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(Moved the Trivia tropes to its respectable page.)
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*** Also notable are [[Evilutionary Biologist|Baron]] [[Dracula|Stoker]] and one Polidori.
** The [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|terrenials]] are all named after authors of children's books except Nero and Toasty/Otenko.
** The Schrödinger is a [[Cool Ship|Mobile Fighter]] operated by [[SchrodingersSchrödinger's Cat|a cat terrenial whose power was split into two separate terrenials]]. Crosses the line between this and a [[Stealth Pun]].
** The above terrenial, incidentally, is named after [[Charles Perrault|the author of]] ''[[Puss in Boots (novel)|Puss in Boots]]''.
** The [[Final Boss|last bosses of each game of the original three games]]. They're EACH [[Norse Mythology|named for a child of Loki]]. [[Continuity Nod|Subsequently]], Lucian's weapons.