Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory, do we come
From God, who is our home:

Heaven lies about us in our infancy.
William Wordsworth
Children are pure. They know who's the strongest.
MASK DE Smith, Killer7
Don't you believe the world can change if children with a sense of justice, like Maki, are allowed to grow up with their innocence untouched?
People often ask me about my children's reactions to the tattoo. I don't believe they noticed it for a long time. To them, it was like a mole, like a birthmark. Or could they have thought that all mothers are numbered? By the time they knew this was not anything I was born with, they knew the story. But I do recall a question Rafael asked when he was about six years old: "Mother, are you sure you didn't do anything wrong when they did this to you?" For a six year old, the world has to be just; goodness should be rewarded and only bad people should be punished.
The Haggadah of Anna Ornstein
The children were party dissatisfied with it because it did not end with a Day of Judgment; because it was never revealed to the hero and heroine that the dog had been faithful and the cat faithless. For children are innocent and love justice; while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.

Larisa: Do you have any idea who’s wiping the memory of all those adults so that they completely forget all the stuff they did at our age?
Sandra: Must be the Moms in Black.