Book of Exodus: Difference between revisions

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{{tropelist|These books contain the following tropes}}
* [[Ambiguously Jewish]]: In rabbinical tradition, Moses was never circumcised, hence why he wasn't allowed into the Promised Land. Freud theorized that Moses wasn't Jewish at all, but Egyptian royalty that for some reason [[Defector From Decadence|threw in with their lot]].
** [[Did Not Do the Research|According to Exodus]] Moses was not allowed into the promised land because of his disobedience to God in his leadership of the Israelites. Circumcision had nothing to do with it. Also, he was ethnically Jewish to begin with, he was adopted into the Eqyptian royal court regardless.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: The Israelites conquer Canaan but it's foretold the next generation will be unfaithful to God. Moses only sees a bit of the Promised Land and dies soon after.
* [[Church Militant]]: Contrary to what you see in [[The Ten Commandments]], the worshipers of the golden calf were not swallowed up by the earth. God had Moses command the Levite priests to slaughter them.
** A priest named Phineas takes it very personally when the people of Moab tempt his people into defying God's will and decided to take out the leader of the problem with a [[Blade On A Stick]]. God makes a point of personally praising Phineas for this.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: God gets a classic one when it's doubted even he can provide meat for the people of Israel out of thin air:
{{quote|'''Is the Lord's arm too short?'''}}
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Pharaoh in sharp contrast to two Hebrew midwives identified by name.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: Exodus describes an exodus. Deuteronomy means "second law".
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* [[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: Pharaoh.
* [[Kill It with Water]]: Drowning Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: Despite God making a lot of [[Rules Lawyer]] antics flat out impossible, Aaron still found a loophole around the law saying he could not publicly mourn his dead sons, refusing his portion of the sacrificial offerings that day. When Moses called him on not doing what God said, Aaron countered the sacrificial offering was for the priests, but [[Exact Words|never specified any penalty for opting out of eating their share, merely saying the priests could have it if it was available]]. It was Aaron's way of mourning in such a way he never broke any actual rules, and even Moses had to admit that was pretty clever.
* [[Lyrical Dissonance]]: The song of Moses (Deut. 32:1-43) which was sung as the Israelites finally entered the Promised Land. In the passages beforehand, God had flat out told Moses that his people were going to mess up badly in the end, and gave the song to Moses as a reminder of what they needed to do once that day came to repent. Nevertheless, it's about as uplifting as a kick in the balls.
* [[Moses in the Bulrushes]] - The [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Moses pretty much screwed himself out of the Promised Land by doing the right thing (providing the people with water from a rock when they were thirsty) while doing so the wrong way (taking credit for God's hand in the matter). God punished him by saying he would never enter the Promised Land, only being able to get a brief look at it before he died.
* [[Viewers Are Goldfish]]: A justified example in-universe, as a lot of the material concerning the laws the Israelites had to follow is oft repeated because, s God and Moses accurately forsee, they will need constant reminders.