Bullying a Dragon: Difference between revisions

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** It's usually [[Mugging the Monster]] when it comes to Shanks and Luffy. People rarely appreciate (or even believe) how strong these two are. Two notable examples, however, are Bellamy in the Skypeia arc and Hody Jones after the [[Time Skip]]. Bellamy assumed Luffy was a weakling because Luffy wouldn't fight back over a simple insult (he didn't see it as worth the trouble). Then Bellamy got Luffy's wanted poster, with a bounty more than double his own meager sum. He ignored it, and proceeded to rob Luffy's friends. When Luffy came back to get what he stole, Bellamy still refused to accept the truth. [[Curb Stomp Battle|Cue getting faceplanted]] [[One Hit KO|with just one punch to the face.]] Hody is an even more egregious example, because not only did he know Luffy had beaten Arlong, but knew his exact reputation right down to recent events and still decided to make an enemy of him. While he arguably ''could'' have beaten "Luffy as advertised" instead of "[[Took a Level in Badass]] Luffy", Luffy's mere reputation alone should have made him think twice. He's the only villain in the entire manga to go down ''before'' his crew as a result. That's just how sad a villain he was.
** Special mention goes to Don Krieg, who picks a fight with Dracule Mihawk, who'd previously turned his several large battleships and army of pirates into one badly trashed battleship with most of his men dead. Then showed up just to finish off Krieg's last battleship due to being bored. Which he did with [[Implausible Fencing Powers|one swing of his giant sword]].
*** Of course, in that same arc, Zoro himself (who, in his defense, was much younger and more naive at the time) was little better, openly challenging Mihawk for the title of World's Greatest Swordsman. Mihawk defeated him using a knife that was literally smaller than one he used to cut vegetables, and the only reason here why Zoro wasn't killed was because Mihawk [[The Force Is Strong with This One| was impressed by his determination]]. In many ways, this was [[An Aesop]] of the dangers of misjudging your own abilities, a lesson that would need to be learned by many characters in the history of the show.
** Wow Spandam! It sure was a [[Sarcasm Mode|great idea]] to frame [[Secret Police|CP9]], six of the deadliest assassins in the world, for the Enies Lobby disaster. It's not like they will want to go after your blood when they find out what you did to them! Oh.....
** Demalo Black a.k.a Fake Luffy at the start of the second half of the series. The idiot is weak as hell but thinks he can coast by on Luffy's reputation alone to get people to fear him. It manages to attract some high level (and much more dangerous) pirates to him, so that part of the plan went swimmingly. But when he (unknowingly) comes across the real Luffy and tries to threaten him just for simply bumping into him (something Luffy even apologized for), he knocked out flat simply from Luffy's aura. This defeat only makes him even more determined to exact his revenge on Luffy, probably because he's too damn ignorant to realize just what Luffy did to him. Then later during a marine raid he runs straight into Sentomaru, a man who easily handed Luffy his ass two years previous. You can guess how this little encounter ends.