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Sometimes, the company will try to fix things with the next in the series, only to make more friends and more enemies. Possible result of an [[Unpleasable Fanbase]].
Note, this is '''not for sequels where people overwhelmingly agree''' that [[Sequelitis|the sequel is bad]]. Also, it's '''not''' for [[Fanon Discontinuity|sequels which people disregard as part of the series]]. It's for sequels where [[Broken Base|many fans think it's bad and others think it's good]], usually for different reasons. Also,That it'smakes '''not'''this fora [[FanonYMMV Discontinuity|sequelsTrope]], whichso peopleexpect disregardto assee partexamples ofthat theyou series]]disagree with on this page.
See also [[First Installment Wins]], [[Critical Backlash]].
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* Similarly, ''[[Macross 7]]'' took the idea of a song being the key to saving the world and ran as far and as fast with it as possible. The result is going from a sad, desperate struggle for humanity's survival to a rock star fighting space vampires with [[The Power of Rock]]. To be fair, the original Macross had a lot of silly moments as well, just not to the extent of Macross 7.
* The second season of ''[[Minami-ke]]'' is loathed by a significant percentage of the show's fanbase, caused mostly by the combination of low-budget animation and an increase in [[Fan Service]] to silly levels. Luckily, the third season met with a lot better reception.
* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]] StrikerS'':
** It''StrikerS'' was a Contested Sequel even before it aired due to the [[Time Skip]] aging the nine-year-old main characters to adulthood; some were relieved that people might finally stop judging them for watching [[Lolicon]] bait, others saw it as an insult to the original. Later accusations came from the copious amounts of [[Demoted to Extra|screentime]] [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|shafting]] resulting from the franchise's [[Loads and Loads of Characters]], the heavy reliance on the [[Expanded Universe]] to [[All There in the Manual|explain many minor events]], and the return to the slow pace of season one rather than a quick-moving plot like ''A's'' had.
** It appears that the people behind Nanoha noticed how splintered the fandom became as they're making money out of both factions. On one hand, they've released a lot of ''StrikerS'' side materials and created [[The Movie]] to make the first season more StrikerS-like. On the other hand, they started a whole new video game series which is an [[Alternate Continuity]] centered around ''A's'' where the heroines had yet to grow up and the phased out characters are still prominent (and playable).
** ''Force'' is a good example as well. A lot of fans dislike the new characters, the slow pace, the overall [[Darker and Edgier]] feeling, the somewhat questionable writing, and {{spoiler|Signum suffering the [[Worf Effect]].}}
* ''[[Naruto|Naruto Shippuden]]'' has become a Contested Sequel over time due to the [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|focus put on Sasuke and the Uchiha Clan]].
* If it's a series of ''[[Digimon]]'' that's not ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'', it's a Contested Sequel.
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* ''Bubblegum Crash'' is this for fans of the original ''[[Bubblegum Crisis]]'' series.
* ''[[Dragon Ball GT]]''.
== Classical Music ==
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== Comic Books ==
* The upcoming ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'' prequels are''Before Watchmen'' quickly fallingfell into this, thougheven theybefore haven't yet been releasedrelease. Of course, one of the main complaints is that they're being released ''at all'', in the face of the known feelings of its creator, [[Alan Moore]], though some have pointed out that he himself has been using other authors' creations for his own stories, such as ''[[The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen]]'' & ''Lost Girls'', while DC is using Moore's creations for their own purpose. The only difference is that Moore primarily uses characters from authors who are long dead, so it's hard to see Moore being on the high ground in this particular regard. The actual quality also varied, with only ''Dr. Manhattan'', ''Minutemen'' and ''Silk Spectre'' earning consistently positive remarks.
* ''[[The Dark Knight Strikes Again]]'', Frank Miller's sequel to the seminal ''[[The Dark Knight Returns]]''. Many dislike it for being an ugly self-parody of the original work. Some like it for exactly that reason.
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== Film ==
* ''[[The Godfather]], Part III'', released in 1990, is one of the prime examples of a contested sequel, especially one that was nominated for seven Academy Awards. Not only was it made more than 15 years after the previous installment, but it also suffered from [[Robert Duvall]]'s absence and the casting of [[Sofia Coppola]] as Mary Corleone. Although Michael Corleone remains irredeemable at the end of Part III, his attempt to atone for his sins in this movie can also appear to make him more likable than he should be. A good deal of the problems with this movie come from seeing it as the final part of a trilogy, rather than the distant sequel it was intended to be (the film was originally titled ''The Death of Michael Corleone'' but was changed by [[Executive Meddling]], and Francis Ford Coppola has referred to the Godfather series as "two films and an epilogue").
* ''[[AliensAlien (franchise)|Alien]]''.
** This sequel''[[Aliens]]'' is undoubtedly the most popular film in the entire franchise and introduced the most elements on the titular aliens' biology, and it also worked as a very effective action-horror thrill ride too. But many fans of the first film view [[James Cameron]]'s sequel as turning the lone [[Freud Was Right|Freudian]] [[Body Horror|parasitic]] monster that slowly stalked and killed its prey ([[Fate Worse Than Death|or]] [[Touch of the Monster|worse]]) as in the carefully paced and claustrophobic [[Ridley Scott]] masterpiece to a bunch of [[Mooks|mindless]] [[Bug War|bugs]] which could easily get mowed down with plenty of gunfire in a big loud noisy explosion-fest.
** On this note, the third film... ''[[Alien 3]]'', is something of a contested sequel too...if anything because it was an attempt to bring the film series back to the claustrophobic monster-in-the-closet tone of the original film after ''Aliens''' thrill ride. Only thing is however is that there's not too much split in opinion over the third movie...most generally agree it shouldn't have been made. As well as not being up to specs with the previous two on its own, many believe it dragged on a story that came to a nice full circle by the end of ''Aliens''.
** There is a belief than the studio made the ''wrong'' film due to [[Executive Meddling]]. There are a number of alternate scripts and rewrites in existence (including one by [[William Gibson]]) which offer completely different scenarios.
** The''[[Alien: fourth filmResurrection]]'' could be seen as contested as well - there are plenty of positive reviews for it on ImdbIMDb. There are plenty of fans who are content with all four movies being made. [[James Rolfe]] has praised it for "succeeding at being entertaining trash after ''Alien 3'' failed at being high art".
** Once the movie got the prequel ''[[Prometheus]]'', it was either a very effective horror movie or one that fell flat due to a vague plot and stupid character. The loose connections to ''Alien'' are also contentious point.
* It's often debated whether the second and third ''[[Cube]]'' movies were worthy additions, or if it would have been best to let the first movie stand on its own. Even people who believe the first film to be far superior can't agree on whether ''Hypercube'' or ''Cube Zero'' was the better sequel. Hybercube might have retained the mystery of the Cube, was more serious but far less gory, and had a unique look, but still had some silly characters and Narm scenes. Cube Zero visually retained the industrial look of the first film and was far less serious with more humorous scenes than either previous film, and left little to no mystery at all, but heightened the gore in places and at least attempted continuity with the first film. So go see Cube Zero if you want more of the same with some humor. See Hypercube if you want atmosphere and something different.
** ''[[Alien: Covenant]]'' was a bad regurgitation of old franchise moments or another frightening ride full of atmospheric meditation on creation and the dangers of ambition. ''Prometheus'' fans are particularly angry at how easily ''Covenant'' discarded what was raised in the previous movie.
* ''[[Terminator]] 3: Rise of the Machines'' is a very contested sequel.
* It's often debated whether the second and third ''[[Cube]]'' movies were worthy additions, or if it would have been best to let the first movie stand on its own. Even people who believe the first film to be far superior can't agree on whether ''Hypercube'' or ''Cube Zero'' was the better sequel. Hybercube might have retained the mystery of the Cube, was more serious but far less gory, and had a unique look, but still had some silly characters and Narm scenes. Cube Zero visually retained the industrial look of the first film and was far less serious with more humorous scenes than either previous film, and left little to no mystery at all, but heightened the gore in places and at least attempted continuity with the first film. So go see ''Cube Zero'' if you want more of the same with some humor. See ''Hypercube'' if you want atmosphere and something different.
** The main points of contention are ''T3'' contradicting the underlying message of the previous movie - "[[Screw Destiny|There is no fate but what we make for ourselves]]" - but it also had many plot developments that changed the nature of the series (such as Sarah having died of cancer, Brewster being behind Skynet all along, and the titular rise of the machines). In fact, these developments were responsible for ''Terminator 3'' being completely ignored by the TV series ''Terminator: [[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' - however, new Terminator films ''do'' follow ''T3'', such as ''Terminator Salvation'', set [[After the End]] / [[During the War|During the]] [[Robot War]].
* Just about every ''[[Terminator]]'' movie after the second.
** ''[[Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines]]'' is a very divisive affair. The main points of contention are ''T3'' contradicting the underlying message of the previous movie - "[[Screw Destiny|There is no fate but what we make for ourselves]]" - but it also had many plot developments that changed the nature of the series (such as Sarah having died of cancer, Brewster being behind Skynet all along, and the titular rise of the machines). In fact, these developments were responsible for ''Terminator 3'' being completely ignored by the TV series ''Terminator: [[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' - however, new Terminator films ''do'' follow ''T3'', such as ''Terminator Salvation'', set [[After the End]] / [[During the War|During the]] [[Robot War]]. The contested nature of the film is compounded by the fact that ''The Terminator'' was very clearly set in a [[Stable Time Loop]]. This means that [[You Can't Fight Fate]] is true, even if the characters ''believe'' it isn't. They say things like "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves," but it's obvious that the time travel event itself is what precipitates everything, paradoxical as it may seem. Indeed, there was a deleted scene from ''T1'' where the remains of the Terminator were unearthed and taken for study, thus ensuring the construction of SkyNet. ''Terminator 2'' violated this by allowing SkyNet to be destroyed and the future irrevocably change. ''Terminator 3'' could be said to be restoring the original message of ''T1'': you can't [[Screw Destiny]], so you may as well make the best of it—whether it's Sarah driving off into the wilderness where she and her son might be able to survive the coming holocaust, or John holed up in a bunker, helplessly watching the majority of the population die yet bringing hope for the future by his very survival. Even ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' seems to indicate that they can't ever avert the rise of SkyNet, just delay it, and possibly avert the war by making the initial relations between humans and [[A Is]] less hostile.
** Alternately, the characters in the first ''Terminator'' believe they are in a [[Stable Time Loop]], but ''Terminator 2'' proves them wrong. Consider that the rules of time travel were created by Skynet as a desperate last resort - in which case, Skynet might either be lying about the nature of time travel, or simply mistaken.
** ''[[Terminator Salvation]]'' is either a good blockbuster with slick visuals that finally explored the [[Robot War]], or a boring departure from the formula of the first three movies. There is a particular rift over whether it or ''T3'' is better, and with ''Terminator: [[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' regarding the very different styles and competing claims to be the "legitimate" representative of the franchise at the same time.
** The Terminator series is basically a "pick your own moral." T1, you can't fight fate. T2, screw destiny. T3 on, you can screw destiny, but destiny likes three ways.
** While ''[[Terminator Genisys]]'' is mostly derided for using [[Timey-Wimey Ball|confusing time travel mechanics]] to both continue and reboot in a way that [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|changed too much]] (throws the mythology out the window and has old characters portrayed in a way different manner) and\or [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks|yet was too familiar]] (has many a [[Continuity Nod]] and enough familiar elements to feel like a retread), there are defenders who liked seeing something different and overall fun.
** ''[[Terminator: Dark Fate]]'' was supposed to be the movie that proves [[Only the Creator Does It Right]] with James Cameron writing and producing, but while many found it the best of the post ''T2'' sequels, it proved incredibly controversial with the fanbase thanks to again retreading the first two movies, pulling a [[Happy Ending Override]] by {{spoiler|suddenly killing off a main character (and like ''Genisys'', it's ''John Connor'', right in the opening scene!)}}, and going for an [[You Can't Fight Fate]] message.
* The sequels in the ''[[Scary Movie]]'' series of comedies are very contested. You can hear nearly every type of opinion on the sequels, as well as on the original movie. Some say that the first two installments in the series directed by the Wayans brothers are leagues better than the latter 2 sequels while others like the Zucker-style sequels better.
* ''[[The Blair Witch Project]]'' was already a love it-or-hate it movie, and the two sides mostly switched for the sequel, ''Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2''.
* For a case of Contested '''Prequel''', we have ''[[Star Wars]]''. For those with even a passing knowledge of the six movies or the... "[[Flame War|arguments]]" that spring up because of them, this doesn't even need to be explained. In short, despite the bile, all three prequels were commercial successes.
** The same can be said for ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'', albeit to a much lesser degree in that it's usually liked just fine, but still considered very noticeably weaker compared to the two films that preceded it.
** And then came the actual sequel trilogy. ''[[The Force Awakens]]'' earned some criticism for being [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks|too familiar]]. But ''[[The Last Jedi]]'' was worse, being equally called the best and the worst ''Star Wars'' movie, given its bleak tone and subversion of expectations was either a refreshing take or a slap in the face of loyal fans. ''[[The Rise of Skywalker]]'' tried to make up for it, particularly with [[Retcon]]s to some of the most controversial elements of ''The Last Jedi'', and the result was either a [[Pandering to the Base|fan-pleasing]] closure, or an uncreative and at times [[Ass Pull|nonsensical]] mess.
* ''[[2010: The Year We Make Contact]]''. Detractors complained that it didn't live up to the [[Mind Screw|brilliant and unusual film making]] of ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey]]''. Fans argued that it was right not to try, as it never could have succeeded at that, but did work as a more conventional film which actually [[Mind Screwdriver|answered some of the questions]] in the first movie. Detractors responded by saying they [[True Art Is Incomprehensible|didn't want those answers]].
* ''[[Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull]]''.
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** The abundance of CGI shots (the very first shot is a CGI ''molehill'') didn't go over well either. Things like armies of killer ants and gigantic temples were forgivable, but many other cases just felt out-of-place in an Indy movie.
** Long before that, ''[[Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom|Temple of Doom]]'' was something of a contested sequel: a successful variation on the Indy concept, or just [[Darker and Edgier|too dark]] and [[squick]]y to be enjoyable?
** And then came ''[[Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny]]''. A good recreation of the original trilogy or a very underwhelming retread that managed to break the [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] even further? Not helping was the [[Happy Ending Override]] to ''Crystal Skull'', or seeing Indy go through the "protagonist is depressed, frustrated and old" plot that both Han Solo and Luke Skywalker had in the ''Star Wars'' sequel trilogy.
* While ''[[Batman Returns]]'' did better ''critically'' than the first [[Tim Burton]] ''[[Batman (film)|Batman]]'' movie, it is often disliked among comic book fans for making the Penguin [[The Grotesque]] instead of a [[Gentleman Thief]]. Of course, the same people may or may not have a bigger problem with Batman actually killing someone in the first movie, but that's just because they forget him using the bomb on the Circus Gang's strongman in ''Returns''.
** ''[[Batman Forever]]'' is either a fun if inferior (mainly for being [[Lighter and Softer]]) follow-up to ''Returns'' or as bad as the [[Franchise Killer|franchise-killing]] [[Batman and Robin (film)|travesty that followed.]]
** ''[[The Dark Knight Rises]]'': as awesome as [[The Dark Knight|its predecessor]], or not living up to it due to among other issues a bloated running time and barely featuring Batman himself?
** ''[[Batman: The Movie|"Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb!"]]''
* ''[[X-Men: The Last Stand|X Men the Last Stand]]'' is either a '''''horrid''''' representation of the [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|Phoenix Saga]] and a total [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|cop-out as far as the role of Cyclops goes]], not to mention being "The Wolverine and Jean Show" and devoid of all other character development... or it is an adequate adaptation of the Phoenix Saga that does away with plot elements that would have been out of place in the established movie canon, not to mention a ''sweet'' action movie in which basically all hell breaks loose and [[Badass|Wolverine]] owns the show. Take your pick.
** ''[[X Men Origins: Wolverine]]'' is equally contested. For many it is a Narm-fest which flies in the face of the other movies' continuity (particularly rewriting a lot of back story from ''[[X2: X-Men United]]'', the franchise's peak), ruins both Gambit and Deadpool, allows a lot of characters to make stupid decisions in the name of advancing the plot, and all for the sake of making another movie centered on Wolverine when the first 3 were essentially his show anyway. For others, the continuity wasn't all that important, Sabretooth was finally given his due with some decent character development, the incorporation of some new mutants was interesting, and the whole thing is a [[So Okay It's Average|decent but forgettable]] action film.
** ''[[X-Men: Apocalypse]]'' is very debated regarding how much of a worthy successor it is, with the whole gamut from good, passable, or bad, with even claims that it managed to be worse than ''The Last Stand''.
* ''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man]] 3'' was a highly-anticipated sequel riding off the wave of critical and commercial acclaim its previous films had garnered, and was the highest-grossing of the three films when it was released. However, critical response was evenly split between general audiences who enjoyed the story and the new characters, and comic book fans (and even some long-time fans of the films) who felt that the third film was a betrayal of all the plot threads that had been set up in the prior two films. It didn't help that ''3'' was subject to some extensive [[Executive Meddling]] on the part of Sony Pictures and Marvel head honcho Avi Arad, who canned a prior story treatment focusing on The Vulture and Sandman and forced several disparate plot elements into the film - including fan favorite Venom, who wound up getting the short shift in terms of screen time. There is very little middle ground when it comes to opinion on the film.
** Later, ''[[The Amazing Spider-Man 2]]'', which is either a bloated mess showing that Sony is only caring to keep its cash cow afloat, or the most reverent silver screen representation of Spider-Man to date thanks to showing him in his joke-spewing glory and having strong chemistry with Gwen Stacy.
* The various sequels to the [[Godzilla]] franchise fall under this trope. Fans who complained that the American Godzilla movie was too different are also now complaining that the later Japanese films are too predictable due to Toho "not willing to take any risks."
** And then came ''Godzilla Final Wars,'' which was neither predictable nor unrisky . . . but is absolutely unlike any other Godzilla film, and thus is a love-it-or-hate it Contested Sequel.
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** ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]'': A decent (if not exactly amazing) conclusion for the Next Gen crew, or a mediocre episode padded to two hours with a tacked-on character death and inoffensive subplot resolution to imbue false significance?
** JJ Abrams' ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'' film is the highest-grossing in the franchise, and proved to be one of the few rebooted films that received critical and commercial acclaim by using time-travel to change the focus to an alternate-universe version of the original series crew. Yet, there still exists a segment of the fanbase that believes the film [[Canon Defilement|destroyed the history of the franchise]] and irrevocably altered the plot lines of future films by having the crew [[Everyone Went to School Together|attend Starfleet Academy together]].
** ''[[Star Trek Into Darkness]]'' made even more money than the previous one, while dividing opinions on whether it was a strong follow-up or an utter disgrace for daring to be a disguised remake of ''The Wrath of Khan''.
* The [[Daniel Craig]] [[James Bond]] movies. Either one loves the return to the series' roots, or wants every old cliché back, though there are those who like the older films too.
** ''[[Star Trek Beyond]]'' was the best of the new trilogy that actually captured back the spirit of the series, or uninspired and (for hardcore Trekkers) too action-packed to count as ''Star Trek'' in the first place.
* The [[Daniel Craig]] [[James Bond]] movies. Either one loves the return to the series' roots, or wants every old cliché back, though there are those who like the older films too. ''[[No Time to Die]]'' was particularly bad in that regard, with those who found it a good conclusion for Craig's tenure being matched by those who deemed that {{spoiler|showing James Bond dying on-screen reflected their opinion of the movie}}.
* ''[[Transformers (film)|Transformers]]: [[Revenge of the Fallen]]'': it's generally agreed that [[Sequel Escalation]] made the film largely a series of loosely connected scenes featuring robo-smashing, toilet humor, or robots smashing each other while employing toilet humor. The ''contested'' comes from people who thought it was bad and those who thought that's what the ''first'' should have been.
** ''[[Dark of the Moon]]'' too, particularly on if it's either better or worse than ''ROTF''.
** ''[[Transformers: Age of Extinction]]'', which was a much-needed retool with a darker tone and a better protagonist, or sank the series even further with an excessive runtime while not improving on aspects like shaky-cam and uninteresting human characters.
* ''[[Harry Potter]]'':
** There's considerable disagreement among fans about whether [[Harry Potter (film)|the first two movies]]' faithfulness to the books is their greatest strength or their greatest weakness. People in the first camp are likely to view ''Prisoner of Azkaban'' as a horrific plot hole-filled mess, while people in the second camp are likely to see it as when the movies finally started to get it right.
** There really is very little common ground at all when it comes to fans' opinions of the Harry Potter films. Ask a group of fans to rate the films in order and it's almost certain every film will end up on the top and bottom of someone's list. Even fans that broadly agree tend to still disagree. Fans that prefer the post-Columbus films will argue about which one is best, and even [[David Yates]] fans can't agree on if ''Order of the Phoenix'' or ''Half Blood Prince'' is best, and some will rank one top and one bottom.
** ''[[Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them]]'' was overall well-received, which can't be said of ''The Crimes of Grindelwald'' (as fun as the original, or a step down due to its overstuffed script with [[Continuity Snarl|contradictory]] twists?) and ''The Secrets of Dumbledore'' (an improvement for recovering from some of the previous movie's mistakes, or a badly written slog that only sank further?).
* ''[[Ice Age]]: Dawn of the Dinosaurs'' is quite contested, some consider it an absolute disaster, others call it the best of the trilogy.
* ''[[Saw]] III''.
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* Some viewers believe that ''[[Grease 2]]'' is superior to the original, despite clearly being an attempt to mimic every little detail about the original with a new cast. (Likewise, there is a small group of fans who love ''[[Shock Treatment]]'', but dislike ''[[Rocky Horror]]''.)
* ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]''.
** The first two sequels, which had great effects and acting, but were not universally accepted for focusing too much on the fantasy rather than the swashbuckling adventure, and in the case of ''At World's End'', a convoluted plot.
** First two sequels onto a successful film, but theThe fourth film, ''On Stranger Tides'', is showing shades of [[Franchise Zombie]], especially with how it killed off {{spoiler|regular supporting characters Pintel and Ragetti, Marty, Cotton, and Cotton's parrot}} with a few lines of dialogue from Barbossa and {{spoiler|stuck the Black Pearl in a bottle}}. Yet, many people still love this film.
** Although it's not clear if those people were killed off {{spoiler|or are on the miniaturized Black Pearl.}}
** The fifth film, ''Dead Men Tell No Tales'', either showed a franchise running out of ideas or gave something new, while also providing closure to the Will-Elizabeth story.
* ''Life During Wartime'' is either seen as a worthy sequel to ''Happiness'' or a complete disaster of a follow-up with none of the original's actors returning, with no middle ground.
* ''[[Babe]]'' is a very well received film from both critics and the general audience and was well liked due to its lighthearted plot and charming farm setting. The sequel, on the other hand, is much darker, including images of a dog being drowned in a lake, and a clown having a heart attack and dying. To some, it's a terrible film that simply doesn't do the original justice because of how dark it is and because it takes Babe off the familiar farm setting. To others, it's a brilliant follow up to an already great film, and some people (including both Siskel & Ebert) thought it was even better than the original.
* The fourth ''[[Die Hard]]'' is either another solid installment, or a demonstration that the series has become too outlandish (starting by John McClane being basically [[Made of Iron]]).
* ''[[Highlander]]'' has this in spades. Any film after the first is contested, with many recognizing only the first and the TV series.
* The [[Marvel Cinematic Universe]] has offered many. ''[[Iron Man 3]]'' is either a [[Surprisingly Improved Sequel]] or an inconsequential follow-up with a controversial approach to portray Iron Man's [[Arch Enemy]] on screen. ''[[Avengers: Age of Ultron]]'' was a worthy successor or [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks|a retread]] that lost its way with excessive characters and subplots. ''[[Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness]]'' is a fun flick with the strong [[Creator Thumbprint]] of [[Sam Raimi]]], or a weak follow-up that barely does anything with the concepts it raises. Is ''[[Thor: Love and Thunder]]'' good on its own right even if inferior to ''[[Thor: Ragnarok]]'', or it just re-does the predecessor wrong?
* ''[[Halloween (film)|Halloween]]'' had a few. ''Halloween III'' was either a deservingly failed experiment or an interesting movie only hated for not continuing the story of Michael Myers. ''Halloween H2O'' successfully renewed the series by ignoring most previous sequels and bringing back Jamie Lee Curtis, or is a glossy sellout with few effective scares. And the two sequels to the 2018 streamlining, ''Halloween Kills'' (a fun and gory follow-up, or a [[Strictly Formula]] one that brings back some reviled aspects of the old sequels) and ''Halloween Ends'' (the biggest concern is whether the viewer accepts pushing in a [[Jack the Ripoff|a Michael Myers copycat]] as its main villain even if Myers himself is still in the movie).
== Literature ==
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== Tabletop Games ==
* The most recentfourth edition of ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' has this in spades. All previous editions built on the same basic structure created back in the 1970s, but 4th Edition rebuilt the game from the ground up. Half the fanbase loves it for its tightly defined rule set, tactical depth, strong support for the DM, and ease of play. The other half hates it for its reliance on [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]], its heavy focus on battle mat combat, the shoehorning of all classes into the same mechanical structure, and a lot of gratuitous changes to D&D lore.
** This actually goes back to previous editions of the as well. There are still 2nd Edition fans out which feel that 3rd Edition was a travesty and an insult to the game. Some holdout 1st Edition and OD&D fans that feel that 2nd Edition was unnecessary, with a surprising number of them keep playing retroclones based on their preferred edition. It's safe to say that this is a D&D tradition and will likely continue forward with the recently announced D&D 5th Edition/D&D Next.
== Video Games ==
* The first three ''[[Silent Hill]]'' games tend to be liked universally among series fans. Every game since has been controversial to some extent, but ''[[Silent Hill: Shattered Memories]]'' has definitely proven to be the most [[Base Breaker|polarizing entry]]. Half the fanbase dares to consider it to be one of the best ''Silent Hill'' games, and loved how the highly-nuanced story comes together, the other half despises it for abandoning many classic gameplay functions and re-using old characters for no reason. Many saw Shattered Memories (at least in terms of storyline) a return to form for the series' psychological roots. ''Homecoming'' received arguably heavier negativity for starting the [[Replacement Scrappy]] line of developers. ''Downpour'' meanwhile, is getting hammered before it even releases due to the replacement of series composer Akira Yamaoka (who had actually previously offered to score any future SH titles) and gameplay mechanics (side quests, subways, weapon degradation) that many argue have no place in Silent Hill.
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' is a perfect example of this. The action was expanded upon, with new abilities like "merging" with teammates, and just an overall greater focus on the action. On the other hand, the platforming elements and secret out-of-the-way treasure chests were greatly reduced. Some say ''Kingdom Hearts II'' is a great sequel and use the action as their main argument, others argue that part of what made the first game so great is gone, complaining about the less exploratory level design and accusing the game of having an extremely weak and [[Kudzu Plot|complicated]] story in which the characters we love [[Badass Decay|just don't seem to]] [[Not as You Know Them|be themselves.]]
** Chain of Memories gets this for its card based battle system, and 358/2 Days for the character portrayal of several fan favourites, a potential [[Mary Sue]] and the new ability system.
* ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'':
** It is another one. Some liked the level-by-level play as well as the longer levels, and the gameplay variety. Others preferred the over world hub linking to each level and even the shorter levels of the first game, and the other playable characters being optional.
** This seems to be the general rule for ''any'' Sonic game that is newer than ''[[Sonic 3 and Knuckles|Sonic 3 & Knuckles]]''.
* Every handheld spin-off game in the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' franchise qualifies, as they always make drastic gameplay changes to the main formula used in the numbered, console titles, to say nothing of how much they increase the series' notorious [[Kudzu Plot]].
* Many ''[[Resident Evil]]'' fans cannot stand the [[Resident Evil 4|fourth]] and [[Resident Evil 5|fifth game]] because they're not like the original four (and contain ''horrific'' [[Eldritch Abominations]]). However, some of those who have never played a ''Resident Evil'' game before enjoy both of them due to tight controls and an emphasis on action and shooting.
* ''[[Dino Crisis]] 2'' split the fans, with some praising the [[Actionised Sequel]] aspects while others criticised the lack of [[Survival Horror]] elements from the first game.
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* Go to a [[Sierra]] fan board and ask if ''[[King's Quest: Mask of Eternity|King's Quest Mask of Eternity]]'' is a ''[[King's Quest]]'' game. Then ask them if it's a ''good'' game. Make sure to bring chocolate, marshmallows, and [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Graham crackers]] for the inevitable cookout.
* ''[[Supreme Commander 2]]'' removed the epic scale maps and unit options in return for intimate battles and more detail, making it easy for casual gamers to fight short battles.
* The first three ''[[Crash Bandicoot]]'' games and ''[[Crash Team Racing]]'' were made by Naughty Dog. Everything after that is [[Broken Base|hotly contested]]. Some say ''Crash Bash'' was still good, some say more or all of the games were good, and a very small portion only like the new games.
* ''[[Doom]] 3'' is either a scary survival horror interpretation of the classic franchise, or it's a game that tosses out everything fun about the first two games, while keeping all the things players grew to loathe about them.
* ''[[Tomb Raider]] Legend'' was a reboot of the series by a different developer, with as much changes as that implies. Let's just leave it to the [[Broken Base]] whether this is the point where it [[Growing the Beard|grew the beard]] or [[Jumping the Shark|jumped the shark]].
* For the ''Zelda'' series, ''any'' console game that [[Tough Act to Follow|follows]] ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'' is immediately [[Love It or Hate It]] among fans and gamers. The standout examples are ''[[The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker|The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker]]'' and ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess]]'' which, respectively, departed from the formula and followed the formula, both to praise and criticism.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask|Majora's Mask]]'' is a hotly contested [[Broken Base|Base Breaker]]: it was not widely liked at the time of its release for [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|being too different]] from ''Ocarina of Time'' ([[Darker and Edgier|and darker]]) but some fans consider it one of the best games in the series.
** ''Wind Waker'' itself has spanned contested sequels as well, ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass|Phantom Hourglass]]'' and ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks|Spirit Tracks]]''.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|Skyward Sword]]'', which tried to encompass the aspects of all previous ''Zelda'' games, including visuals (a paint-like blend of the ''The Wind Waker'' and ''Twilight Princess'' styles), has backfired significantly reception-wise, with as many fans saying it's the worst game in the series as fans saying it's the best.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom|Tears of the Kingdom]]'': a worthy and possibly even better follow-up to the beloved ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild|Breath of the Wild]]'', or an overly glorified expansion pack weighed down by the sheer volume of stuff there is to do.
* ''[[Rollercoaster Tycoon|Roller Coaster Tycoon 3]]''. While many people enjoy Atari's reboot of the franchise, some "purist" fans believe that Atari ruined it. Some of which criticize it for having full 3D graphics.
* ''[[LEGO Racers]] 2''. Oh '''boy''', ''[[LEGO Racers]] 2''. It tried to be anything except a sequel to the original. If anything, it tried to be the polar opposite. The game was a lot more open than the original (It had a ''[[Diddy Kong Racing]]''-esque Adventure Mode), the power-up system was changed to randomization (in the original, you had four colors for different types and could add three additional levels of power to it), the controls were changed to be more realistic, there was a new car damage system, and every world now has five courses taking a different route through the world. These changes led to a wide variety of opinions, and nowadays it's best [[Internet Backdraft|not to express an opinion on it.]]
* ''[[Ace Attorney|Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All]]'' is quite contested. On the plus side, the addition of the Magatama makes the investigation segments more interesting, while the trials are constrained to two days instead of three. The negatives are the unevenness of the cases, ranging from "Farewell My Turnabout" - generally accepted as one of the best of the ''Ace Attorney'' franchise - to "Turnabout Big Top" - featuring several of the [[The Scrappy|most hated]] one shot characters in the series, as well as almost no relevance to the surrounding cases.
** And then came ''[[Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney|Apollo Justice Ace Attorney]]''. Some people loved the improved graphics and animation, the plot's focus on the [[Kangaroo Court|weaknesses of the legal system]] and international politics, and the decreased emphasis on an increasingly complex continuity. Other people felt [[Replacement Scrappy|Apollo was an unworthy replacement for Phoenix]] and the middle two cases were goofy and poorly written with unmemorable villains.
* EVERY installment of the ''[[Monkey Island]]'' series has been contested by some fan or other. Some people don't like the second game's darker tone, the third game's cartoony style (and lack of Gilbert, Schafer, and Grossman), the fourth game's poor graphics/controls/grasp on the series continuity, or the fifth game's episodic style and the sixth game's cop out ending.
* ''[[Castlevania II]]'' attempted to take the platforming gameplay of its predecessor and build an [[Action RPG]] around it. Its reception was mixed enough that ''[[Castlevania III]]'' kept well away from its [[RPG Mechanics]] and continuity.
* ''[[Condemned]] 2: Bloodshot'' added a great deal of depth to the melee combat system, sharpened the graphics, and put in much more interesting forensic investigation. You either like it for those, or you dislike it for abandoning the creepy slums and giving the plot a ''ludicrous'' twist.
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** An average game with fun but flawed gameplay and a lackluster story, which had a lot of potential but didn't live up to the higher points of the series like ''Super Metroid'' or ''[[Metroid Prime]]''.
** Easily the worst game in the series, being overly linear with nonsensical additions added to the classic formula, horrible voice acting, and an insulting and [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|sexist]] plot completely at odds with the rest of [[The Verse]].
* ''[[Metroid Prime]] 2: Echoes'' was either a great if [[Sequel Difficulty Spike|hard]] sequel providing more of the beautiful scenery and fun gameplay, or a glorified [[Mission Pack Sequel]] filled with [[Fake Difficulty]].
* ''[[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire]]'':
** Some fans consider it one of the best games in the series thanks to the [[Scenery Porn]] and better graphics; others felt it was too much of a [[ReContinuity BootReboot]] and consider it one of the worst in the series. It didn't help that this was also when the [[Nostalgia Filter]] first started to ''really'' kick in, with many older fans drawing the [[Fanon Discontinuity]] line at this, refusing to accept that Hoenn Pokemon are "real Pokemon."
** This was not helped by how some innovations the last set of games brought were stripped out, such as trading pokemon between games, morning/day/night, and being able to visit the previous games region. There were obvious technical reasons for this, but it does make the game feel like a smaller and shorter experience compared to Gold & Silver.
** At least HeartGold and SoulSilver can give those players the chance to relive all those memories again, but this time, in a much more polished fashion. Except of course, they still want to whine about the physical/special attack split.
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** ''[[Super Mario Galaxy 2]]''. Was it better than the first, or didn't live up to the excellence of the first?
** ''[[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]]''. The fanbase always fights over whether this one was superior to the original, or inferior.
* ''[[Duke Nukem Forever]]'' is considered this for several factors, such as not living up to the previous game, playing like the old game it was based on, [[Follow the Leader]], and several controversial issues [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|that we don't need to go into here.]]
* ''[[Rayman]]'' 3: Hoodlum Havoc'', half the fanbase thinks it was the last good ''Rayman'' game, others think this was the game that made the series go downhill, and preferred the large, exploration-based levels of ''[[Rayman 2: The Great Escape]]''.
* While many fans of the ''[[Heroes of Might and Magic]]'' series despise the fourth installment due to turning the heroes into regular units (and allowing you to have your entire army composed of 7 uber-powerful heroes) and other gameplay changes, as well as (literally) destroying the old world developed in the first three games as well as ''Heroes Chronicles''. Others actually enjoy finally taking their heroes into the thick of battle and like exploring the new world. Then comes the fifth game, developed by a completely different company (in Russia), creates ''yet another'' world, this time completely unrelated to the rest of the franchise, changes the game mechanics (the heroes are once again merely generals, but still get their turn, during which they can attack or cast), and adds 3D graphics. But wait, there's more. The sixth game is made by a ''third'' developer. The fans are probably confused by this point.
* By the same token, ''[[Disciples]] III'' features a significant departure from the previous two games in terms of graphics, storyline, battle mechanics (units can now move ''Heroes''-style), changes in types of leaders, resource management, etc. Once again, the fan base is split.
* ''[[Imperium Galactica]] II'' upgrades the series to 3D graphics. However, battle mechanics have changed as well and, in most fans' opinion, were dumbed down. [[Space Fighters]] can no longer be directly controlled. Instead, the player can adjust the Attack-Defend behavior scale. However, fighters are also almost useless in this installment. The first game focused the fleet on the flagships, a special class of powerful ships that were the only ones who could carry invasion forces. The sequel removes the flagships and instead allows each capital ship to carry a certain number of tanks.
* Oh dear lord, ''[[Diablo III]]''...[[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|No more needs to be mentioned beyond the title.]]
* ''[[Homeworld]]:'' Both the sequels released to date have been quite polarising within the fandom. ''[[Mission Pack Sequel|Cataclysm]]'' (later re-released as ''Emergence'') replaced the original game's [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]] with a "[[Construct Additional Pylons|Support Unit]]" mechanic and significantly nerfed the player's ability to capture enemy ships, and took the storyline in [[Cosmic Horror|a very different direction]]. ''Homeworld 2'' almost completely ignored ''Cata''{{'}}s plot and stuck to the original's [[Space Opera]] roots, but went through a long and troubled development process that led to a lot of content being cut or scaled back and some noticeable issues with game balance, and had a storyline that introduced some controversial retcons and was widely seen as being a lot weaker than the original.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham Origins]]'' is a contested prequel, either hated for being [[Obvious Beta|buggy]] and [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks|very similar]] to ''[[Batman: Arkham City|Arkham City]]'' or liked for not ditching the great gameplay while telling a good story. The actual sequel ''[[Batman: Arkham Knight]]'' was also hit by it, given those impressed by the [[Sequel Escalation]] are equally countered by those who complained about the level design and having to spend too much time dealing with the clunky Batmobile controls.
== Western Animation ==
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** ''[[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien]]'', the sequel to ''Alien Force'', continues the trend, with the series being widely considered a [[Franchise Zombie]] by this point.
* ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]''' sequel series, ''[[The New Batman Adventures]]''. Airing on a new station, the creators and cast returned, for the most part, and the art got revamped for the sake of smoother animation and to match the style used for Superman: The Animated Series. But controversy was afoot, as the sleeker animation came at the cost of art design. All the characters got a redesign, either minor or major, and the end result was... mixed. Batman, Robin and Batgirl looked fine, and the new Scarecrow absolutely knocked it out of the park, but Joker, Two-Face, Croc, Baby Doll and Riddler got over-simplified and lost their charm. Most sadly, Poison Ivy - one of the few females on the show to have a distinct character design - got turned into [[Only Six Faces|yet another Buruce Timm woman]]. The tone of the series is said to have suffered as well, with the focus widening to include Robin and Batgirl in most episodes. However, the series still produced some very memorable episodes, such as Over the Edge, Old Wounds, and Mad Love.
* ''[[The Batman]]'' was tossed into this the moment it was announced. Though the show was totally unrelated to ''[[The New Batman Adventures|TNBA]]'' and was a reboot, but some ''TNBA'' fans felt it didn't live up to "the standard." Eventually the show grew into its own path and found its own unique take on the characters.
* ''[[Batman: The Brave And The Bold]]''
** People started saying the same things about [[The Batman]] (which is lampshaded within the series itself with its [[Fourth Wall Observer]] Batmite) and people are ''already'' crying this with the upcoming{{when}} 2013 Batman cartoon involving Batman, a gun toting Alfred and Kantana. With the bar set so high because of the first series, it's commonplace for Batman.
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