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** Justified in that her mission clothes have been noted to be a standard, off-the-rack ensemble on a number of occasions (it was even explicitly a plot point a couple times).
*** One episode ("Kimitation Nation") even had it turning into a fashion craze called "Kim-Style" that everyone was into, even pets like Rufus and guys ("Kim For Him"). When Kim was persuaded to go out in the style she originated [[Alpha Bitch|Bonnie]] criticized her for ''not making the look work on her''. By the end of the episode Kim Style goes out of fashion in order to make way for the new {{spoiler|Ron Style}}.
* ''[[Re BootReBoot]]'' has {{spoiler|Megabyte}} use his new shapeshifting powers to impersonate Bob. However, he looks like the ''original'' Bob, lacking the web scars, possessing the [[The Other Darrin|original voice]], and wears the original uniform instead of the real Bob's shiny new Glitch-Bob uniform. {{spoiler|Megabyte}} uses this to his advantage to convince Dot that he's the real deal and that Glitch-Bob is the copy. {{spoiler|Megabyte}} even gets Glitch-Bob to suspect that ''he'' might be the copy. [[Justified]] when it's eventually revealed that {{spoiler|Megabyte had actually absorbed some of Bob's data when he crushed Glitch, which allowed him to simulate a nearly perfect disguise.}} Combine this with the fact that {{spoiler|Megabyte is a [[Magnificent Bastard]]}}, and you can see just why this trick actually worked.
** Later subverted by Glitch, who {{spoiler|sees through Megabyte's disguise and then attaches to him to reabsorb Bob's stolen data and return it to its rightful owner. Without this data, Megabyte}} couldn't maintain his disguise and was revealed, while Bob regained his original uniform and voice.
* Tap Tap the Chiseler in ''[[Underdog (animation)|Underdog]]'' did this in both his appearances.