Conditioned to Accept Horror: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Brave New World (novel)|Brave New World]]'' has an entire society of people who don't engage in any meaningful intellectual thought, or for that matter, much of anything. Aside from the few characters intelligent enough to realize how blithe all this is, everyone seems to enjoy it.
* ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/The Restaurant At The End of The Universe|The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy]]'' features food that's been <s>conditioned</s> bred to [[Let's Meet the Meat|want to be eaten]]. Arthur Dent, being a normal human from Earth rather unused to this, is a little disturbed.
* Bethan, the sacrificial maiden from ''[[Discworld/The Light Fantastic|The Light Fantastic]]''.
* In ''[[The Giver]]'', people who work with the very young or the old are conditioned to accept {{spoiler|euthanasia}} as a fact of life, starting from their early adolescence.
* In ''[[The Sparrow]]'', the Runao are conditioned to serve the Jana'ata. {{spoiler|In every sense of the word. Including [[To Serve Man|the Twilight Zone sense of the word]].}}
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[[Category:Subverted Innocence Tropes]]
[[Category:Conditioned to Accept Horror]]