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The popular way of doing this is the "true" crossover, in which a storyline will begin in one series and ''cross over'' into the next one, encouraging viewers to tune into a show that may be thematically similar but which they do not usually watch.
For example ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' had a handful of episodes where the characters would head off at the end, only to turn up in ''[[Angel]]'' straight after. This also worked the other way, with an amulet in ''[[Angel]]'' turning out to be vitally important for the last-ever episode of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Buffy]]''. (This also highlights one of the dangers of '''Cross OversCrossovers'''; if you watched ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' but not ''[[Angel]]'', the amulet appeared to [[Deus Ex Machina|come totally out of nowhere to save the day]].) Sometimes this is done to [[Poorly-Disguised Pilot|provide the lead-in for a spin-off show]], as happened with both of the ''[[CSI]]'' spin-offs.
Alternatively, a single popular character can cross over from one show into the other for a brief guest appearance; this has the effect of attracting that character's fans from the other show without requiring the writing teams to sync up or creating DVD- and arc-unfriendly episodes. This is very common in comic books, in which most characters are part of a larger universe, such as the [[Marvel Universe]] or [[The DCU]]. It happens less often in TV and movie properties based on comic books, since they are often made by different production companies.
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* An episode of ''[[The Zeta Project]]'' crossed over with ''[[Batman Beyond]]'', justified in this case as the former was a spinoff of the latter. (Due to Bob Kane's contractual billing being what it is, this is also the only episode where the opening titles omit the "Created by Robert Goodman" credit - the end credits specify Kane's being behind Batman, with Goodman being behind the characters for the spinoff.)
* [[Rankin/Bass Productions]] did it with ''Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July'', combining Rudolph with ''[[Frosty the Snowman]]'', ''Frosty's Winter Wonderland'', ''Rudolph's Shiny New Year'', and it appears that ''[[Santa Claus is Comin' to Town]]'' and ''[[The Year Without a Santa Claus]]'' may figure in, but mostly in dialogue references rather than character appearances. Strangely, there were never any crossovers with characters from the original ''[[Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer]]'' special—they only appeared again in ''Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys''.
* ''[[He -Man and the Masters of the Universe]]'' and ''[[She -Ra: Princess of Power]]'' did this more than once, as special episodes. Made sense, since they were siblings, but every time it happened it was a big deal. The two would do their transformation sequences simultaneously, making for a doubly psych-up scene. Strangely<ref>or not, if you're a cheap scene-recycling animation house</ref> though, despite being in the same place at the time, they would then each appear in front of their respective castles, which were located in different countries.