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[[File:beatpanels.png|link=Xkcd (Webcomic)|right|[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]] [ sets the record] for number of awkward-pause panels in one strip (previously held by [[Achewood]]).]]
{{quote|''[[Lampshade Hanging|DID YOU SEE THOSE TWO BEAT PANELS]]''<br />
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* The manga of ''[[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Azumanga Daioh]]'' uses these a ''lot'', often at the end of the comic when the gag is a lack of action. These usually translate to (often hilarious) stretches of awkward silence in the anime. One of the more memorable ones:
{{quote| Panel 1: '''Chiyo:''' Oh, Sakaki, you're here already! It'll be an hour before the others get here!<br />
Panel 2: '''Sakaki:''' It's okay... I'll wait outside... with [[Big Friendly Dog|Mr. Tadakichi]]...<br />
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** Later in the same comic, {{spoiler|Sara hypnotizes Kaoru into "raping" Megumi as punishment for Megumi's [[Heel Face Turn]]. Several [[Beat Panel|BeatPanels]] with Sara looking [[Sweat Drop|increasingly distressed]] and a caption of "thirty minutes later" with nobody feeling particularly punished, [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Sara finally tells them to cut it out]]}}.
* ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' gives you what might be the [ cutest example] [ ever].
* Happens in ''[[Corsair (Light Novel)|Corsair]]'' manga, where the princess of a powerful pirate group finally announces to her family that she intends to wed their [[Mysterious Past]] and [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|very pretty]] [[The Strategist|strategist]], [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"|Kanale (or Canale... Or Kanare... take your pick)]]. Cue their [[Asskicking Equals Authority|right-hand]] [[Badass|master swordsman]], Ayase, who [[The Stoic|rarely shows any emotion at all]], speak the following:
{{quote| '''Ayase''': I never said I approved (of you choosing Kanale). In fact there's another problem before all this: Kanale already belongs to me. }}
** ... The silence goes on for multiple panels.
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* [[Christopher Priest]] might well be the [[Trope Codifier]]. [[Quantum and Woody]], [[Black Panther]], and pretty much everything else he wrote were rife with beat panels. The impressive thing was that as often as he used them, they never got stale or overdone; he knew exactly when and where to use them.
* The Keith Giffen/J. M. DeMatteis comedy incarnation of ''[[Justice League of America]]'' used this all the time, sometimes featuring entire Beat ''Pages''.
** J.M. DeMatteis's run on ''Spectacular [[Spider -Man]]'' featured a beat page - but it wasn't funny, rather it was one of the creepiest pages ever seen in a comic book.
* Used excessively in ''[[Invincible (Comic Book)|Invincible]]'', then [[Lampshaded]] when the main character gets his comics signed by an artist who comments on his use of copying and pasting panels.
* In the comic ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'', after Beast Boy asked Raven to go with him on a "[[Not a Date|not-a-date]]", there was a beat panel before Raven said "Let's go".
* In an [[Iron Man (Comic Book)|Invincible Iron Man]] issue, Pepper Potts admits to Maria Hill that she slept with Tony. A shocked Maria Hill admit that she also slept with Tony a few days before Potts. Follows a succession of panel with both looking shocked, each at each other, and then each looking down, visibly angry. After that, Hill mutters a simple "Tony Stark. Tony [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] Stark.
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** A comic strip by [[David Lynch]] was almost entirely made up of beat panels. The [[Cut and Paste Comic|same ones]]. For ten years.
* Interestingly, ''[[The Far Side]]'' occasionally pulled this off in a one-panel strip. The visual was some awkward situation, while the punchline came in the caption.
* [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] as well as demonstrated in this ''[[Barney and Clyde (Comic Strip)|Barney and Clyde]]'' strip seen [ here].
== [[New Media]] ==
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* [[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|The World Ends With You]] due to it's manga like cutscenes is a rare [[Video Game]] example. The game has this exchange in week three with several [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Beat]] Panels
{{quote| '''Beat:''' We ain't treading on thin ice! Shibuya's not cold enough for ice!<br />
'''Uzuki:''' .....<br />
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* ''[[Project 0]]'' interestingly enough on [ page 8] of part 1.1 and [ page 8] of part 1.2.
* Refined into an art by ''[[Achewood]]'' except that it usually happens in the final panel to highlight an awkward silence or just something bizarre getting a bewildered reaction. [ Here is a good example for you to enjoy].
** Parodied by ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'' [ in this tribute].
** Taken to comedic extremes [ here].
* ''[[Adorable Desolation]]'' uses the [[Beat Panel]] often, two examples are [ here] and [ here]
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* ''[[Bob and George]]'' is famous for the third panel pause.
** Especially [ this strip], which had a three-panel pause.
* [ This] ''[[Brawl in The Family (Webcomic)|Brawl in Thethe Family]]'' comic.
* ''[[Cyanide and Happiness]]'' uses this, frequently. Very frequently.
** [ This strip] is the most consecutive beat panels in a comic found so far. (If you can't figure it out: {{spoiler|Use the horizontal scrollbar.}})
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** [ And then, the Ultimate Beat Panel]
** [ Followed by an onslaught of beat panels.]
* ''[[Death to Thethe Extremist]]'' uses this ''constantly.'' Often taken [[Up to Eleven]] with comics like [ this].
* ''[[Dystopia (Videovideo Gamegame)|Dystopia]]'' [ demonstrates Medium's new reflex upgrades].
* Happens rather frequently in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''. A prime example is [ here].
* ''[[El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)|El Goonish Shive]]'' uses this when Grace explains [ the plan] to cure Elliot of his [[Gender Bender|problem]].
** Also, Tedd [ and the spilled barrel of exposition], Nanase [ talking about Ellen with Susan]. Grace [ realizing she had to break her "morphing moratorium"], Ellen [ coming back to Earth] and [ informed] of the Elliot's [[Gender Bender|upcoming powers]] and "Man Engulfs Food" [ looking at dining Grace].
** Once [ turned into gag in its own right].
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* ''[ A Game of Fools]'' uses them quite a bit.
* Likewise, ''[[Garfield Minus Garfield]]'' seems to thrive on the beat panel.
* ''[[Girl Genius (Webcomic)|Girl Genius]]'' manages [ two in a row with different responses]. Another one, [ courtesy of Sleipnir O'Hara].
** A [[Running Gag]] with characters realizing what they just said -- [ Moloch], [ Agatha] and [ Tarvek].
** [ Here] and [ here] it's a punchline.
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'''Gil''': [[Refuge in Audacity|Well... yes, that goes without saying.]] }}
* ''[[Goblins]]'' does this sometimes. The best example is probably Minmax [ here].
* ''[[Head Trip (Webcomic)|Head Trip]]'' doubles up on the beat panels in [ this strip] because, well, as that particular chapter of ''[[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Breaking Dawn]]'' put it, "There Are No Words For This".
** Also, [ this]:
{{quote| '''[[The Adjectival Superhero|Hot Topic Avenger]]''': The acceptable pause for a punchline has passed, meaning either you're ''serious'' or you ''suck'' at telling a ''joke''.}}
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* [ Here] is a [[Heroic BSOD]] version from ''[[Megatokyo]]''.
** You don't have to go far to see this version: the [ very first strip] also has a Beat Panel.
* ''[[My Middle NamesName's Adventure]]'' has been employing this since the [ first] strip.
** But most notably in strips with Amed. [\]
* The readers of ''[[Narbonic]]'' refer to this as the "Silent Penultimate Panel". [ Here's] a double example (fourth strip down).
** this is specifically when the next-to-last panel is the one that is the [[Beat Panel]]. Done often enough that one of the regular readers of ''[[Narbonic]] Director's Cut'' maintains a running total.
* Used often in ''[[The Optimist]]'',as seen [ here], [ here], [ here], [ here], [ here], [ here], [ here], [ here], [ here], and a double dose [ here] and [ here].
* In the ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|Order of the Stick]]'' prequel book 'On The Origins Of PCs' had a page with eight of these in a row, culminating in an outburst. [[It Makes Sense in Context|It fit the situation perfectly]].
** [ It seems unlikely]. Also, "[ How cute!]"
* There is an absolutely ''epic'' final panel beat in [ strip this] ''[[Partially Clips]]'' strip.
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*** And [ this strip], which is a textbook example of how the beatpanel's supposed to be done.
* ''[[Realfield]]'' frequently subverts this by removing the punchline altogether. [ Trust me, it's funny.]
* ''[[Sequential Art (Webcomicwebcomic)|Sequential Art]]'' has its share of beat panels. Like with [ Kat looking at Art's art] and [ the next comic], [ this] or [ Iron-Pip], [ Art and colleague] or [ this], with poor Kat... And now [ Art and Pip].
** Also, [ used as a punchline].
** Or, one of squirrel girls [ notices] [ Martian Trash Cans] hunting for Art --
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(squirrel girls look at each other)<br />
'''([[Hive Mind|all four]])''': ♥ ♥ '''''[[Mad Scientist|Field test!]]''''' ♥ ♥ }}
* In [ this] ''[[Shortpacked (Webcomic)|Shortpacked]]'' strip, when [[Batman]] is left without an opportunity to complete his [[Stealth Hi Bye]], he gets two panels to come up with an alternate solution.
* A fancomic called ''[ Sonic College]'' did this with three.
* ''[[Mezzacotta|Square Root of Minus Garfield]]'' does this [ here] with reference to this page, and comment that ''[[Garfield]]'' might not use it enough.
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* Appears a few times in [[Harkovast]] during the more light hearted moments, especially on this [ page] where it actually happens twice in succession.
* [ Butterflies] in ''[[The Perry Bible Fellowship]]''.
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court (Webcomic)|Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' has [ this]. Then a [ double beat panel]. And [ two more] with highly unimpressed Kat. And a ''[ triple]'' beat panel (the scene in question justifies this much).
* [ Here], thanks to the ''[[Amazing Super Powers]]'' of a [[Split-Screen Phone Call]].
* Lampshaded through the fourth wall in [ ''Retail''].
* ''[[Rusty and Co (Webcomic).|Rusty and Co]]'', in the [ re-acquaintance] of The Princess and White Knight.
* ''[[Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic]]'' has a [ good one] when [[Monster Adventurers]] [[X Meets Y|meet]] "[[Here There Be Dragons]]".
** [ King Eric's "OTHER epiphany"] combines it with [[Face Palm|another kind]] of "[[Dope Slap|beat]]" in the same panel.
* ''[[The KA MicsKAMics]]'' [ Has] [ done] [ this] [ a number] [ of times], [ sometimes] [ as punchlines] [ or inverted.]
* ''[[Exterminatus Now]]'' has... uh... [ this] (see the previous page for explanation). And a [ beat panel with punchline silent panel].
* ''[[The Extremely Post Modern Adventures of Flint and Hinawa]]'' revolves around having two or even three beat panels between the setup and the usually oddball punchline. This is used to the extreme in [ Comic #6], where {{spoiler|the beat just continues right to the end without a punchline.}}