Calvin and Hobbes: The Series/Recap/S1/E02 The Photo Man

After attempting to save four of Calvin's ever-famous grotesque snowmen, Calvin is given a camera. He promptly attempts to spy on Susie with it, and after several failed tries, he initiates Operation Spy on the Slimy Girl. He manages to get some good pictures, but a spider on his notepad distracts him long enough for Susie to destroy his notes, his pictures, and the camera.

Having only ten seconds left in the episode, the pair then proceed to tap dance for no real reason.



Hobbes: Calvin, let's put this into perspective. One book with about 50 pages is light. Fifteen thousand books, each with 50 pages, are impossible to pick up. It took a lot of snowflakes to build those four snowmen.
Calvin: You're comparing my snowmen to books? You're crazy. Go get the wagon.


Hobbes: Well, Calvin, I hate to stop your mourning, but there's only ten more seconds in this episode.
Calvin (to the camera): Shall we end it interestingly?
Hobbes: Let's.
*they rush off screen, then return wearing top hats and holding canes, tap dancing*