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* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Ungenio Gonzalez. He is certainly not the most genius person of the comic cast.
** Condorito has his moments, too.
* [[Defictionalization]]: One of the fictional newspapers seen in the comic is "El Hocicón" (The Loud Mouth). A real newspaper named "El Hocicón" was created and sold since the late 2000s, it includes comic strips, funny news and some political humor.
** During the early 2000s, an official wine was launched, based on two characters from the comic book (red wine Garganta de Lata and white wine Yayita). The wine producers took their company's name from the fictional wine producers seen on the comic itself.
* [[Deliberately Monochrome|Deliberately Orange And Black]]
* [[Dem Bones]]: [ "Manolín el Esqueletín"].