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* ''[[Nobilis]]'' ''thrives'' on this trope, particularly in the sidebar "microfiction" vignettes. While the [[Player Character|Nobles]] have an ultimately good goal (they want to save the universe), some want to destroy humanity as well. The Nobilis, even the more traditional "good guy" types, see things in an entirely different way than you or me. They are, after all, basically living personifications of concepts.
** And then there are the [[Eldritch Abomination|Excrucians]], who have a morality that freaks out the Nobilis. Yipe.
* In ''[[Kult]]'', reality itself is an illusion, and the true reality behind it is very different. Any character who knows anything about the truth and acts on this knowledge rather thenthan just playing normal will be perceived as insane at best. {{spoiler|One basic rule is that you need to achieve as extreme a mental balance as possible in order to break free from the illusion. A normal person has a mental balance of zero, the weakest and most vulnerable position possible. Thus, helping people with negative mental balance climbing back up to zero is actually doing them a disfavor, unless you can keep pushing them upwards to high levels of positive mental balance. This means that it's usually a bad thing to heal a trauma or cure a mental disorder. It also means that any person with negative mental balance (or positive balance very close to zero) potentially has a lot to gain from getting tortured, raped, or even murdered. Positive mental balance is even more alien, although much neater.}}
* Some source material from ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'' suggests that [[The Computer Is Your Friend|Friend Computer]] works on this system. Either that, or its goals are just really screwy. No one can be quite sure, and trying to be is treason.
* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]''
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** Another unexplained action they take in the second game is {{spoiler|kidnapping Admiral Bosch and his command staff alive when they finally managed to get a communication across to the Shivans.}} This is completely outside their usual MO and has confused many a fan of the series.
* Capsuleer motives are seen as this by planet-dwellers in ''[[EVE Online]]''. It doesn't help that even among the various capsuleer factions there's a general theme of sociopathy with rules unique to each group.
* ''[[Honkai: Star Rail]]'': The various Paths are philosophies and ways of behavior that are distorted from normal human morality, with the [[Cosmic Entity|Aeons]] that embody and empower them being the most clear and rigid examples. Nanook the Destruction, who sees [[Omnicidal Maniac|the destruction of all things as the ultimate goal]], and Tayzzyronth the Propagation, who exists for the endless reproduction of the [[Horde of Alien Locusts]], are the ones most obviously inimical to manmade norms, but even the seemingly benevolent ones don't grok humanity. Yaozhi the Abundance grants immortality that will survive even violent death, and doesn't see the problem with the recipients eventually growing mad. Aha the Elation spreads amusement and joy, but considers [[It Amused Me|self-serving trolling]] and [[Deadly Prank]]s just as legitimate as beneficial acts.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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** Rape or forced sex as a way of life is prevalent among [[Morally-Ambiguous Ducktorate|ducks]].
** By the moral of pretty much any human culture on earth, bottlenose dolphins could easily be regarded as the most evil animals. In zoos, Bottlenose dolphins are never put in with other species of dolphin, because the Bottlenose will frequently torment and rape them. Dolphins are also one of the few species besides humans to have discovered sex slavery - in the wild groups of males will sometimes surround females and prevent them from eating until the females submit to rape. Some also seem to delight in torture.
** In many species of spiders the male will tie down the female with silk first before attempting to mate with her, probably because she is much larger thenthan him and may try to eat him. Similarly, male tarantulas grow small blunt "hooks" on their first pair of legs when they reach sexual maturity. These hooks have no purpose other than to catch and hold the female's fangs - Blue and Orange morality on both sides, since it's not so much rape as the only way two instinctive killing machines can manage to reproduce.
** You may have seen pictures of orangutans with large, distinctive cheeks and some without. Evidently it's the male of the species that produces those cheeks, but only if he lives a certain lifestyle. If he settles down, claims a territory, and waits for the ladies to come to him, he grows big cheeks. The other male lifestyle is known as "roam and rape".
** Infanticide is common among many animals, often it is done because it causes the mother to go into heat faster.