Champions of Norrath/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • That One Boss: Pelys is notoriously more difficult to kill than any other boss, INCLUDING Inoruuk especially if you're playing a low level Squishy Wizard.
    • Mithaniel Marr in Return to Arms. He has an attack where he leaps at you with his sword, which does heavy damage, tracks your movement, and knocks you to the floor. If he lands this even once you're pretty much screwed as he will proceed to spam the move before you can get up until you die.
  • That One Level: The absolute worst level in Return to Arms the is the Plane of Water on the Good alignment path. It requires you to push three blocks all the way to a series of holes in three separate, long caves, with your movement speed reduced as you're underwater. To top off how boringly tedious it is, there's a bug that affects both the Good and Evil versions of this level that can prevent the necessary quest item from appearing (if the shell that's supposed to drop it happens to contain a bomb), forcing you to redo the entire level over again.