the Ghouls, that there would be no mercy for their kind from Harry. He tells it that if they ever try their gambit again, he'll kill every single ghoul that exists.
** "Lasciel doesn't live here anymore." Boy was Nicodemus surprised.
** Ebenezer threatening Lara in Turn Coat. He told her that if she touched Harry, he'd send her shoes back to her family. Because that would be all that was left.
** "The end is nigh!" {{spoiler|Wizard Peabody}}
** Harry thought that Lara was boasting about her seduction skills, but after getting a kiss to fuel one of his spells in a pinch, he had to admit that it wasn't boasting.
*** Minutes later, he threatened her to destroy her if she ever tried a gambit like the one they'd just survived.
*** He also asked for some Listerine.
* Mandatory [[Discworld]] reference: from ''[[Hogfather]]'', when Susan meets the first Bogey Man; "I was the dark in the cave! I was the shadow in the trees! You've heard about the primal scream? That was...''at me!''"
** Also from ''[[Hogfather]]'':
{{quote|'''Teatime''': I am no thief. But if I were, I'd be the kind that steals fire from the gods!"
'''Susan''': We already have fire.
'''Teatime''': There must be an upgrade by now. }}
** ''I can see your house from up here.'' -- Callus Tacticus
** "''Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?'' Who watches the watchmen? Me. I watch him. Always." and "Call me...the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be." -- the Watchman.
** His Grace Sir Samuel Vimes, Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is MADE of this trope, but very laconic about it. From ''Jingo'':
{{quote|'''Sam Vimes''': Think of it (shipwreck) as the lesser of two evils.
'''Captain Jenkins''': What's the other one?
'''Sam Vimes''': Me. }}
** And again, [[Badass|Vimes]], from ''[[Men at Arms]]'':
{{quote|'''Assassin:''' Who the hell are you?
** From ''[[Thud!]]''
{{quote|As far as they are concerned I AM far reaching consequences!}}
** Vimes' inner watchman also gets one in ''[[Thud!]]'':
{{quote|I am not here to keep to darkness out. I'm here to keep it in. Call me... the Guarding Dark. Imagine how powerful I must be.|He then backs it up by throwing the 10,000 year old quasi-demonic pan-dimensional ''thing'' of vengeance that's been trying to possess him out of his head, becoming the first person to survive it.}}
** One of the gods gets one in ''[[The Last Hero]]'':
{{quote|'''The Lady''': I am the one in a million chance.
'''Cohen''': Oh yeah? Who're the others?
'''The Lady''': I am those also. }}
** Possibly the greatest was forgotten by many due to it being a subversion<ref>(it was a job interview)</ref>, but --
** Granny Weatherwax is Badass (since she bears more than a passing resemblance to Vimes, this is not surprising) and comes up with one of these, combining [[Badass]] and [[Genre Savvy]] in Maskerade.
{{quote|-->'No.'*steady tapping noise* Salzella looked around.
'No one would believe Walter Plinge. Even Walter Plinge gets confused about the things Walter Plinge sees. Even his mother was afraid he might have murdered people. People could accept just about anything of a Walter Plinge.' *trapdoor opens beside Salzella.*
A pointy hat appeared slowly, followed by the rest of Granny Weatherwax, with her arms folded. She glared at Salzella as the floor clicked into place. Her foot stopped tapping on the boards.
'''Salzella''': Well, well, Lady Esmerelda, eh?
'''Granny''': I'm stoppin' bein' a lady, Mr Salzella.
*glances up at the pointy hat*
'''Salzella''': So you are a witch instead?
'''Granny''': Yes, indeed.
'''Salzella''': A bad witch, no doubt?
'''Granny''': Worse. }}
** ''[[Interesting Times]]'' averts this, where the tomb of the founder of the Agatean Empire says nothing about his accomplishments, but simply his name, One Sun Mirror. The reason being that it was unthinkable that anyone could be standing in that place and not know who he was.
* The ''[[Sword of Truth]]'' book ''Temple of the Winds'' has this example:
{{quote|"You don't even have your weapon."
Line 202 ⟶ 253:
* The Scarecrow in ''[[Matthew Reilly|Scarecrow]]'', while handcuffed and locked into a guillotine:
{{quote|Killian. I'm coming for you.}}
* From [[Roger Zelazny]]'s ''[[Lord of Light]]'':
{{quote|We are the legions of Hellwell, damned
The banished ones of fallen flame
We are the race undone by man
So man we curse-forget his name!
This world was ours before the gods
In days before the race of men
And when the men and gods have gone
This world will then be ours again
The mountains fall, the seas dry out
The moons will vanish from the sky
The Bridge of Gold will one day fall
And all that breathes must one day die
But we of Hellwell will prevail
When fail the gods, when fail the men
The legions of the damned die not
We wait, we wait, to rise again! }}
** Yama has one as well:
{{quote|'''Yama''': "Fallen or no, the real death dwells in my eyes."}}
** Don't forget Sam's from the end of Chapter 1:
{{quote|"I shall tear these stars from out the heavens," he stated, "and hurl them in the faces of the gods, if this be necessary. I shall blaspheme in every Temple throughout the land. I shall take lives as a fisherman takes fish, by the net, if this be necessary. I shall mount me again up to the Celestial City, though every step be a flame or a naked sword and the way be guarded by tigers. One day will the gods look down from Heaven and see me upon the stair, bringing them the gift they fear most. That day will the new Yuga begin.}}
* Of course ''[[Wheel of Time|The Wheel of Time]]'' has an example:
{{quote|'''Rand:''' Do you believe that I could kill you? Right here, right now, without using a sword or the Power? Do you believe that if I simply willed it, the Pattern would bend around me and stop your heart? By... coincidence?}}
Line 308 ⟶ 332:
{{quote|Villain: ''"Trust me mortal, I have no weaknesses."''
Hero: ''"I can give you some, if you want."''}}
* ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'' provides a very good example with the [[Big Bad|Accelerator]]:
{{quote|"I strive for something [[Up to Eleven|beyond the strongest]], that challenging me would be the most ridiculous thought ever, [[A God Am I|that fighting me would be an unforgivable sin!"]].}}
** And another for Accelerator:
{{quote|"This is not a negotiation. It is not a suggestion, not a trade, not a petition, not an agreement, not a compromise, not a surrender. This is my victory march, you stupid bastards!"}}
** Acqua of the Back has:
{{quote|"Pick any unreasonable fight with me and I will shorten your lifespan."}}
** Fiamma of the Right has:
{{quote|"I am Fiamma of the Right. If that isn’t enough of a hint for you, then you really need to rebuild your intelligence agency from the ground up."}}
** From Touma himself:
{{quote|"God, if the world really goes by your rules, then I'm gonna smash that illusion apart!"}}
** Another from Touma, {{spoiler|in the rematch with Accelerator}} :
{{quote|Does a Level 0 like me really seem that incredible?! Hero? Villain? Stop kidding around! Can’t you save someone if you’re not standing at that spot?! In front of your eyes are people that don’t wish to cry that are crying! In front of your eyes are people that can only clench their teeth while struggling and can’t even say the words ‘please save me’! Is that not enough!! Just step up already!! You don’t need special positions or reasons!! With these, you can step up and be a shield for them!!}}
** Yet another:
{{quote|'''Accelerator to Kakine''': Between me and you, there is an impassable wall.}}
** And another:
{{quote|'''Fiamma, {{spoiler|[[Irony|just before all his plans crash and burn]]'''}}: I'm about to save this world. Therefore, I have no more use for you. Feel the glory, meatbag. Your value as a human being, obediently let me have it.}}
*** {{spoiler|And Touma's answer before crashing Fiamma's plans:}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|Our world is not so weak that it needs to be saved by a bastard like that.}}}}