Chrono Trigger/Nightmare Fuel

  • That noise that Lavos makes. It's like the audible equivalent of the spelling of "Cthulhu" - if it were real, it would be a Sound That Man Was Not Meant To Hear, and you should be glad this is the best your TV/Nintendo DS speakers can do to replicate it.
  • The Geno Dome has a conveyor belt where a person enters a machine, screams, and nothing comes out.
    • Even worse in the Japanese version, where it's called the Genosidome, an obvious portmanteau of Genoside and Dome, implying that the machine was specifically built for that purpose.
  • Magus's Lair in 600 AD. Let's start with the background music, a creepy chord that never lets up, and the laughter every couple of seconds. Add some monsters who look like people you know, whom you know shouldn't be there. They say some relatively innocuous things the first time you see them... then again later,only to add a sinister second phrase before revealing their true forms. Then you find out that the bat that's been following you and flies away just before they change is actually...
    • Also: Those skeleton Mooks you've fought at various points in this era? At one point in Magus's castle a group of them attacks you while begging you to kill them to free them from the spell controlling them.
  • The Day of Lavos. Chrono Trigger was originally released in 1995. Back then, a video game showing The End of the World as We Know It happening in 1999 was a very scary thing.

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