Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game): Difference between revisions

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[[File:Call_of_Cthulhu_2Call of Cthulhu 2.jpg|frame|"[[Mr. Welch|840: Even if it would have immediately solved the last six adventures, I will not throw dynamite into every well we come across]]."]]
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{{quote|''Okay, now roll SAN.''}}
One of the most famous [[Tabletop Games]] of all time, ''[[Call of Cthulhu]]'' combines the adventurism and teamwork of [[Dungeons and Dragons]] with the [[Lovecraftian Fiction]] setting of the [[Cthulhu Mythos]]. Your adventurers, or rather investigators, are dropped into scenarios right out of a Lovecraft story, and must keep their wits about them; the goal of every ''C.O.C.'' campaign is not so much to ''defeat'' the Enemy, but to ''survive'' Its horrendous onslaught while following the mystery out to its bitter -- [[Killer Game Master|and usually grim]] -- end—end.
Notable for introducing [[Sanity Meter|Sanity as a character stat]] -- your—your characters actually risk having their minds blown apart, partially or completely (and sometimes even ''literally''), by the events they encounter. As a result, the term "SAN check" has drifted out of the ''Cthulhu'' following and become a generally recognized metaphor among gaming circles. As characters learn more lore about the Cthulhu Mythos, their maximum Sanity shrinks -- givingshrinks—giving players the choice of having characters who are ignorant or crazy.
Also has variations for settings and time periods including the [[The Roaring Twenties|1920s]], [[Present Day|Modern]], [[Delta Green]], [[The Gay Nineties|Gaslight]], [[Dark Age Europe|Dark Ages]], [[Ancient Rome|Roman times]] and [[In Space|space]].
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Do not confuse with the video game ''Call of Cthulhu: [[Dark Corners of the Earth]]'', which is also based on the [[Cthulhu Mythos]] (specifically, on the "Raid On [[Town with a Dark Secret|Innsmouth]]" campaign module of the RPG), a [[Collectible Card Game]] of the same name loosely based on (and licensed by) Chaosium's aforementioned RPG, a movie done in the black-and-white style of the 1920s about Cthulhu, the Youtube series [[Calls For Cthulhu]], or the original [[H.P. Lovecraft]] short story they are all named after.
=== Has examples of: ===
* [[All Webbed Up]]: What happens to you if you mess with Atlach-Nacha or Leng Spiders.
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* [[Cosmic Horror Story]]: Call of Cthulhu at its core.
* [[Cool Uncle]]: In ''The Fungi from Yuggoth'' adventure "Mountains of the Moon", an NPC named Victor recognizes one [[Player Character]]. He was an old friend of the PC's father, and the PC remembers him as "Uncle Victor", a warm, good-hearted man (even though Mom didn't seem to like him).
* [[Cult|Cults]]s: Usually worship one or more [[Eldritch Abomination]]; [[Religion of Evil|NOT nice people]].
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: What often happens when characters are exposed to too much of the Mythos.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Although, this happens very, very rarely, since meeting the aforementioned eldritch abominations usually ends badly.
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* [[The Library of Babel]]: The Library of Celaeno in the adventure ''The Fungi From Yuggoth''.
* [[Louis Cypher]]: Nyarlathotep is fond of this. In the ''At Your Door'' campaign, he appears as realtor Atley P. North and a saxophonist called 'the Royal Pant'.
* [[Lured Into a Trap]]: In "The Worm That Walks", in the ''Shadows of Yog-Sothoth'' campaign. Mr. Edwin sends the [[PC|PCs]]s out to investigate a haunted house, and they end up getting ambushed by a family of cannibals who knew they were coming (because [[The Mole|Mr. Edwin]] told them).
* [[Mysterious Antarctica]]: ''Beyond the Mountains of Madness'' sends the player characters on an expedition to Antarctica.
* [[Neck Snap]]: Supplement ''Fearful Passages'', adventure "Sleigh Ride". A giganteus does it to Professor Chance.
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