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[[File:Castle_Wolfenstein_789.gif|frame|[[Metal Gear|Solid Snake's]] grandpa at work.]]
{{quote|''Welcome to Castle Wolfenstein, mate! The Nazis brought you here to get information out of you before they kill you. That's what this place is for -- if you listen you can hear the screams. They've already worked me over and I'll never get out alive, but maybe you can with this gun. It's standard issue -- each clip holds 10 bullets, and it's fully loaded.''
''Be careful, mate, because every room in the castle is guarded. The regular guards can't leave their posts without orders, but watch out for the SS stormtroopers. They're the ones in the bulletproof vests and they're like bloody hounds. Once they've picked up your trail they won't stop chasing you until you kill them and you almost need a grenade to do that.''
''Castle Wolfenstein is full of supplies too. I know one chap who found a whole German uniform and almost sneaked out past the guards. He might have made it if he hadn't shot some poor sod and got the SS on his trail. If you can't unlock a supply chest, try shooting it open. Now I wouldn't go shooting at chests full of explosives…''
Be careful, mate, because every room in the castle is guarded. The regular guards can't leave their posts without orders, but watch out for the SS stormtroopers. They're the ones in the bulletproof vests and they're like bloody hounds. Once they've picked up your trail they won't stop chasing you until you kill them and you almost need a grenade to do that.
''One more thing. The battle plans for Operation Rheingold are hidden somewhere in the castle. I'm sure you know what it would mean to the Allied High Command if we could get our hands on those…''
''They're coming for me! Good luck!''
Castle Wolfenstein is full of supplies too. I know one chap who found a whole German uniform and almost sneaked out past the guards. He might have made it if he hadn't shot some poor sod and got the SS on his trail. If you can't unlock a supply chest, try shooting it open. Now I wouldn't go shooting at chests full of explosives…
One more thing. The battle plans for Operation Rheingold are hidden somewhere in the castle. I'm sure you know what it would mean to the Allied High Command if we could get our hands on those…
They're coming for me! Good luck!
''Castle Wolfenstein'' was a computer game written by Silas Warner for the [[Apple II]], [[Atari 8 Bit Computers]], and the [[Commodore 64]]. It is regarded as one of the [[Ur Example|first stealth-based games ever]], and is the direct inspiration for ''[[Wolfenstein 3D]]'' and ''[[Wolfenstein (2009 video game)|Wolfenstein]]''.
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=== The ''Castle Wolfenstein'' games provide examples of the following tropes: ===
* [[AFGNCAAP]]: The player's character is never actually named in the game.
* [[Back Stab]]: You do double damage to opponents if you attacked them from behind. In the sequel, your character could backstab and kill any Nazi soldier in one hit if you had the dagger equipped.
* [[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: A common tactic is to stick up a guard with an empty gun, rob the guard for any bullets, then shoot him immediately afterwards.
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* [[Elite Mooks]]: Unlike regular Nazis, the SS Soldiers will instantly recognize you even if you're wearing a uniform. They're also harder to kill due to their bulletproof vests.
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]: In ''Beyond Castle Wolfenstein'', the player can bribe any of the soldiers inside Hitler's bunker with a few marks if he doesn't have the correct pass.
* [[AFGNCAAPFeatureless Protagonist]]: The player's character is never actually named in the game.
* [[The Guards Must Be Crazy]]: In the original game, you can steal a uniform and wear it; the regular guards would ignore you, but the SS would spot you instantly.
** Averted in the sequel. If the guards see you with a weapon out, they'll start shooting immediately. Also, if you don't remove dead guards before the others see it, they'll head for the alarm and set it off. Finally, they'll periodically ask you to show a pass.
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* [[Locked Door]]: In the original game these could be shot open by bullets or blown open by grenades.
* [[MacGuffin]]: The war plans in the original game.
* [[Master of Unlocking]]: In the original game, if the player finds a locked chest he has to "lockpick" it (wait for a timer to count down) before it will open. The player can shoot the chest to speed up the timer; unfortunately, this uses up bullets, and may attract nearby guards. It's also bad news if the chest has explosives (ammounitionammunition, grenades, cannonballs (???)) in it.
* [[No Swastikas]]: Averted; the regular Nazi guards had uniforms with large swastikas across their chests. SS Solders wore uniforms with "SS" instead.
* [[One Bullet Clips]]: The player only has one pistol and can't store any extra bullet magazines. Thus if he came across enemy bullets, he only reloaded if they had more bullets than he currently had.
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* [[One-Man Army]]: Somewhat averted; it's entirely possible to play the game ''without'' killing every Nazi in sight.
* [[Outlived Its Creator]]: The ''[[Wolfenstein 3D|Wolfenstein]]'' franchise has outlived Silas Warner. Although he wasn't involved with further games, he endorsed the use of the name.
* [[Randomly Generated Levels]]: The game has pregeneratedpre-generated rooms whose layouts didn't change; however, the order and connection between rooms was randomized at the start of each game.
* [[Rewarding Vandalism]]: Averted; blowing up a chest with a grenade causes everything within to be [[Lost Forever]]. Blowing up a chest with ammunition results in an [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
* [[Stick'Em Up]]: The player can surprise guards and hold them at gunpoint, even with an empty gun.
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