• Probably the single most memorable Crowning Moment of Awesome in Battle Royale is when Takako Chigusa fights off an Attempted Rape by Kazushi Niida. It's one of the most iconic moments. The scene plays out slightly differently in the three versions, but the essentials are the same: Takako is alone in the woods and armed only with a small ice pick, and runs into her Stalker with a Crush, the slimy Niida. He soon starts hitting on her, then suggesting he'd be a good sex partner and finally threatening her with his crossbow. Takako manages to run away quickly, but Niida takes her down by shooting a crossbow arrow in her leg, before pinning her under him. He starts brutally beating her face in, and won't stop until she's bleeding and asking him to screw her. When he's smugly fondling Takako's breasts, she uses her free hand to claw out his eye, before pushing him off her and jumping on his groin. One-eyed and castrated, Niida attacks her again with the ice pick, but she pulls out the arrow from her thigh and stabs him to death with it. Awesome.
    • In the film, she doesn't stomp on his balls, but stab him in the crotch with the ice pick repeatedly.
  • Kazuo Kiriyama gets one when Shou Tsukioka is pursuing him. Shou is stalking Kazuo, convinced that he will win and it'll be easy to shoot him from behind when only them two are left. On the second day, Kazuo goes into a public toilet building that lies in an area that will become a "forbidden zone" at five o'clock - all bomb collars in the area will detonate. Shou listens to Kazuo pissing, confident that he'll soon be done and leave before five. When the pissing sound goes on for several minutes, Shou gets suspicious and slowly goes into the toilet...when it turns out Kazuo made a hole in his water bottle and hung it above the urinal. As Kazuo walks away in the distance, Shou's collar explodes. Ten seconds past five.
  • Kazuo has yet another awesome moment when he kills Toshinori Oda, who is even more evil than him. Toshinori gets shot by Kazuo, but wears a Bulletproof Vest under his shirt which keeps him alive. He lets his enemy know he's still alive by faking a death rattle, so Kazuo will walk over to him and check if he's really dead (so Toshinori can shoot him point-blank with his hidden pistol). Toshinori even sniggers quietly and congratulates himself for his clever ruse. Instead, Kazuo looks at the possum-player with a sort of vague amusement and checks if he's alive - by firing dozens of bullets into Toshinori's unprotected cock and balls. Score!
  • The reasoning behind it's a bit silly, but in the manga the fight with Kiriyama and Sugimura is laced with awesome. One of the greatest moments comes when Sugimura finally finds the rhythm of the fight, dodges Kiriyama's attack with his eyes closed, and ends by slamming Kiriyama into a tree.

Sugimura: Surprise you murdering fuck.

    • The fact that the Kiriyama/Sugimura fight is as ridiculous as a DBZ episode but still manages to be spectacular is, in itself, a crowner.
  • Mitsuko's last scene in the movie may also count (if, y'know, you disregard killing Kotohiki), when she absolutely refuses to stay down every time Kiriyama shoots her, which is at least four bullets in the back.
  • Near the beginning of the film, Sakura Ogawa is one of the first people called to get her supplies and weapon. When the bag is thrown to her, however, she hurls it right back at the soldier, gives him and Kitano a defiant Death Glare, and storms out. She is one of the few people who absolutely refuses to play the game no matter the circumstances. Badass Pacifist indeed.
  • Shinji's death in the film. He blew himself up ( with a bomb he created himself no less ) to take Kiriyama down with him and to revenge his dead friends. His attempt to hack in the computer system was pretty awesome as well.
  • When Shogo Kawada is called up to get his supplies and weapon, he has a bag thrown to him by a soldier and walks out the door. Two seconds later, he storms back in, chucks the bag back and grabs another, proclaiming it to be his bag. Considering the guards or even the teacher could have shot him for that insubordination, it just shows how Badass he is.