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* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Blacksad.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Blacksad.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Dinah. The stories are in a 50s setting, so her fashion choice is rather daring.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Dinah. The stories are in a 50s setting, so her fashion choice is rather daring.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: A character in ''Artic Nation'' is in the middle of one several decades in the making. A key factor in this plot is {{spoiler|marrying her own father, while keeping him from discovering this particular bit of information. She succeeds at most of her goals, but her sister is killed in the process and her niece rendered an orphan}}.
* [[Best Served Cold]]: {{spoiler|Jezebel}} and {{spoiler|Dinah}} have been waiting a long time to enact their vengeance.
* [[Best Served Cold]]: {{spoiler|Jezebel}} and {{spoiler|Dinah}} have been waiting a long time to enact their vengeance.
* [[The Big Easy]]: The fourth album.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Each album ends with one, the most obvious being the third, ''Red Soul''
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Each album ends with one, the most obvious being the third, ''Red Soul''
* [[Bodyguard Crush]] / [[Rescue Romance]]: How Blacksad and Natalia met.
* [[Bodyguard Crush]] / [[Rescue Romance]]: How Blacksad and Natalia met.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: A character in ''Artic Nation'' is in the middle of one several decades in the making. A key factor in this plot is {{spoiler|marrying her own father, while keeping him from discovering this particular bit of information. She succeeds at most of her goals, but her sister is killed in the process and her niece rendered an orphan}}.
* [[Call Back]]: In ''Red Soul'', Blacksad is sufficiently annoyed when he has to attend a Natalia Wilford Look-A-Like contest when doing bodyguard duty for a rich client.
* [[Call Back]]: In ''Red Soul'', Blacksad is sufficiently annoyed when he has to attend a Natalia Wilford Look-A-Like contest when doing bodyguard duty for a rich client.
* [[Carnivore Confusion]]: Unless those were vegetarian sausages we see Karup grilling in an old photo...
* [[Carnivore Confusion]]: Unless those were vegetarian sausages we see Karup grilling in an old photo...
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* [[Furry Confusion]]: There are many anthropomorphized species in the series, but apparently insects and aquatic species (such as fish and sharks) are not among them as Ivo Statoc collects non-anthro insect specimens and there are aquariums.
* [[Furry Confusion]]: There are many anthropomorphized species in the series, but apparently insects and aquatic species (such as fish and sharks) are not among them as Ivo Statoc collects non-anthro insect specimens and there are aquariums.
* [[Gender Equals Breed]]: Although it appears that most romances are between members of the same species, this still holds true to a certain extent. For example, Smirnov looks like a German Shepherd, and his wife is some kind of collie. Their children - a little boy and a girl -- follow their parents' breeds. And the same for Sebastian and his wife, Hannah - their son looks far more like Sebastian. Another example is {{spoiler|Karup and his first wife, a dog, whose daughters are both dogs}}.
* [[Gender Equals Breed]]: Although it appears that most romances are between members of the same species, this still holds true to a certain extent. For example, Smirnov looks like a German Shepherd, and his wife is some kind of collie. Their children - a little boy and a girl -- follow their parents' breeds. And the same for Sebastian and his wife, Hannah - their son looks far more like Sebastian. Another example is {{spoiler|Karup and his first wife, a dog, whose daughters are both dogs}}.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]: When Blacksad has sex it's implied to be very romantic and fulfilling. Whereas when we see {{spoiler|Huk and Jezebel}} having sex it's shown to be much less wholesome.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]: When Blacksad has sex it's implied to be very romantic and fulfilling. Whereas when we see {{spoiler|Huk and Jezebel}} having sex it's shown to be much less wholesome.
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]: {{spoiler|Cotten}}
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]: {{spoiler|Cotten}}
* [[The Grim Reaper]]: Death himself doesn't show, but {{spoiler|1=Faust LaChapelle}} dons a costume in his image to go around incognito. Death apparantly looks like a man with a goat skull in the ''Blacksad'' universe, merging some of the imagery with that of traditional Western depictions of [[Satan]].
* [[The Grim Reaper]]: Death himself doesn't show, but {{spoiler|1=Faust LaChapelle}} dons a costume in his image to go around incognito. Death apparantly looks like a man with a goat skull in the ''Blacksad'' universe, merging some of the imagery with that of traditional Western depictions of [[Satan]].
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* [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]: Blacksad struggles with this when confronting {{spoiler|Ivo Statoc}}.
* [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]]: Blacksad struggles with this when confronting {{spoiler|Ivo Statoc}}.
* [[I Kiss Your Hand]]: Blacksad does this to Smirnov's wife.
* [[I Kiss Your Hand]]: Blacksad does this to Smirnov's wife.
* [[In Spite of a Nail]]: Despite (almost) everyone being anthro animals, and having many specific issues due to that fact, general history seems mostly unchanged, what with [[World War Two]] and the [[Red Scare]]...
* [[Incest Is Relative]]: {{spoiler|Jezebel's [[Xanatos Gambit]] relies on her marrying her own father. She does refuse to sleep with him, though.}}
* [[Incest Is Relative]]: {{spoiler|Jezebel's [[Xanatos Gambit]] relies on her marrying her own father. She does refuse to sleep with him, though.}}
* [[In Spite of a Nail]]: Despite (almost) everyone being anthro animals, and having many specific issues due to that fact, general history seems mostly unchanged, what with [[World War Two]] and the [[Red Scare]]...
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]: Weekly. He's also a bit of a [[Chivalrous Pervert|pervert]], too.
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]: Weekly. He's also a bit of a [[Chivalrous Pervert|pervert]], too.
* [[It's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans]] at the end of the fourth album.
* [[It's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans]] at the end of the fourth album.
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*** He even makes a smart-ass comment about it; when the Arctic Nation first comes around to harass him, he points to the white patch on his face and says, "What, isn't this enough white for you?"
*** He even makes a smart-ass comment about it; when the Arctic Nation first comes around to harass him, he points to the white patch on his face and says, "What, isn't this enough white for you?"
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Blacksad walks down a university hallway to ''very'' admiring glances from the female students, and extreme disapproval from their boyfriends. When he comes back, the couples are in full argument mode.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Blacksad walks down a university hallway to ''very'' admiring glances from the female students, and extreme disapproval from their boyfriends. When he comes back, the couples are in full argument mode.
* [[Murder by Mistake]]: Intending to assassinate {{spoiler|Otto}} Ribs kills a similar looking owl, Otero.
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: Arctic Nation, an organization of white furred animals who want all the other colors to disappear in "a blizzard".
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: Arctic Nation, an organization of white furred animals who want all the other colors to disappear in "a blizzard".
** They're a lot like the KKK too.
** They're a lot like the KKK too.
** There also seems to be a burgeoning Black Panthers expy.
** There also seems to be a burgeoning Black Panthers expy.
*** You can see pictures of actual nazis in the third album.
*** You can see pictures of actual nazis in the third album.
* [[Murder by Mistake]]: Intending to assassinate {{spoiler|Otto}} Ribs kills a similar looking owl, Otero.
* [[Odd Couple]]: Big and stoic Blacksad with excitable and relatively small Weekly. Also the literal cat and dog combo of Blacksad and Smirnov.
* [[Odd Couple]]: Big and stoic Blacksad with excitable and relatively small Weekly. Also the literal cat and dog combo of Blacksad and Smirnov.
* [[Oh Crap]]: In Album one where Statoc's mammal henchman follows the lizard henchman into a predominantly reptile bar. As the reptiles are happy to illustrate: Hairy guys like him are {{smallcaps| NOT}} welcome there.
* [[Oh Crap]]: In Album one where Statoc's mammal henchman follows the lizard henchman into a predominantly reptile bar. As the reptiles are happy to illustrate: Hairy guys like him are {{smallcaps| NOT}} welcome there.
* [[Once an Episode]]: Except for the first album, every story has a classic American song in the background ("[[Billie Holiday|Strange Fruit,]]" "That Old Black Magic Called Love," and "Summertime.")
* [[Once an Episode]]: Except for the first album, every story has a classic American song in the background ("[[Billie Holiday|Strange Fruit,]]" "That Old Black Magic Called Love," and "Summertime.")
* [[One-Hour Work Week]]: When he first meets Blacksad, Weekly claims that his articles are of such superior quality that he can get away with only showing up at the office once a week or so, which is how he got the nickname. Later on, he 'fesses up that it's actually because of an office rumor about his bathing habits. Since it's never established one way or the other whether his claim about the amount of time spent in the office is true, it's possible he's encouraged to stay away to save his coworkers from dealing with his...distinctive odor.
* [[One-Hour Work Week]]: When he first meets Blacksad, Weekly claims that his articles are of such superior quality that he can get away with only showing up at the office once a week or so, which is how he got the nickname. Later on, he 'fesses up that it's actually because of an office rumor about his bathing habits. Since it's never established one way or the other whether his claim about the amount of time spent in the office is true, it's possible he's encouraged to stay away to save his coworkers from dealing with his...distinctive odor.
* [[Pedophile Priest]]: Karup is the director of the church's children choir. He may or may not be a pedophile... point is, {{spoiler|by the end all the townsfolk believe it.}}
* [[Pedophile Priest]]: Karup is the director of the church's children choir. He may or may not be a pedophile... point is, {{spoiler|by the end all the townsfolk believe it.}}
* [[Pretty Little Headshots]]: In the first story, even though Blacksad's old flame was murdered via a shot to the head, there's only a bit of blood and a small hole instead of brains and stuff being splattered all over the wall…
* [[Pretty Little Headshots]]: In the first story, even though Blacksad's old flame was murdered via a shot to the head, there's only a bit of blood and a small hole instead of brains and stuff being splattered all over the wall…
** … which might be explained by the fact that she was lying down on her bed and the shot was downwards. The nastiness would have splattered the pillow under her head rather than the wall.
** … which might be explained by the fact that she was lying down on her bed and the shot was downwards. The nastiness would have splattered the pillow under her head rather than the wall.
* [[Private Eye Monologue]]: Naturally.
* [[Private Eye Monologue]]: Naturally.
* [[The Promise]]: Blacksad's promise to Cotten.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: When {{spoiler|Cotten}} threatens to tell the rest of Arctic Nation about the kidnapping he is promptly shot.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: When {{spoiler|Cotten}} threatens to tell the rest of Arctic Nation about the kidnapping he is promptly shot.
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: Played straight in the first album; one of Ivo Statoc's henchmen is a lizard. He does get something of an [[Alas, Poor Villain]] moment though.
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: Played straight in the first album; one of Ivo Statoc's henchmen is a lizard. He does get something of an [[Alas, Poor Villain]] moment though.
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* [[Sidekick]]: Weekly.
* [[Sidekick]]: Weekly.
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: All Alma wants is a dedicated man who will take her to Niagara Falls.
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: All Alma wants is a dedicated man who will take her to Niagara Falls.
* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|Huk the polar fox}}.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Samuel Gotfield is a Type C before he goes [[Sanity Slippage|completely mental.]]
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Samuel Gotfield is a Type C before he goes [[Sanity Slippage|completely mental.]]
* [[Stout Strength]]: Ted Leeman, the hippo detective in the fourth album.
* [[Stout Strength]]: Ted Leeman, the hippo detective in the fourth album.
* [[Swiss Cheese Security]]: Statoc's building seemed pretty easy to break into. Although this may reflect Statoc's confidence that he could sway Blacksad with money.
* [[Swiss Cheese Security]]: Statoc's building seemed pretty easy to break into. Although this may reflect Statoc's confidence that he could sway Blacksad with money.
* [[The Big Easy]]: The fourth album.
* [[The Promise]]: Blacksad's promise to Cotten.
* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|Huk the polar fox}}.
* [[Use Your Head]]: Blacksad pulls this on an attacker in ''Somewhere Within The Shadows''. It is very effective.
* [[Use Your Head]]: Blacksad pulls this on an attacker in ''Somewhere Within The Shadows''. It is very effective.
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: {{spoiler|Ivo Statoc}} tries to offer Blacksad a job in his employ when he's finally tracked him down and already dispatched his bodyguards.
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: {{spoiler|Ivo Statoc}} tries to offer Blacksad a job in his employ when he's finally tracked him down and already dispatched his bodyguards.
* [[You Dirty Rat]]: The shady rat from ''Somewhere Within The Shadows''
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Mother]]: This is what drives {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bitch|Jezebel]]}}.
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Mother]]: This is what drives {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bitch|Jezebel]]}}.
* [[You Dirty Rat]]: The shady rat from ''Somewhere Within The Shadows''
* [[You Wouldn't Shoot Me]]: Statoc says this to Blacksad. {{spoiler|[[Boom! Headshot!|He is quickly proven wrong.]] Blacksad also notes that without the jolt of contempt he felt from Statoc's upfront taunting, he probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger.}}
* [[You Wouldn't Shoot Me]]: Statoc says this to Blacksad. {{spoiler|[[Boom! Headshot!|He is quickly proven wrong.]] Blacksad also notes that without the jolt of contempt he felt from Statoc's upfront taunting, he probably wouldn't have pulled the trigger.}}