Common Knowledge: Difference between revisions

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* In [[Classical Mythology]], Artemis was a goddess who vowed to remain eternally chaste, and the only man she ever loved was Orion. Except the second part was a modern invention. In the original myths, Artemis and Orion were more like [[Platonic Life Partners]].
* Pandora's Box; in most versions of the older stories, it was not a box at all, it was a large, sealed jar or urn.
* According to legend, the Greek philosopher [ Diogones] wanders the Earth endlessly with a lantern, searching for an Honest Man. This story is often misinterpreted - being a cynic, Diogenes believed such a thing did not exist, the story being an analogy for such a viewpoint. It also illustrates his view that life was pointless, as he is engaged in an [[Impossible Task]] to prove his own belief.
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==