Chrono Trigger: Difference between revisions

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If you were looking for an anime about a nun and a demon, you want ''[[Chrono Crusade]]''.
* [[Above the Ruins]]: After {{spoiler|Lavos crashes into the Tyrano Lair.}}
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* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: The path between Arris Dome and Death Peak.
* [[Action Commands]]: One minigame, and a few tasks in the factory stages, require button input sequences in a certain amount of time.
* [[Action Girl]]: Marle, Lucca and Ayla.
* [[Actually, I Am Him]]: "The Guru of Time... I believe that's what they used to call me... ages ago..."
* [[Adaptive Ability]]: Golems.
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** Lucca's best weapon, the WonderShot, deals [[Random Number God]] amounts of damage. Has the potential to be devastating, but is equally likely to make you switch to her second-best weapon, the [[Boring but Practical|weaker-but-more-consistent]] Shockwave. See the trope entry for more on Dual and Triple Techs.
** Chrono's Shiva Edge, which is received in the Hero's Grave (present) after powering it up in the past, does four times the the damage when it has a critical hit (this would be stronger than the final weapon's critical hit), is impractical because its critical hit rate is one of the lowest in the game, a mere 7%. It is more practical to just use the Rainbow, Chrono's final weapon, which does two times the damage but has a great critical hit rate of 70%.
* [[Awful Truth]]: Bringing Lucca or Robo to the final fight with Lavos yields this horrible fact: every living being on the planet has been shaped and cultivated by Lavos, who harvests them as fodder. Lavos then sends its spawn into space to repeat the cycle.
* [[Back Tracking]]: Mainly the segment after getting the ability to open sealed doors and chests. Not especially onerous.
* [[Badass]]: Frog and Magus.
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** [[Future Badass]]: Magus inverts this -- {{spoiler|you meet him as an almost-powerless kid ''after'' being introduced to his future self.}}
** [[Pregnant Badass]]: The comments from Ayla and Kino at the end of the game implies that it wasn't a hangover (overeating in the SNES dub) that made her throw up after storming the Reptite lair for the Gate Key -- it was morning sickness.
** [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Lucca, who becomes a [[Badass Bookworm]], and Marle who's a [[Badass Princess]].
* [[Bad Future]]: 2300 A.D.
* [[Balloonacy]]: In the ending, {{spoiler|Chrono and Marle}} get carried away by party balloons if you wrecked the Epoch.
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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Lucca shows up to break Crono out of jail shortly before he's due to be executed. If you choose not to escape, she saves the day. If you do, she's still a big help.
* [[Bishonen Line]]: Lavos gets smaller and more humanoid as you cut through his various layers.
* [[Bloodstained-Glass Windows]]: The courtroom. {{spoiler|Yakra XIII}} moves to object!
* [[Bonsai Forest]]: Those dense forests you see on the map appear to be made of very short trees when you're actually in them. It could be viewed as a graphical convention to go with the isometric perspective, of course.
* [[Bonus Boss]]: One for each playable character, except Ayla. (They wanted to include an optional dungeon for her, but ultimately could not fit it in.) Some are added in the [[Updated Rerelease]], namely the {{spoiler|Dream Devourer}} and the bosses in the Dimensional Vortexes.
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* [[Canon Discontinuity]]: ''Radical Dreamers'', the first sequel, was replaced by ''Chrono Cross'', which significantly expanded upon and changed certain things, such as the fates of Magus and {{spoiler|Schala}}. Although, a Chronopolis computer in ''Cross'' implies that the events of ''Radical Dreamers'' happened in an [[Alternate Universe]]...
* [[Can't Drop the Hero]]: {{spoiler|Until Crono dies, anyway.}}
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Uberhulks have no relation what-so ever to the "product identity" [[Dungeons and& Dragons|Umber Hulk]].
* [[Cardboard Prison]]: When Crono is jailed at the beginning, you either trick the guards to escape, or Lucca will bust in and take out most of the guards. Did we mention they're both teenagers?
* [[Casting a Shadow]]: Magus.
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** The old man at the End of Time {{spoiler|turns out to be another one of the Gurus. And he gives you the Chrono Trigger egg to resurrect Crono after his death.}}
* [[Cherry Tapping]]: In a horrifying inversion, the game [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|does this to you]] via the Nu, who can be either [[NPC|NPCs]] or [[Random Encounters]]. In battle, Nu will either deal [[HP to One|((Current HP) - 1)]] damage or 1 damage. So prepared to be hilariously and humiliatingly killed by taking 1 damage while having only 1 hit point. Thankfully, there's a modicum of fairness in this skillset, as there are actually two kinds of Nus: one deals [[HP to One|((Current HP) - 1)]], the other 1, and they don't act planfully in unison.
** Several of the end-game bosses and enemies have the ability to do this to you as well. Especially humiliating and noticeable if you're over-leveled, since most of their attacks would do scratch damage to you. Zeal in particular is rather annoying, because attacking her with an AOE attack would result in her casting [[HP to One|((Current HP) - 1)]] and MP-buster on you, leaving your character with only 1 hp and nothing else. She usually follows this up with a life-drain spell.
*** Zeal also has an attack called "Halation" which reduces your entire party's HP to 1. However, this can quite hilariously used against her. If you happened to bring along Frog and/or Ayla, you can use their respective desperation attacks (Frog Squash and Dino Tail, respectively) to inflict massive damage, then have your third party member follow up with a megalixir.
* [[Chest Monster]]: The unnamed enemies in Magus' Castle that are indistinguishable from Save Points until you touch them.
* [[Chokepoint Geography]]: Zenan Bridge, Labs 16 and 32.
* [[City Guards]]: Mainly the castle guards in 1000 AD.
* [[Climax Boss]]: [[Hopeless Boss Fight|The first encounter with Lavos]]. Magus counts as well.
* [[ColourColor-Coded Timestop]]: {{spoiler|Freezing time to rescue Crono after his first direct encounter with Lavos}}
* [[Combination Attack]]: Every combination of two characters (minus Magus) has three Double Techs they can perform together once they have the appropriate skills (a spin slash and a flame thrower make a burning spin slash, for example). And every combination of Crono and two other characters (plus a few other trios that require special accessories) can do a Triple Tech, although you [[Awesome but Impractical|probably won't use those that often]].
* [[Commonplace Rare]]: Jerky.
* [[Cognizant Limbs]]: A good portion of the bosses have multiple parts, such as: a head and two hands; a body and legs; a large main body and two bits; or a head, a wheel, and a body. Since these require many different strategies (some are easier if both parts die near the same time, some require the weaker parts to be killed before the main part is attacked, one punishes you if the little parts take any damage at all, etc.), it probably contributed to the lasting appeal of the game.
* [[Copy and Paste Environments]]: Justified in that you're visiting the same places, having survived millions of years.
** The inner workings of Lavos share the same textures as the mountain regions in the game.
* [[Copy Protection]]: In the [[Updated Rerelease]], those who had pirated the game would find that traveling through a Gate will take forever.
* [[Corridor Cubbyhole Run]]: Death Peak. And earlier, in the Guardia prison: you can hide in cutouts to sneak up on the guards and cosh them, instead of fighting.
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* [[Dying as Yourself]]: Before dying, Atropos briefly shakes off Mother Brain's control over her systems.
* [[Easing Into the Adventure]]: "Good morning Crono!"
* [[An Economy Is You]]: Exaggerated by the game design, which has most towns and settlements fully visible from the world map, rather than the traditional "step on map tile -> enter city" design.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Lavos, planetary parasite with powers over space-time. Fitting the Lovecraftian ideal even further, he's a source of immense magical power for an entire civilization.
* [[Elemental Crafting]]: With the penultimate sword for Crono being crafted out of a... sparkly Rainbow Shell.
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: Queen Zeal.
* [[Goldfish Poop Gang]]: Ozzie, Slash, Flea. Especially the second time you face them during a late-game [[Sidequest]].
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: The ability of Lavos and his spawn to inflict Confuse invokes the tendency of [[Cosmic Horror|Eldritch critters]] to drive people to madness.
* [[Good Morning, Crono]]: The [[Trope Namer]]. Such a well-recognized trope, some of the ads for the [[Video Game Remake|DS remake]] consisted of this phrase printed in the game's typeface.. and nothing else (other than the usual legal fine print). Odd, as [[Trailers Always Lie|the new translation does not include the line]].
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]: {{spoiler|Queen Aliza}}, on her deathbed.
* [[Got the Call on Speed Dial]]: The party invokes this during one of the Alternate Endings. {{spoiler|With The Hero dead, their [[Time Machine]] destroyed, and every [[Portal Network|Time Gate]] closed permanently, the party builds their own Time Machine and [[Putting the Band Back Together|reunites the old gang]] to go time-hopping one more time to search for a way to bring their dead comrade back to life. Pulls double-shift as a [[Heartwarming Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Heartwarming Moments]].}}
* [[Grandfather Paradox]]: In the middle ages, Crono has to stop Marle from being erased from existence by saving the era's queen, her ancestor.
* [[Green Aesop]]: Subverted. The Kingdom of Zeal {{spoiler|would've been ''fine'' if they'd just continued sucking energy out of the planet itself. It was only when they started messing with the cosmic abomination ''inside'' the planet that they found themselves on the path to destruction.}} But played straight with all the "this sapling/seed will save the environment" stuff across multiple time eras.
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* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: Slight amusement can be found in naming Marle, Frog, Magus, and R-66Y (Robo) their "real" names, once you've played through the game and know what they are. The DS remake allows six-letter names for characters (memory issues limited the original to five letters), allowing people to name Crono as he was intended in the Japanese version ("Chrono").
* [[He Knows About Timed Hits]]: The Elder's House in Crono's hometown plays the role of the "Training Hall."
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: {{spoiler|Magus.}} Think about it. {{spoiler|As a child, he blocked out his magical power because he hated what it was doing to his mother and sister. After he was sent to 600 A.D., he embraced that same power in order to destroy Lavos, becoming much like his mother in the process.}}
* [[Here We Go Again]]: The canonical ending.
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]
* [[Hero-Killer]]: {{spoiler|Lavos kills Crono.}}
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* [[HP to One]]: Various enemy attacks throughout the game, most notably during the [[Boss Battle]] against [[The Dragon]]. See also [[Cherry Tapping]], above.
* [[Hyperactive Metabolism]]: You can cure HP, MP, or both in Guardia castle by ordering one of three dishes in 1000 A.D., and also regain all HP and MP by drinking "special water" in 65 million B.C. Whereas in the [[Crapsack World]] that is the future, you can sleep in a machine that restores all of your HP/MP, except it notes: "But you're still hungry!"
** Hilariously you can still get the "But You're Still Hungry!" line even if you've just eaten a huge roast in the Castle and hopped on the time machine into the future to use the machine. Apparently the characters digested a whole pork roast in under a few hours.
* [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]: "This creature has executed its program. Please let him sleep. The switch is on his stomach."
* [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place]]:
** '''''Death Peak.'''''
** The '''''Mountain of Woe.'''''
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* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Pretty much every European magazine that reviewed this game carried the subheading "It's about time."
* [[Interface Spoiler]]:
** After rushing after Marle when she disappears in Lucca's Teleportation device, Crono unknowingly ends up traveling through time to the past. While you have no idea where you are until you speak to a few NPCs, saving the game at this point will give you the Chapter Title 'The Middle Ages'. Oh.
** Though this is an extremely minor spoiler -- if you couldn't figure out the whole time-travelling thing by the fact that you're in the exact same position you were in during the present, with Guardia Kingdom looking only slightly different, and your little marker that usually says '1000 A.D.' now changed to '?', and just by ''knowing the damn game you're playing'', then...
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: The Rainbow Sword, which criticals 70% of the time. The Masamune also qualifies when it gets its makeover. And the DS remake gives us the Dreamseeker, essentially Rainbow's big brother. It only does one more point of offense... but it criticals 90% of the time!
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* [[It's a Wonderful Failure]]: ''"But... the future refused to change..."''
* [[It's All Upstairs From Here]]: Magus' Castle.
* [[It's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans]]: The Millennial Fair in 1000 AD. It basically never stops. Until you beat Lavos, that is.
* [[Kangaroo Court]]: You're put on trial for kidnapping the Princess early on (when in fact you rescued her.) This one is a subversion, though, because you can actually win the trial, though it's difficult (doing so nets you a few bonus items.) But even if you're acquitted, you still do time for running off with the Princess... and the Chancellor twists this into an execution. {{spoiler|The chancellor is really Yakra XIII wanting revenge.}}
* [[Kid Hero]]:
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* [[Magic Kiss]]: Ayla's Kiss ability heals your party members' health while confirming her [[Bi the Way]] interest in strong men and women.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Five of the seven characters can learn magic, including sword-wielders Crono and Frog. Plus, Robo's laser abilities are as good as spells.
* [[Mayor of a Ghost Town]]: Doan, being the descendant of the Proto Dome's Supervisor (killed in the Bad Ending).
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Via [[Woolseyism]]. {{spoiler|Magus}}'s real name, [[Religious and Mythological Theme Naming|Janus]], comes from the [[Heel Face Turn|two-faced]] Roman god of [[Time Warp|gates]] and doors, and indicated transition.
** Magus also has mystical connotations, and is the singular form for the three Magi that visited Jesus in Christian mythology... who, in another case of [[Woolseyism]], are named [[Religious and Mythological Theme Naming|Balthazar, Melchior, and Gaspar]].
** Magus's two Japanese names keep this trend. {{spoiler|Janus}}'s Japanese name is Jaki, which basically refers to an evil imp, or small demon, and his title is Maou, which basically means "Demon King".
** [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Queen Zeal]].
** [[What Did You Expect When You Named It?|Rather presciently]], the people of Zeal named their power extractor the [[wikipedia:Mammon|Mammon]] Machine.
* [[Mecha-Mooks]]: Robots in three different time periods, thousands of years apart.
* [[Medieval European Fantasy]]: Both 600 AD and 1000 AD fit the definition, despite the presence of various [[Schizo-Tech|anachronisms]].
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* [[Nobody Can Die]]: Toyed with, particularly in the scenes where you are chased by guards you cannot battle. Most humans will turn out to be monsters in disguise before you fight them. This becomes somewhat ironic in that major characters ''can'' die and many of the nonhuman enemies you are allowed to kill freely are shown to be sentient.
* [[Nominal Importance]]: Most noticeable with the Gurus.
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: The "Middle Ages" (600 A.D.) are in the middle of ''what'', exactly? It falls between 12,000 B.C. and 1000 A.D., and, chronologically, is in the final 1% of the entire span of time seen in the game.
* [[Nonstandard Game Over]]: [ "BUT... THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE."]
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: {{spoiler|''[[Joke Character|Dalton]]''}} is the one who brings down the Kingdom of Guardia between ''Trigger'' and ''[[Chrono Cross|Cross]]?!''
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* [[Orphaned Etymology]]: The years are expressed with BC and AD. What they stand for in this world is anyone's guess.
* {{spoiler|[[Our Hero Is Dead]]: Crono actually [[Plotline Death|dies]] during the course of the game. Of course, this being a game about time travel, it is entirely possible to bring him back. Or not, if you don't feel like it.}}
* [[Our Founder]]: The ever-changing statue in Medina's village square.
* [[Out of Sight, Out of Mind]]: After Crono, Marle, and Lucca jump into the 2300 A.D. portal when Crono escapes from jail, the guards seem to forget about them, as later you can go to Guardia Castle and nobody will attempt arresting Crono. {{spoiler|This is before the Chancellor is discovered to be Yakra's descendant, which makes it more strange.}}
** This is addressed in the game. If you talk to the soldiers and other people in the castle after they stop chasing you out (around the time you can open the sealed chests, Marle must be in your party the first time), they'll say that the king pardoned Crono after being pleaded to by Pierre, and that only the chancellor really believes Crono is guilty to begin with.
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* [[Party Scattering]]: This happens after the Fall of Zeal.
* [[Peninsula of Power Leveling]]: Several, based on what stage of the game you're at:
** You can visit 65,000,000 BC as soon as you access the End of Time, several dungeons before you actually need to go there. In 65,000,000 BC lies the Dactyl's Nest, an area you're not supposed to visit until the second time you come to 65,000,000 BC. The enemies there give three times the typical amount of experience that battles in the next storyline dungeon do, at only a mild increase in difficulty.
** There's also the Nu in the Hunting Range. It can't kill you, but you can kill it for points that you need to learn your characters' powerful techniques. It's somewhat difficult to find, however.
** While taken aboard the Blackbird you can encounter mooks which, despite posing a minimal threat, still give more experience than their challenging recolors from the Ocean Palace.
** On the Black Omen there is a hall which puts you against three enemies every time you walk through it, two of which will give you massive amounts of skills points but distract you from the middle enemy which has a very strong attack and they leave if you beat it first. However, once you're strong enough to beat them all before they can attack the place becomes and easy area to gain all abilities.
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** The Golem and Golem Sisters can be difficult if you don't know the trick to the fight.
* [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]: Ozzie, Slash, and Flea. They're different from others in that they're fairly competent.
* [[Ragnarok Proofing]]: The Sun Palace and Sealed Pyramid - both relics of Zeal Kingdom - slowly unearth themselves as the continents drift.
* [[Ramming Always Works]]: Well, sorta. {{spoiler|Ramming Lavos with the Epoch only skips a slightly tedious replay of several earlier boss battles; the core is still alive}}. The endings change to reflect whether you do this or not.
* [[Reactor Boss]]: The Mammon Machine in the Black Omen. [[Anticlimax Boss|Not too exciting...]]
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* [[Sand Is Water]]: The desert wasteland just beyond Fiona's villa.
* [[Save Point]]
* [[Save the Villain]]: Ayla tries to do this to [[Worthy Opponent|her mortal enemy]], Azala, but Azala [[Face Death with Dignity|refuses.]]
* [[Saving the World]]
* [[Scavenger World]]: The future, though most of its inhabitants have given up hope and are simply sitting around, waiting to die.
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** Listen to the music played during the trial scenes. Then, listen to The Trial by [[Pink Floyd]].
** [ Robo's theme] sounds ''a lot'' like a [[Rickroll|certain song]] re-popularized on the internet.
** Lavos' 2nd form is likely a shout out to the [[Guyver]] series or the [[Super Sentai]] series. Not only does he look a lot like a Guyver, his [[Chest Blaster]] attack also requires him to literally open his chest to shoot the beam (much like mega smasher from the [[Guyver]] series) and it also happens to be his strongest attack.
** Lavos' 2nd form also bears a striking resemblance to [[Dragon Ball|Imperfect Cell]].
** A minigame at the Millennial Fair can spawn the npcs [[Star Wars|Biggs and Wedge]].
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* [[Stuck Items]]: Every slot is filled and can never be fully unequipped, except on the Blackbird where it's (temporarily) done for you.
* [[Sucking-In Lines]]: Most spells.
* [[Suspicious Videogame Generosity]]: The save room in Guardia Prison is accompanied by an "owner's manual" detailing the weapons and weaknesses of a "[["Wake -Up Call" Boss|Dragon Tank]]". Hmmm. Also, inspecting the Supervisor's unconscious body (also lying nearby) yields a whopping TEN Mid-Tonics. Hmmmmmmmmm...
* [[Sword of Plot Advancement]]: The Masamune.
* [[Take It to the Bridge]]: Zenan Bridge (once it's fixed, of course) hits all of the symbolic marks: the bridge is a bottleneck through which Ozzie's troops attempt to invade Guardia; a flashback between Cyrus and Glenn takes place on the bridge, as Cyrus announces he's going to become a knight; lastly, King Guardian XXI leads a procession across the water during the game's ending.
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* [[Teaser Equipment]]: The first time you arrive at Medina, the shopkeepers sell weapons three tiers above what you'll currently be using, for 10 times the gold you'd expect. Justified in that the fiends of the village hate humans after losing a war 400 years ago. {{spoiler|After you've changed history to make fiends no longer hate humans, the prices become more reasonable, but by then, the gear is outclassed.}}
** Another example occurs at the very beginning of the game. The {{spoiler|Guru}} Melchior is visiting the Millennial Fair and has a Silver Sword for sale. Unless you farm money for a long time, you won't be able to afford it until you've progressed through at least one more dungeon.
* [[Technicolor Blade]]: All of the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Infinity Plus One Swords]] are golden.
* [[Teleporters and Transporters]]/[[Teleporter Accident]]: Lucca's invention that sets the whole plot into motion, plus a few magic-based teleporters in Zeal.
* [[Temporal Paradox]]: One briefly causes Marle to disappear early in the game. And, according to ''[[Chrono Cross]]'', {{spoiler|the heroes create one when they defeat Lavos}}. Outside of the storyline, abusing the past/future mechanics to do the same event multiple times (take an item, beat the Omen) is also a paradox, since the first instance is now no longer possible in linear time.
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* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: Go on, take that guy's lunch. It's ''right there'', it'll restore your HP/MP, and it's not like ''he'' can do anything to you. [[Tempting Fate|What's the worst that could happen?]]
* [[Video Game Settings]]:
** [[Abandoned Laboratory]]: The Keeper's Dome. You can visit it on your first visit to the future, when it's still habitated, but you won't get far.
** [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Sir Crawly runs the show down here.
** [[The Alcatraz]]: Guardia Castle's prison & the Mountain of Woe.
** [[All the Worlds Are a Stage]]: While fighting Lavos' third form, the background alternates between the five epochs. Lavos' spell list is determined by this.
** [[Amazing Technicolor Battlefield]]: Lavos, Phases 1 and 3. (And the Dream Devourer, of course.)
** [[Big Boo's Haunt]]: Magus' Castle is crawling with the dead. Some even plead with you to [[Fate Worse Than Death|put them out of their misery]].
** [[Big Fancy Castle]]: Guardia Castle, Magus' Castle, and Zeal Palace.
** [[Bleak Level]]: The Future. Particularly the basement of the ruined Proto Dome.
** [[Bonus Dungeon]]: The DS Remake features The Lost Sanctum.
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** [[Minigame Zone]]: Leene Square is full of carnival games.
** [[Monster Town]]: Medina. They don't like you there... until you change history so that it was founded by fiends who didn't mind humans.
** [[Noob Cave]]: Manolia Cathedral.
** [[Ominous Floating Castle]]: They don't get more ominous than the Black Omen.
** [[One-Time Dungeon]]: Magus' Castle is literally swallowed up by a colossal Gate. Geno Dome is locked for good once you destroy Mother Brain. The Ocean Palace technically fits this trope, through it's transmogrified into the Black Omen. And any airborne dungeon is destined to crash.
** [[Player Headquarters]]: The End of Time.
** [[Port Town]]: A ferry operates between Guardia and Porre. Once history is changed and relations with Medina thaw over, the ferry sails there.
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** [[Underground Level]]: The Giant's Claw, which turns out to be the resurfaced ruins of the Tyrano Lair.
** [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]]: The Black Omen is a gigantic, black floating castle, but once it's raised in 12,000 B.C., people in later time periods are rather blase about it, since it's been in the sky for hundreds of generations and no one sees anything unusual about it. Also, it's in no way required to fight the [[Big Bad]], you can complete it three times in different time periods, and even entering it is completely optional.
** [[Where It All Began]]: Lucca's telepod.
** [[Womb Level]]: Lavos itself.
* [[Video Game Stealing]]: Accomplished via Ayla's "Charm" technique.
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* [[Villain World]]: If you try to break into the Black Omen in 2300 AD, Queen Zeal will just chortle at you, saying that Lavos has already won.
* [[Warmup Boss]]: Yakra.
* [["Wake -Up Call" Boss]]: The Dragon Tank can be this on the first time playing. Partially because it is the first boss that requires more of a strategy than just attacking it until it dies.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
** Crono: [[Katanas Are Just Better]].
** Marle: [[The Archer]].
** Lucca: [[The Gunslinger]].
** Robo: [[Power Fist]].
** Frog: [[Cool Sword]].
** Ayla: [[Good Old Fisticuffs]].
** {{spoiler|Magus: [[Sinister Scythe]]}}.
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* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Averted by every villain, but in the dream project ending, a soldier representing Yukio Nakatani adds this.
{{quote|'''Yukio Nakatani''': Thanks for playing! Are you a girl?
'''Crono''': [[Dialogue Tree|"Yes."]]
'''Yukio Nakatani''': (Lunges at you and falls back.)
'''Crono''': [[Dialogue Tree|N]][[Heroic Mime|o.]]
'''Yukio Nakatani''': (Lunges sword at you full force.) }}
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: The original English script for the SNES and PS gave Frog an accent like this, even moreso than other characters in his era. Oddly enough, Frog talks normally in the flashback scenes to the time before his transformation, so it's possible that Woolsey intended the silly speech patterns to be one of the effects of the frog curse. The Japanese version did not have this, and the DS release, which featured a new translation, did not retain it. However, Frog still sounds more formal than he did in the Japanese version, like nearly everyone from the Middle Ages.
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