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** And on one of the other sides of the [[Melee a Trois]] of government conspiracies and [[Spy-Versus-Spy]] and suchlike, we have [[Anti-Hero|Hei]], working for [[The Syndicate]]. Hell, in the [[Breather Episode]] before the [[Grand Finale]] of the first season, they both get disgusted with their bosses and, thanks to a convenient accident, end up [[Ship Tease|hanging out together]], which included a lengthy discussion of what it's like to feel like your employers are just using you as a pawn.
* Suzaku Kururugi from [[Code Geass]].
* In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS]]'', almost all of the protagonists work for or used to work for the [[Mega Corp| Goha Corp]] in some way; in fact, the whole plot starts when Yūga programs Rush Duels into the system before resigning his post, the Goha Corp's biggest goal trying to undo it.
== [[Audio Adaptation]] ==
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* ''Blind Faith'' by Ben Elton features, as its hero, Trafford, who works for [[Nat Dat]], the National Data Bank, which knows everything about everyone. Almost everyone works for [[Nat Dat]] in one way or another.
* Everyone in ''[[Matched]]'' works for the government, because everything is controlled by the government.
* In [[Fred Saberhagen]]'s ''Empire of the East'', Chup of the North was one of the evil Empire's most effective warrior leaders ... until the Empire demanded that, in order to get promoted to the next higher rank, he had to prove that he could act in a cowardly and treacherous way. "You must be for once not brave, but cowardly.... [[It Gets Easier|It will be difficult only once.]]" Betraying someone who genuinely trusted him turned out to be too difficult for Chup [[Heel Face Turn|to do '''even''' once]].
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* ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]''. In most of the official products your [[Player Character]] is a Troubleshooter who works for The Computer, the paranoid, repressive dictator of Alpha Complex.
* ''[[SLA Industries]]''. The PC's are Operatives who work for some branch of the title company, which is the brutal, corrupt government of the Worlds of Progress.
* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''. To serve the Imperium is to be a servant of the ''the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable.'' It says so right on the box. ThoughExactly how brutal it is varies, but even in the best cases you can never be sure a bunch of amazingly nasty creatures and/or a particularly crazy Inquisitor won't drop in and mess everything up. And wherever enforcement is lax, it only ends in far worse things finding a foothold. At least the official bosses rarely can afford to ''[[Big Brother Is Watching|watch]]'' anything outside a few sensitive areas, and Mechanicus, while much more capable, have its own priorities, so it's only a problem for their workers (then again, in ''[[Dark Heresy]]'' there ''are'' rumours about spy network of the Lords Dragon [[Everything Is Online|extending to all implants]]). So mostly it's high-ranked Imperial authorities (like Inquisition or Sector command) who watch each other and powers slightly below their level (especially planetary Governors for the signs of sedition).
== [[Video Games]] ==
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