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== Anime & Manga ==
* Zoro from ''[[One Piece]]'' has scars, one on his left eye and a huge one in his chest. These cool scars were from his many battles.
* Tigrerra from ''[[Bakugan]]'' has a scar over her left eye but it’s assumed that’s natural for Tigrerras to have.
* While they’re not exactly scars the tracer marks from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'' look pretty cool, specifically Yusei’s.
* ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' has Scar, who has an "X"-shape scar on his face, which he got from an encounter with Kimblee (anime) or an explosion, which Kimblee sets off to kill off the Ishvalan bystanders (manga).
* Himura Kenshin, titular character of ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'', has a scar on his cheek.
* Both Kakashi and Iruka Umino from ''[[Naruto]]'' and ''[[Naruto Shippuden]]'', but there's too many characters to make the list.
* [[Monochrome Factor|Nanaya]] has this trope, his scar runs down his face and uses an eyepatch.
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** Also Alejandro Zorro cuts an M on Captain Love’s face.
* [[Harry Potter]]’s lightning bolt shaped scar.
* In ''[[The Dark Knight]]'', [[The Joker|the Joker]] relates where he got those scars.
== Myths and Legends ==
* [[Japanese Mythology|Kuchisake]] [[Youkai|-onna]]'s scar spreads across her whole mouth. Depending on the legend, it's a plastic surgery [[Gone Horribly Wrong|gone wrong,]] jealous husband slicing her with his sword, or she had an accident while crossing the street.
* Star Boy, who is a legendary Blackfoot Indian warrior, was also called "Scarface"/"Poia". Because he was stuck down by a lightning-weapon.
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* Cloud gets a scar in his face in ''[[Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children]]'' when Loz shoots him in the face at point-blank range but Cloud’s goggles took most of the damage for him but still you can notice it several times later in the movie.
** In ''Advent Children Complete'' Cloud gets cut in the face by Sephiroth during their Sword Fight scene, in several places including through the stomach.
*** Barret has two going down the side of his face.
*** Red XIII has one over his eye.
== Video Games ==
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* ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'''s Solid Snake.
* [[Guilty Gear|Baiken]] has a scar over her left eye.
* Geralt of ''[[The Witcher]]'' series fame has some scars on his face, one runs down his left eye.
== Western Animation ==
* Zuko’s burn scar from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', even though he got it from his [[Jerkass]] dad and it looks like a rotting black eye and his eye can’t open all the way - it’s still pretty cool.
** Despite surviving an explosion and getting cut on some ice the cuts he receives from the Northern Water Tribe heal up completely.
** Song, a girl he meets, has a scar on her leg from getting blasted as well.
*** And then there’s Aang’s scar on his back from getting shot with lightning.
* Panthro in [[ThunderCats (2011 series)|the 2011 version of ''Thundercats'']] has a scar over his eye and many, many scars on the rest of his body.