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[[File:CarnEvil.jpg|frame|The greatest show unearthed!.]]
{{quote|''When the moon is full and trees are bare. Walk though the cemetery if you dare. Where skeletons rot and corpses fester. Locate the tomb with the skull of a jester. Feed him a token all shiny and new. It is then that [[Carn Evil]] will return for '''YOU!'''|'''The game's opening narration.'''}}
|'''The game's opening narration.'''}}
A horror-themed light gun game from [[Midway Games]], ''Carn Evil'' is about... well, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|an evil carnival]], which is set somewhere in Iowa (if you can believe the opening cutscene). The game starts off with a hayride/ghost tour making its way through a cemetery at night. One of the patrons, called Jacob in the manual, hops off the ride and locates the grave of Professor Ludwig Von Tökkentäkker, which seems normal enough... save for the evil-looking jester statue on it and a token sticking out of a slot on the tombstone. Curious, Jacob takes the token and puts it in the jester's mouth, where it promptly comes alive and nearly chomps his hand off. Next thing Jacob knows, a carnival indeed comes out of the ground and traps him and presumably his tour inside of it with all manner of nasty and bizarre monsters. Luckily, he stumbles across the shooting gallery, which has real shotguns; Jacob and his friend Lisa grab them and prepare to blast their way out... or die trying.
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Released in 1998, ''CarnEvil'' is considered one of Midway's best arcade games, giving ''[[The House of the Dead (series)|House of the Dead]]'' some competition (both games came out the same year). But what people remember the most about the game is its rather surreal and dark humor, as well as its [[Nightmare Fuel|highly disturbing]] premise. Definitely not one for the kiddies.
Not to be confused with the song "Karn Evil 9" by [[Emerson, Lake & Palmer]].
=== The game provides the following tropes: ===
* [[Amusement Park of Doom]]: Natch.
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Evil Marie's weapon of choice.
* [[At Least I Admit It]]: The [[Final Boss]] is a meta-example; his name is Ludwig von Tökkentäkker. Yes, this game is a notorious quarter-eater, and they aren't even trying to deny it.
* [[Bad Santa]]: Krampus, the boss of Rickety Town.
* [[Big Bad]]: Tökkentäkker.
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** An example. In the food court area of Rickety Town, you can dunk one of the Skeleteens into a deep fryer.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: The arcade cabinet will assure you that "That isn't a zombie/it's just a silly clown."
* [[Bloody Hilarious]]: Kind of the entire point.
* [[Body Horror]]: Up to ''[[Splatterhouse]]'' levels in the Freak Show, but you really should've guessed that.
* [[Bondage Is Bad]]: Evil Marie is wearing ''BDSM chastity gear'' under that dress! Whether this game would pass the censors two decades later is debatable.
* [[Boss Banter]]: Krampus.
* [[Bowdlerization]]: "Junior", the boss of the Freak Show, was changed to a giant stuffed bear named "[[Punny Name|Deaddy]]".
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* [[Clothing Damage]]: Evil Marie (the boss of the Haunted House level) loses clothing as you continue to damage her until she's down to nothing but her underwear.
* [[Cowardly Boss]]: The final boss periodically vanishes, causing your character(s) to move to a new location.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: Umlaut's voice is that of developer Jack Haegar.
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: Poor Betty… Some zombies - and a giant spider - in the Haunted House want to eat her, one group of them in the Freak Show puts her in stocks, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking| one Flap Jack wants to date her.]] (Really! He even offers her flowers.)
** [[Badass Damsel]]: Although, some scenes show she's doing pretty okay on her own, there's even one where she shoves a zombie into an iron maiden.
* [[Dead Baby Comedy]]: Not incredibly prevalent except for the part where you fight a giant undead baby as a boss.
* [[The Dead Have Eyes]]: The skeleton enemies are somehow able to see you.
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* [[Enemy Mime]]: Zombie mimes show up in the Big Top level. They're harmless.
* [[Enfante Terrible]]: Boss of the Freak Show level. The developers, considering that even by this game's standards some arcade owners would find this too disturbing, have an option to replace him with a teddy bear.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: In the Big Top stage, some graffiti you see in the background where you fight the evil doctors shows that some of these zombies think Umlaut is a suck-up to Tokkentakker. This actually makes it kind of fun to think about how the monsters act when there's no victim for them to fight.
* [[Exposition Fairy]]: Umlaut at the start of every level, giving the player a cute little poem about what they're in for. {{spoiler|He's also the second-to-last boss}}.
* [[Fake Difficulty]]: On occasion, you are ''forced'' to take a hit.
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* [[Harmless Villain]]: The mimes in the Big Top level, seeing as a mime wouldn't be able to actually touch you, after all. The most harm they cause is to potentially get in the way of enemies that can harm you.
* [[Haunted House]]: One of the levels is based off a dark house ride version of one.
* [[Hell Hound]]: The final stage has these really ugly poodles with bubblegum pink fur, and blue, frilled collars, a demented variation of the trope. Not all of them will attack you however, some are just happily doing flips and dances.
* [[Homage]]: The miniboss Hambone is a throwback to slasher films. {{spoiler|His reappearance later in the level as "Hambone the Revenge" is a throwback to their many sequels}}.
* [[Hostage Spirit Link]]: Every so often, a girl will pop up and you have to avoid shooting her. Shooting her anyway costs you some of your life.
* [[Human Cannonball]]: in the Big top stage, the protagonist seems to do this on purpose. It should be clear by then to any player that he's got something of a death wish.
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: The eventual fate of Evil Marie, provided you haven't run out of quarters yet.
* [[Incendiary Exponent]]: Some of the ghouls in the Haunted House level are on fire for no reason.
* [[Jerkass]]: Umlaut.
* [[Jiggle Physics]]: With Evil Marie. Curiously, this is possibly the first video game to use this Trope.
* [[Jump Scare]]: Pretty omnipresent, albeit this sort of thing is to be expected in a rail shooter.
* [[Late to the Punchline]]: Umlaut's introduction to the Freak Show level insinuates that {{spoiler|you're a freak}}. It takes a second. {{spoiler|Although he could be just screwing with you as usual}}.
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* [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]]: ''Professor'' von Tökkentäkker? What the heck could he teach?!
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: You're the one who puts in the token and starts the whole mess. {{spoiler|''Twice''}}.
* [[Peek-a-Boogieman]]: The zombie mimes in the final stage don't attack you - in fact, they don't seem intent on doing anything except act annoying, much like regular mimes.
* [[Perpetual Expression]]: The "Smilin' Bob" enemy in the Rickety Town level (near the go-karts). He ''always'' smiles. '''ALWAYS'''.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: One of your potential upgrades is a flame thrower.
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** Interestingly, this does not necessarily mean [[Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain]]... even [[Kneecapping]] is treated as a kill.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: The player character, who not only decides to tempt fate by bringing the carnival up in the first place, but decides to ''do it again'' after you win.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: The mimes in the final stage don't attack you, and you don't have to attack them, but come on, [[Everyone Hates Mimes| you ''know'' you want to...]]
* [[Wake Up Call Boss]]: Hambone. It is ''very'' hard to beat his sub-boss without using a continue, and he'll probably be the one to cue you in on how you'll need quite a few quarters to beat this game. In fact, the Haunted House stage is easier after you defeat him the first time, maybe in order to convince players that it was worth the trouble.
* [[Wasn't That Fun?]]: [[Nintendo Hard|If you have enough quarters to beat the game]], the epilogue will have Jacob put the token in again while [[Oh, No, Not Again|Lisa screams for him to stop]].
* [[Zeppelins from Another World]]: The last part of the last level is a zeppelin. It's basically from the afterlife.
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[[Category:Zombie Stories]]
[[Category:Carn Evil]]
[[Category:Video Games of the 1990s]]