Batman: The Animated Series: Difference between revisions

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* [[Character Development]]:
** Over the course of the series Robin grows continuously more frustrated with Batman's domination of their partnership and cold, emotionless personality. It comes to a head during the revamp into ''The New Batman Adventures'', where he abandons the Robin persona and strikes out on his own as Nightwing.
** Barbara Gordon initially appears as the normal daughter of Commissioner Gordon, but she she gets dragged into a plot for world domination and, at the end of the episode, mentioned that she liked the experience. She later masquerades as Batman when she feels that he needs to be seen at a public event. She then begins to fight crime on her own as [[Characters/Batgirl|Batgirl]], eventually becoming an official member of the Bat-family and replacing Robin when he ends his partnership with Batman.
* [[Cheap Costume]]: The Condiment King wears an actual pair of [[Underwear of Power]] as part of his costume.
* [[Cheated Angle]]: Commissioner Gordon's cowlick. In an audio commentary, one of the artists laments that the cowlick is always slightly to the side, even when it should have shifted with the angle.