Casino Royale (2006 film): Difference between revisions

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A surprising number of these also turn up in the novel.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Brutally [[Deconstructed]] with Solange. She married Demitrios and regrets it, then briefly hooks up with Bond, remarking on how they're both "bad men" and how she loves this kind of guy because they're "so much more interesting" than "nice guys". Later in the film, her association with the man who helped orchestrate the bomb plot (Demitrios) and the man who foiled it (Bond) are what gets her tortured to death.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]] -: Very few gadgets, very little jokes, greater focus on the intelligence and physical skill of the main character. (This comes more or less from the book, since Bond didn't become a gadgeteer until the original film adaptations.) In fact, the only two pieces of truly high-tech equipment are a tracer placed into Bond's forearm and a rather high-tech first-aid kit in his car with an electrocardiogram that is connected to the [[MI 6]] headquarters, both of which are ''extremely'' practical.
** The relative lack of gadgets can be a case of [[Technology Marches On]]. Imagine if [[Sean Connery]]'s Bond was given a radio telephone that could download navigational data from a network of military satellites in geosynchronous orbit over the Earth? Nevermind his portable wireless computer terminal that can connect to [[MI 6]]'s computer database from evidently anywhere, even a fishing boat in the middle of the water, and which can '' fit in a suitcase easily''?
*** Good God man, be ''reasonable!'' We have to make it believable!
** Actually there are as many gadgets as in any other Bond movie, they only lack traditional exposition. Tracking device allowing to precisely show the location of the target on the 3D map of the building and using a cellphone application as an interface? Bloodstream toxin analyzer with satellite connection? Call analysis system allowing to track the place the call was made by reading the SIM card? Definitely 'gadgety' enough.
* [[Badass]] -: Daniel Craig's version of Bond is remorseless when he kills, which becomes a theme in the film. He can also apparently smash his way through drywall and takes a nail gun to his shoulder without even a grimace.
** Which is quite accurate to [[Ian Fleming]]'s original novel version.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: Particularly in the film's final scene.
* [[Blood on These Hands]] -: Vesper, in the shower, hysterical from panic.
* [[Bond Gun Barrel]] -: The movie plays with this bit; a part of the actual narrative ''becomes'' the "Bond Shooting At A Gun Barrel's POV" scene.
* [[Break the Cutie]] -: Bond in the chair with no bottom. Bond being heartbroken {{spoiler|after Vesper's death}}, and that causes Bond's depression and weariness seen in most of ''[[Quantum of Solace]]''.
* [[Briefcase Full of Money]]: The poker winnings.
* [[Byronic Hero]]: Bond
* [[Bulungi]]: In Madagascar, Bond storms the embassy of a fictionnal country named "Nambutu".
* [[Byronic Hero]]: Bond
* [[California Doubling]]: All scenes that take place in Montenegro and United States are actually shot in Czech Republic (that is located in different climatic zone than Montenegro and Florida). Also, Madagascar in the opening is the Bahamas.
* [[The Cameo]]: In the Miami airport scene, look very closely at who is in the metal detection scanner opposite the {{spoiler|Skyfleet bomber.}} Of all people, Richard Branson decides to make an appearance.
** When the film is shown in airlines, [[Clumsy Copyright Censorship|it's usually cut or blurred.]]
* [[The Can Kicked Him]] -: Bond's first murder was in a bathroom in a Paris subway.
* [[California Doubling]]: All scenes that take place in Montenegro and United States are actually shot in Czech Republic (that is located in different climatic zone than Montenegro and Florida). Also, Madagascar in the opening is the Bahamas.
* [[The Cameo]]: There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance by rock-star executive Richard Branson: he's one of the people being scanned when Bond goes through Miami Airport security.
* [[Cat Smile]]: Valenka (Le Chiffre's girlfriend).
* [[Chase Scene]] -: Played straight with the Parkour scene, but subverted for the car chase: {{spoiler|When Bond rushes out in his fancy modified Aston-Martin after the people who kidnapped Vesper, he's almost immediately driven off the road by them dropping her in the centre of the road. He is summarily captured (This is taken directly from the book; all that's changed is the model of car)}}.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Near the beginning is a scene with Le Chiffre playing poker. "I have 2 pair, you have a 17.5% chance of getting a straight". Guess what happens during the big poker game...
** Bond actually {{spoiler|gets a straight flush, the probability of which is ''much'' lower than getting a regular straight.}}
** Early in the movie, [[Everybody Calls Him Barkeep|The Bombmaker]] gets spooked when he sees one of the British agents holding a finger to his ear, giving away that [[Overt Agent|he was using an earpiece.]] Later on, when Bond and Vesper are trying to evade a pair of bad guys via [[Fake-Out Make-Out]], one of the bad guys notices the earpiece that Bond was using to listen in on Le Chifre with.
* [[Chess Motifs]]: Variation, with casino and poker motifs.
* [[City of Canals]] -: Including a scene where {{spoiler|Bond sinks a floating building.}}
* [[Cool Car]]: Just look at Bond's Aston! Just freaking look at it! Even if it was completely stock it would still be gorgeous!
** And the [[Continuity Nod|older Aston]] that Bond runs into isn't half bad either.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Pretty disturbing especially for a Bond movie.
* [[Continuity Reboot]] -: The movie did this to the Bond movie franchise. Though they also have claimed in secondary material that it's a [[Prequel]].
** Possibly. A popular fan theory holds that "James Bond" is just a pseudonym used by 007 agents, and that each Bond actor in the series portrays a different character. If it's true, ''[[Casino Royale]]'' could just be the origin story for a new agent.
** [[Broad Strokes]] -: It still retains [[Judi Dench]] and the post-[[Cold War]] scenario from the Pierce Brosnan films, [[Why We're Bummed Communism Fell|though now she misses the Cold War]], when agents had the decency to defect after a big mistake, rather than seeing Bond as a relic of that era.
* [[Cosmopolitan Council]] -: The players at the high-stakes poker game.
* [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable]]: At the end, Bond isn't so much trying to restore circulation as {{spoiler|getting one last grope of Vesper's rack.}}
* [[Dare to Be Badass]] -: The chorus from the [[Crowning Music of Awesome|opening song]] puts a darker spin on this trope, basically couching it in a warning that if you ''don't'' [[Take a Level In Badass]], you will be dead very quickly:
* [[Cosmopolitan Council]] - The players at the high-stakes poker game.
* [[Darker and Edgier]] - The movie tries to be more mature and realistic than its predecessors -- for example, instead of just adding extra blood, sex, and swearing (all of which existed in previous Bond films), the movie made more subtle changes. Interestingly, some of its darkest elements were actually taken straight from the book (such as the torture scene late in the film).
* [[Dare to Be Badass]] - The chorus from the [[Crowning Music of Awesome|opening song]] puts a darker spin on this trope, basically couching it in a warning that if you ''don't'' [[Take a Level In Badass]], you will be dead very quickly:
{{quote|''Arm yourself, because no one else here will save you''
''The odds will betray you''
''And I will replace you...'' }}
* [[Darker and Edgier]] -: The movie tries to be more mature and realistic than its predecessors -- for example, instead of just adding extra blood, sex, and swearing (all of which existed in previous Bond films), the movie made more subtle changes. Interestingly, some of its darkest elements were actually taken straight from the book (such as the torture scene late in the film).
* [[Death by Cameo]]: The director of the film plays a truck driver who has his [[Neck Snap|neck snapped]] at the Miami airport.
* [[Design Student's Orgasm]] -: With a playing card theme, in the opening credits.
* [[Determinator]] -: Bond, whenever he's in chase mode. When going after the ''Parkour''-adept bombmaker, he uses a ''bulldozer'' to smash through the obstacles.
* [[Didn't Think This Through]] -: At least a couple on the part of the writers, where they somewhat misunderstood elements of the original novel.
** Bond blows his cover when he and Vesper arrive at the hotel, his reasons for doing so being that he's giving Le Chiffre a name he already has in exchange for more vital information about him. In the original novel it is stated that Bond's cover didn't matter as far as Le Chiffre was concerned, he already knew who he was and if he didn't he was going to as soon as they sat down to play cards with each other, but it was important to keep up appearances so as to keep his identity as a SECRET agent a secret from all the other guests and players.
* [[Downer Ending]] -: {{spoiler|"The bitch is dead." The line's from the original novel, more or less. Interestingly, M's response to this line provokes a change in 007 that was not there in the novel. Rather than turning hard and misogynistic, he becomes obsessed with revenge. (Of course in either case Bond was simply covering his feelings, showing hatred and contempt instead of the sadness he felt at being betrayed by and losing the woman he loved)}}
* [[Drop-Dead Gorgeous]] - : {{spoiler|Vesper Lynd does a [[Wet Sari Scene]] as a corpse}}.
* [[Dungeon Bypass]] -: Bond's answer to Mollaka's [[Le Parkour|freerunning]].
* [[Eye Scream]]: In the final gunfight, {{spoiler|Bond shoots the head of the thugs in the eye with a nailgun. Ironically, the exact eye that is punctured by the nail was already blind (indicated by the opaque lense of his glasses), if not gone altogether.}}
** {{spoiler|He might not have been actually blind. Some marksmen close one eye while shooting (or, in this case, have one of their lenses blacked out) to cut down on depth perception and improve their aim.}}
* [[Fake Brit]] - Eva Green is French.
* [[Fake-Out Make-Out]] - Fails when a guard spots Bond's earpiece.
* [[Five-Bad Band]]: