Beware the Nice Ones/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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** River Song plays with this trope. Every time we see her on camera she's very "Hello, Sweetie!" and playfully teasing the Doctor in an "I know something you don't know" kind of way. However, it's clear that at some point in her past, she's done something very bad, so much that when a Dalek (essentially pure evil in a metal canister) assumes, as a companion, she'll be compassionate and merciful, she simply states, "I'm River Song. Check your records again." It then proceeds to ''beg for mercy.''
** Rory Williams Pond, who started out a nice fellow and a good nurse, and then got turned into an {{spoiler|Auton with all of Rory's memories... and love for Amy}}. He guarded the Pandorica for two thousand years and then went hand-to-eyestalk with a Dalek that was threatening the Pandorica (and therefore Amy). The Dalek didn't come out of that one on top.
** The Ood are an alien race that, despite being ''incredibly'' ugly, are a generous, helpful, peaceful, pacifistic people. ''Unless'', of course, you're a greedy and shallow bigot like Klineman Halpen, head of the company who enslaves the Ood and treats them like animals. The Ood eventually mete out harsh justice to Halpen by [[Karmic Transformation| turning him into one of them]] in a process that is anything but pleasant.
* Captain Jack Harkness of ''Doctor Who'' and ''[[Torchwood]]''. Normally cheerful, flirty and friendly. Hurt his team and he will do something horrible to you. Such as shoot you repeatedly with pump action shot gun. In the knee caps.
* Rounding out the [[Whoniverse]] trifecta we have Sarah Jane of ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'': a kind, compassionate [[Technical Pacifist]] who will utterly ''destroy'' you if you try to invade her planet, hurt [[True Companions|her friends]] or [[Berserk Button|mess with her son]].