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{{quote|''In the modern world... great leaders resolve their conflicts... [[Blatant Lies|with words]].<ref> Words like: Scud Launcher. Carpet Bombing. Tomahawk Missile.</ref>''}}
'''''Command & Conquer: Generals''''' is a [[Real Time Strategy]] game set [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]], using more-or-less existent, in-development, or theorized technology. The [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters|Global Liberation Army]], an Arab-ish terrorist organization [[Ripped from the Headlines]] after 9/11, has declared war on the People's Republic of China and the United States of America, forcing the two superpowers to cooperate against the militants. An [[Expansion Pack]] followed, ''Zero Hour'', which introduced more missions, more units, and three specialized generals to choose from within each main faction. The game is canonically unconnected to the other ''C&C'' series, and in fact bears more resemblance to Ensemble's ''[[Age of Empires]]'' and Blizzard's ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' and ''[[Warcraft]]'' series.
''Generals'' was met with instant controversy from both [[Media Watchdogs]], who objected to the national stereotyping and the fact that you could play as [[Qurac|totally-not-Al-Qaeda]], as well as longtime ''C&C'' fans, who objected to their franchise's name being associated with an RTS that more strongly resembled a [[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard]] game than traditional [[Command & Conquer]] gameplay. The game earned good reviews for delivering a solid, action-packed RTS, and was particularly praised for [[Support Power|the General system, which allowed players to rise in rank during battle and unlock unique and possibly game-winning units and special abilities]].
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** General Tao, the Chinese Nuke general can equip his MiG fighters with [[Area of Effect]] nuclear missiles. The problem: [[Hoist by His Own Petard|These MiGs don't cope very well with the damage they make]], meaning that every now and then, [[Friend or Foe|your MiGs might shoot down each other... or other friendly aircraft caught nearby]].
** Also applies to some degree to the USA's ultimate weapon, the [[Kill Sat|Particle]] [[Wave Motion Gun|Cannon]]. Sure, it's fun to be able to break it out, but at the same time it is a very narrow-focused beam of light that doesn't do a lot of area damage compared to China's [[Nuke'Em|Nuclear Missiles]] or the widespread infantry-killing of the GLA's [[Trick Bomb|SCUD Launcher]]. However, it does have the shortest cooldown timer, and the fact that it can be redirected after firing makes it ideal for punching burning holes in defensive lines or to be unleashed on a tank blob at the most opportune moments.
** General Townes, the USA Laser general has just about ''all'' his forces equipped with laser weapons. This also makes his units and structures more expensive and energy-consuming.
* [[Awesome Personnel Carrier]]: The GLA Battle Bus. [[Garrisonable Structures|A 10-ton unarmed, but heavily armored rustbucket with seats for ten]]. If you think that's not enough, it can even apply scavenged vehicle armor scraps to itself for additional protection. The Battle Bus revolves around the concept of "there's no such thing as taking too many hits", for it has [[Multiple Life Bars|Two]] [[Life Meter|Life Meters]]. On its second [[Life Meter]], the bus loses its tires becomes an immobile bunker.
** Literally, just about ''anything'' with these four traits: plenty of seats, some decent off-road speed, a robust fire-support (or self-defense) weapon and most importantly, fire ports for passengers.
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* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: The first mission of any factions campaign. First, the Chinese, after suffering a nuking by the GLA, launch an armored assault that wipes out the GLA forces around Beijing and takes their nuclear weapons stockpiles with very few losses. Then, in the GLA campaign, they launch their own armored assault, first destroying a small Chinese base mostly staffed by infantry with two bunkers with suicide bombers and technicals, then destroying a large Chinese base (complete with infantry, bunkers, tanks, and minigun turrets) in an armored assault, then finally blowing up the nearby dam, which drowns an entire Chinese armored battalion. In the USA's first mission, a large group of American tanks engages a large group of GLA ones and destroys all of them with zero losses on the American side. When another, equally large group of tanks starts moving towards the Americans, they're all instantly destroyed by an airstrike.
** The last one is pretty close to real life. During the Gulf War, not a single American tank was destroyed by an Iraqi tank, whereas the Iraqis suffered huge losses. The parallel was likely intentional since the mission takes place in Baghdad.
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: ''Generals'' goes from ''C&C'' style left-clicking to ''[[Warcraft]]/[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' style right-clicking. Fortunately the designers were kind enough to let you change to the "classic" controls if you wanted.
* [[Death From Above]]: Besides the [[Kill Sat]] below, the [[Support Power|artillery bombardment/airdropped explosives]]/faction-specific superweapons.
* [[Determinator]]: Even after going through several civil wars and having their asses handed to them by the two superpowers ''four times'', the GLA just. Don't. Freaking. Die.
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* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: American laser technology. It's used for a ''lot'' of things. Took off on a humble start with the Paladin Tank's dual-purpose [[Destructible Projectiles|point-defense laser]] and the Missile Defender's [[Laser Sight]] in ''Generals''. In ''Generals: Zero Hour'', laser technology matured to give all American factions the [[Anti-Air|anti-aircraft]] Avenger Humvee. Specialist Laser Army faction commanded by Gen. Townes uses Laser Turrets, Laser Crusaders and procured Avengers, while USAF Gen. Granger dumped Paladins for aircraft with multiple point-defense lasers.
* [[From a Single Cell|From A Single Standing Foundation]]: ... a reduced GLA building can be rebuilt. See [[Multiple Life Bars]] below for a detailed explanation on that.
* [[Game Mod]]: Quite a number of have been made for it.
** ''Shockwave'' is one of the most popular out there.
** ''[[Rise of the Reds]]'', from the same modders as ''Shockwave'', is a full-fledged [[Fan Sequel]] that continues where ''Zero Hour'' left off. In addition to thoroughly revamping the existing sides, the mod also features two new, distinct factions: a resurgent Russian Federation and the European Continental Alliance.
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* [[The Hyena]]: Dr. Thrax punctuates his mustache-twirling evil one liners with frantic giggling.
* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: China love it. There's a Chinese General in ''Zero Hour'' who specializes in nuclear warfare.
* [[In Name Only]]: The gameplay is more like ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' than traditional [[Command & Conquer]] gameplay, although it draws a lot of elements from the ''C&C'' series, particularly ''Red Alert'' for actual units.
* [[Invisibility Cloak]]: Among some of the things: Stealth Fighters, Pathfinders, Radar Vans, Demolition Traps, and a whole Stealth General army.
{{quote|Now, watch this. ''([[Beat]])'' [[Trash Talk|Oh, wait, you can't!]] -- '''Prince Kassad'''}}
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* [[Multiple Life Bars]]: All GLA structures, except the [[Booby Trap|Demo Trap]], has two layers of [[Life Meter]]: the first is its original functional form (like most buildings) and the second is the remaining foundation (called a GLA Hole) that's still standing. If a GLA building's left unharmed long enough at its second [[Life Meter]], it'll slowly [[From a Single Cell|restore itself into its functional form]] for free. Needless to say, this feature gives the GLA a lot of tactical leverage to survive attacks that only last long enough to level buildings without [[Multiple Life Bars]].
** The GLA Battle Bus is the sole vehicle variant. See [[Awesome Personnel Carrier]] above.
* [[Mythology Gag]]:
** The Chinese Overlord Tank continues the ''C&C'' tradition of a Mammoth/Apocalypse tank, especially with its double-barrelled turret.
** The USA's Particle Cannon is basically a GDI Ion Cannon that can be controlled up to a point.
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* [[No Kill Like Overkill]]: While it's understood that anyone can pull this off, there's one in-universe case where Tsing Shi Tao starts off his scenario by routing most of your advance guard with his artillery. When the two surviving tanks try to flee, he drops a ''nuke'' on them.
* [[Nuke'Em|Nuke 'Em!]]: The PRC, as a whole, and Gen. Tsing Shi Tao in particular. He specializes in nuclear warfare, and when he isn't spamming nuke silos, he's steamrolling you with nuclear-powered tanks firing depleted uranium, or MiGs and Helixes dropping tactical nukes.
* [[Occupiers Out of Our Country!]]:
** What GLA claims to be their motive.
** While the GLA aren't exactly occupiers, a good portion of the Chinese campaign involves driving every last of their cells out of China's soil.
* [[Once an Episode]]: Each of the three campaigns in ''Generals'' features a dam getting destroyed and the water flooding some poor schmucks downriver. Seems the developers liked showing off the effect.
* [[Organization with Unlimited Funding]]: Any side can be this, even long after the supply docks run out:
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