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(Idiot Ball example.)
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** In ''Belgarath the Sorcerer'', Belgarath and Beldin at one point meet for the first time in a while, and ask what the other has been up to; Belgarath had just finished a rigorous mathematical proof that three and three made six, while Beldin had been trying to determine the exact difference between the concepts of "right" and "good." Both men wonder why the other was doing something [[Mad Mathematician|so]] [[Contemplate Our Navels|pointless]].
* [[Hysterical Woman]]: Played straight with Ce'Nedra in ''The Belgariad'' and taken even further in ''The Malloreon''. In the first series she's prone to hysterics, often throws tantrums, and at one point almost gets her friend and Garion's cousin Adara killed because she was bored. In ''The Malloreon'' she becomes even more unstable with the theft of Geran, and her major contributions to the party are unreasonable demands that someone get her baby back that very second followed by crying fits when it's pointed out that she's asking for the impossible.
* [[Idiot Ball]]:
* [[Idiot Ball]]:* In ''Guardians of the West'', neither Garion, Porenn, or Silk pick up on the the extremely obvious hints General Haldar drops about his involvement with the Bear Cult. Even Silk – the [[Guile Hero]] of the group – doesn't put two and two together.
** In ''Sorceress of Darshiva'', Garion, Belgarath, and Beldin find out from the Ashabine Oracles that Ce'Nedra will reveal their next destination to Zandramas. They also let Polgara know about this, and she promises to keep an eye on her. However, by the time they've gone to Kell and found out what their next destination is, ''all four of them have completely forgotten about this.'' Not even Ce'Nedra getting unusually sleepy to the point of not being able to ride horse makes them remember, and after Ce'Nedra has done the thing she was destined to do, Garion gets angry at Cyradis for not revealing to them this information they already knew. Makes you wonder whether this was a failed attempt at playing the trope for drama and/or if Eddings himself forgot about it.
* [[Ignorance Is Bliss]]: Garion, deliberately. Also played with in Errand/Eriond.
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: A recurring threat against Polgara is that Torak will [[Mind Rape]] and force her into marriage. Indeed, the turning point of the final battle comes {{spoiler|when Polgara is able to tell Torak exactly where he can go stick what, despite his attempts to force her. Belgarath specifically points out that if Torak had had the emotional support of Polgara's "love", however false, Belgarion would never have been able to defeat him.}}