Black Butler (manga)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: {{spoiler|Madam Red.}}
** {{spoiler|Joker}} as well as the other {{spoiler|members of Noah's Arc circus.}}.
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]: The manga intentionally leaves some things open to interpretation to maintain the suspense. This isn't to say that some interpretations aren't just wrong.
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]: Happens a lot with Ciel; some people think he actually cares about others, and other people think he does not care at all about others or even hates them. Part of this is due to his extremely different personalities in the two canons (manga Ciel and anime Ciel have a lot of differences). This also happens with a few other characters, but to a lesser degree.
** Sebastian:
** Despite there being no real proof, there are some people who genuinely believe that Sebastian is losing himself to his butler persona and becoming more human and less cruel.
*** Someone who is kind of evil but not that bad really.
*** This interpretation seems to be implied by the lyrics to Bird, the second season's first ending theme.
*** A cruel and evil demon, but [[Even Evil Has Standards]].
*** A [[Complete Monster]] with a pretty face.
*** A wholly emotionless demon who only exists to feed, like a shark.
*** An entity without a fixed self whose current personality was formed to suit Ciel's needs.
*** A lonely demon with the emotional understanding of a toddler.
*** Just kind of a dork.
*** A decent guy who happens to need to predate on humans to live, but that's just life and all morals are relative anyway.
*** [[Draco in Leather Pants|Every girl's ideal boyfriend]].
** Sebastian as a butler:
*** Despite there being no real proof, there are some people who genuinely believe that Sebastian is losingLosing himself to his butler persona and becoming more human and less cruel.
*** Remaining the same cruel demon under his disguise.
*** Experiencing genuine character growth from things such as having friends for the first time.
** Opinions about Ciel form a smooth continuum from a sweet, kind, shy boy forced to a dark role to a sociopathic [[Complete Monster]] who murders children for fun and was probably bad from the start. Just about everyone would agree that Ciel is a [[Magnificent Bastard]] however.
** Some people consider Ciel to be asexual, but other fans think he is gay or bisexual.
*** There is more evidence for him being straight. For example, we see him blushing in presence of girls.
** Whether you're a [[Shipping|shipper or not]], he ''has'' [[Ship Tease|shown hints]] of romantic affection towards [[Toy Ship|Elizabeth]]. It should be kept in mind, though, that despite his maturity Ciel ''is'' only thirteen and, similarly to most [[shounen]] protagonists, a romantic and/or sexual relationship is the ''last'' thing on his mind. [[Hates Being Touched|Then there's his]] [[Dark and Troubled Past|deeply troubled past]]...
** Opinions about Elizabeth range from a selfless saint who gives her all to make other people happy to a future domestic abuser with the Borderline Personality Disorder who doesn't see servants as people and has sadistic tendencies.
* [[Anti-Shipping Goggles]]: Some people are convinced that Sebastian has no emotions at all, feels nothing for Ciel, and only sees him as food. This is despite how Sebastian having a wide range of emotions is firmly established, includingby his capacity to feel fondness fornumerous creaturesscenes. WeSome alsoof getthose accessscenes toshow Sebastian'sindications thoughtsof awarm fewfeelings timesfor whenCiel he- thinksif aboutnot Ciellove, andthen closeat attentionleast tofondness Sebastian's facial expressions provides moreand evidenceadmiration.
** Many people mentally shut out the evidence for Edward being in romantic love with his sister Elizabeth.
* [[Broken Base]]: Does shipping Sebastian/Ciel make someone a horrible pedophile and total scum?
** Does shipping Ciel/Elizabeth (who are cousins and engaged in the canon) make someone an incest supporter and also a horrible pedophile?
** Does shipping Grell/William glorify abuse?
** Does shipping Sebastian/Grell glorify abuse?
** Is Grell trans? Which pronous should be used for Grell?
** Is Elizabeth a paragon of goodness and light or a stupidshallow and selfishannoying little girl, even after her character development? IsCould she aand goodCiel matchbe forhappy Ciel,together or would she make him miserable? Or is she maybe too good for personality-wisehim?
** Can you be a real fan and not buy the digital downloads that are, among other things, only available in America?
* [[Complete Monster]]: {{spoiler|Baron Kelvin and the Doctor}} would be agreed to be this by most people/basically everyone.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Madame Red often goes through this treatment. While she has a rather sad backstory, most fans tend to ignore her {{spoiler|rather brutal murders as Jack the Ripper}} and view her in an oddly positive light.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Arguably, nearly ''all'' the characters people care about are subject to this, given the prevalence of more or less evil characters in the canon. Prominent examples include Sebastian, Ciel, Grell, Undertaker, and Vincent. Even cute little Elizabeth can be seen as an example of this and a particularly widespread one too.
** Grell. Many people seem to forget and even ''forgive'' that she was one half of {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]], ''and'' that she murdered Madam Red}}.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: ''Grell''. His popularity is ''hugely'' disproportionate to herhis screentime, at least in the manga.
** Arguably, nearly ''all'' of the characters are subject to this. Sebasitian and Ciel are sometimes downright ''glorified'' in fanon for their dastardly deeds, and people seem to have forget the [[Sex Slave|crap]] that Druitt pulled upon first appearance (though it's probably because he's become nothing much more than [[Villain Decay|comic relief by this point]]). We can also add Undertaker and Claude to the list.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: ''Grell''. His popularity is ''hugely'' disproportionate to her screentime, at least in the manga.
** Ronald Knox can now be this.
** Undertaker as well. Then when the reveal about him happened in the manga, his popularity soared even higher.
** Undertaker as well.
*** BaronMadam KelvinRed too.
** The seaweed in the Hamlet OAV is an in-universe example.
** Vincent has become highly popular despite having only appeared in a few flashbacks.
** Cosplaying as Madame Red can catch a ton of eyes in public, so it's ''very'' off-putting when one watches the anime to see that the humorous, cheerful, strong-willed, attractive and motherly aunt {{spoiler|is revealed to be one of the villains and dies within that same episode ''very'' early.}}
* [[Epileptic Trees]]: LikeThe ''goddamn''series, because of its mystery aspects, provides fertile ground for fan theories.
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Sebastian. And Ciel, on some level.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Again, Sebastian.
* [[Fan Disservice]]: One particular scene comes to mind: Sebastian and Ciel bathing together. Naked. With skins touching. {{spoiler|With severe chemical burns all over their bodies and Ciel on the brink of death. And then Ciel in his already-fragile state gets his PTSD [[Trigger|triggered]] so hard that the flashback sends him into [[Angst Coma]].}} That's not so romantic.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Elizabeth gets put down by [[The Scrappy|everyone]] for being a [[Mary Sue]] to the point that many have explicitly said they wished she {{spoiler|had drowned in episode two of the second season}}. Those same ones conveniently ignore the fact that Sebastian is [[Marty Stu|much more guilty of this.]] However, Sebastian being a [[Marty Stu]] may be justified, seeing as he is a ''demon'' and is supposed to appear as the "perfect person". Still not an excuse [[Double Standard|for the fangirls ignoring his GS-ness whule bashing the shit outta Lizzie]].
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Found on [[Tumblr]] in particular in vast amounts.
** The demon justification is completely jossed in the anime, whose second season includes a few new demons who are ''not'' perfect.
** Ciel is also '''much''' more guilty of Suedom than Elizabeth, and yet the fans worship him and [[Draco in Leather Pants|think he can do no wrong]]. Not even {{spoiler|setting a bunch of kids on fire}} [[Misaimed Fandom|can fault him]]. Sure, he has a [[Freudian Excuse]], but he's done some pretty [[Moral Event Horizon|awful things]] that don't deserve that justification.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: The series itself is referred to as "Kuroshit" by detractors. (And by sarcastic fans.)
* [[I Knew It!]]: Bound to happen when there is so much speculation going around.
** And, as of Season 2, {{spoiler|Alois Trancy}} to Ciel. Ciel is not entirely sure how to react to the former. Episode 6 of Season 2 shows enough between {{spoiler|Claude}} and Sebastian to match up with the two.
* [[Freud Was Right]]: Not as prominent in the manga, but the anime version of Ciel's subconscious definitely had some choice words for Vincent.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: Go on Gaia Online and announce your love for this series. Go on, '''[[Schmuck Bait|we]]''' '''''[[Schmuck Bait|dare]]''''' '''[[Schmuck Bait|you]]'''. To clarify: The series gets a lot of angry (albeit semi-justified) hate due to the heaps of [[Ho Yay]], [[Fan Service]], and the [[Shotacon]] implications all throughout the series. Because of this, there are some people who won't touch it with a ten foot pole. Worse yet, there are also some who will ''insult'' and ''degrade'' you for liking it, marking you as nothing more than a mere [[Yaoi Fangirl]] who promotes pedophilia and even ''Satanism/Demon worshipping''. Sadly, a lot of it is probably due to [[Hype Aversion]]/[[Hype Backlash]], and some of it is probably due to some [[Fan Dumb|fans]] who have actually stated that they [[Insane Troll Logic|wish they could get tortured so that a handsome demon will come and "rescue" them]], so it really works both ways in this case.
* [[Het Is Ew]]: A large portion of the fanbase. Unsurprising, considering all the [[Ho Yay]] in the series.
* [[I Knew It!]]: In the murder mystery arc in the manga, a lot of people speculated that {{spoiler|Sebastian was not really dead}}; they were right. Some others also speculated that {{spoiler|a snake}} would be used to commit one or more of the murders; they were also right.
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Ciel can be seen as this, since he doesn't mind killing or hurting anyone who gets in the way of his plans, but at the same time, he is portrayed very sympathetically, usually because of his [[Dark and Troubled Past|horrible past]].
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: {{spoiler|As if a poker to the chest and a shovel to the head would actually kill Sebastian. Guess what, it didn't.}}
* [[Mary Sue]]: Various characters have been accused of this.
* [[Marty Stu]]: Sebatian could be considered this, but it's justified since he is a demon. Ciel sometimes wishes Sebastian would fail at ''something'', purely for the humor of it.
** Sebastian is incredibly powerful and sexy and great at just about everything. However, as the story goes on, we see that he in truth has quite a few flaws and doesn't always succeed.
** Though the justification is for naught in the second anime, where all of the other demons are quite flawed. Except for Sebastian, of course.
** Ciel is a rich [[Teen Genius]] [[Magnificent Bastard]] with a [[Dark and Troubled Past]] who leads a life of luxury and has a glamorous-sounding job. Nevertheless he sometimes makes painful mistakes and has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
** Ciel may also qualify. [[Dark and Troubled Past]], [[So Beautiful It's a Curse|so cute everyone wants him]], is more trusted by the Queen than anyone else [[Improbable Age|at 12]], has his own toy company and so on.
** Elizabeth got some of this after her character development. For the majority of the people, she was [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]].
* [[Memetic Mutation]]:** Deer-head Sebastian.
** Deer-head Sebastian.
** Sebastian's hooker boots.
** {{spoiler|As of chapter 57, Elizabeth Middleford, zombie slayer}} is fast becoming this, along with a healthy dash of [[Memetic Badass]].
* [[Memetic Outfit]]: MostMany [[Cosplay|cosplays]] of Ciel are of that pink dress.
* [[Memetic Sex God]]: Sure, everyone loves to get touchy-feely on Ciel, who has had his own [[Stalker with a Crush]] since he was seven years old, but if you are in-universe and don't have a thing for Sebastian, you don't have a pulse. [[My Friends and Zoidberg|Or Abberline]]. Anime-wise, even the dog and an ''angel'' want Sebastian.
** Alois' outfit has more or less reached this status by now.
* [[Memetic Sex God]]: Sure, everyone loves to get touchy-feely on Ciel, who has had his own [[Stalker with a Crush]] since he was seven years old, but if you are in-universe and don't have a thing for Sebastian, you don't have a pulse. [[My Friends and Zoidberg|Or Abberline]]. Anime-wise, even the dog and an ''angel'' want Sebastian.
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: There are a lot of people in the fandom who ship Sebastian and Ciel and want them to live [[Happily Ever After]]. This is despite how [[Word of God]] has emphasized that Sebastian is a demon who only wants to eat Ciel and that Ciel does not trust him. Still, with all the [[Ho Yay]] going on between those two, it's hard to blame the fans.
** Some people took the infamous scene in which Ciel ''vomits'' and Sebastian lovingly cradles his head while smirking as ''a sign of love and affection'' on Sebastian's part and still rejoice in it to this day despite how utterly devastated Ciel was at that time. Because of all of the [[Fan Service]] piled onto this series, a lot of fans tend to not realize how pivotal some scenes really are simply because of the sexy factor.
* [[Moe]]: A lot of characters, in both male and female varieties.
* [[Moral Guardians]]: A section of the fandom cares very much about policing other fans' fanfiction and fanart and even interpretations of the manga.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: A minority of fans believe that Ciel crossed it when he {{spoiler|ordered Sebastian to burn down a building full of children, and ''then'' ordered him to kill Doll.}}
* [[No Yay]]: Some people in the English-speaking fandom really hate the idea of pairing Sebastian and Ciel together and prefer to pretend that the fanservice about them doesn't exist.
* [[No Yay]]: Baron Kelvin's obsession with Ciel.
** The {{spoiler|sex scene between Sebastian and Beast}} may be considered this, since most people would [[Fan-Preferred Couple|prefer him with]] [[Shotacon|Ciel]].
* [[Portmanteau Couple Name]]: Sebaciel, Cielizzy, Grelliam...
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: A lot of fans didn't like Elizabeth for being a [[Shallow Love Interest]]. Then it turns out that {{spoiler|she was [[Little Miss Badass]] all along....}}
* [[Shipping Goggles]] The fans of Sebastian/Ciel see proof of romance in vanishingly tiny things. A popular example is the way Ciel has his hand on a doorframe when at one time he goes to talk with Sebastian.
** Shipping Goggles also make fans of thea pairing not see things, such as Elizabeth being unstable, violent, and controlling behind her cute[[Kawaiiko]] exterior, which aren't ingredients for a good relationshipmarriage with Ciel.
* [[Shipping Wars]]: Sebastian/Ciel is attacked from both sides by fans of Ciel/Elizabeth and Sebastian/Grell. It gets vicious.
* [[Stoic Woobie]]: Ciel. Overlaps with [[Jerkass Woobie]]. Despite the things he has been put through, he usually doesn't complain about them and always tries to keep moving forward. Though, on {{spoiler|thereinfrequent wasoccasions onehe timedoes inbreak, chapterhard, 34but wherethen he appeared toputs [[Breakhimself theback Cutie|snap]]}}together.
** Snake.
* [[Squick]]: Baron Kelvin is made of Squick. A small minority of the fans also find that the [[Fan Service]] about Ciel crosses into Squick territory.
* [[Squick]]: Lord Kelvin, Grell, and Ciel's tailor aside, it should be mentioned that the writers sometimes seem to go out of their way to add as much [[Ho Yay]] as possible between Sebastian and Ciel, especially in the anime. [[Unfortunate Implications]], much?
* [[Toy Ship]]: CielxElizabethCiel/Elizabeth is a bordelineborderline ''[[Canon]]'' one, considering the fact that they're [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage|engaged]]. It also seems to be gaininggained more credibility among fans lately thanks to some [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap|much needed]] [[Character Development]].
** Alois and Claude are heavily implied to have a sexual relationship. Alois {{spoiler|/Jim}} has a rather squicktastic way of relating to the men in his life.
** Ciel/Sieglinde. Sieglinde has expressed romantic interest in Ciel in the canon too, though Ciel to date hasn't reciprocated.
** Claude kissing Ciel {{spoiler|/Alois}}'s foot.
* [[Unequal Pairing]]: Sebastian/Ciel can be seen (and is derided) as this. However, both Sebastian and Ciel have the upper hand in different ways. Sebastian has vastly more raw power than Ciel, but Ciel can command Sebastian's absolute obedience. Sebastian is much older than Ciel, but Ciel has more common sense than Sebastian. Sebastian can do just about everything by himself, but Ciel can command true loyalty. In the manga Sebastian and Ciel are constantly jostling for the upper hand.
** Every. Single. Scene. Involving the Earl Trancy in season 2. "Another [[Sex Slave|doll]] broke?"
* [[Values Dissonance]]: Sebastian/Ciel has a ''very'' vocal hatedom in the English-speaking fandom while the Japanese fandom has no problems with the pairing. The Japanese fandom also doesn't obsess over whether or not Grell is trans.
*** Baron Kelvin too.
* [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?]]: The series has [[Seinen]] written all over it, but is published in a Shonen magazine. To elaborate, it includes violence and gore, murder, child abuse, sex (and in the anime, rape), pedophilia, and [[Innocent Innuendo|questionable dialogue]].
** There are also '''''way''''' too many loving pans of [[Shotacon|Ciel's prepubescent body]] for some readers' comfort. Particularly in chapter 62, ''dear'' '''LORD'''...
** Some fans have said that they don't think the manga is suitable for anyone under 18.
* Anytime someone ''shoves their arm down Hannah's throat''. Those sounds...ugh.
* [[They Just Didn't Care]]: The recent shift in Toboso's art; it's much less detailed than before and the lack of backgrounds is extremely noticeable.
* [[Toy Ship]]: CielxElizabeth is a bordeline ''[[Canon]]'' one, considering the fact that they're [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage|engaged]]. It also seems to be gaining more credibility among fans lately thanks to some [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|much needed]] [[Character Development]].
* [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?]]: The series has [[Seinen]] written all over it, but is published in a Shonen magazine. To elaborate, it includes violence and gore, murder, child abuse, sex (and in the anime, rape), pedophilia, and [[Innocent Innuendo|questionable dialogue]].
* [[The Woobie]]: Madam Red fits this trope to a T.
** Honestly though, her deeds as {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]]}} kind of nullify her [[Woobie]] status. At the very least, they push her into [[Jerkass Woobie]] territory.
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** Almost all of the circus performers.
** Even Lizzie to some.
* [[WTH Costuming Department]]: Sebastian. In his demon form, he wears tight leather pants and highsharp-pointed stiletto heels.
** A few covers have shown Ciel in ballet boots, confusing many fans. In general Ciel can wear some very unusual and even fetishy things on chapter covers. One particular outfit got referred to the "sexy turkey".
** Then there is Sebastian's Elvis jacket in the [[Costume Test Montage]]. It's clear why the outfit wasn't chosen, but not at all clear how come the outfit even ''existed''.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: Seemingly the most common type of fan, despite the series not being [[Yaoi]].
[[Category:Black Butler]]