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=== Tropes Found in the Main Game ===
* [[Action Girl]]: The female debtors kick just as much ass as the male ones, ''especially'' [[That One Boss|Rumor Honeybottoms and Baroness Von Bon Bon]].
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: A female diner seems ''very'' interested in the dancing showgirls performing in the background of Ribby and Croaks' boss stage.
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** The Lobber's range is limited, and it travels in an arc. But thanks to its high damage output, it's a lifesaver against bosses with limited mobility such as [[That One Boss|Grim Matchstick]].
* [[Do Well, But Not Perfect]]: If you're trying to get an A+ ranking against the bosses, you don't want to kill them ''too'' fast because you need to parry 3 of their attacks to get it. These attacks are only available during certain phases, meaning that if you hurt them too much before you get all your parries, you'll miss out when they change phases.
* [[Downer Ending]]: If you choose, the {{spoiler|Cups can join the Devil and become his soulless minions. You get a somber ending credits to go with this choice}}.
* [[Draconic Demon]]: One of the forms the Devil takes during his boss fight is a demonic Chinese dragon.
* [[The Dragon]]: King Dice is the Devil's right hand man, and runs his casino while personally collecting the Soul Contracts needed to progress through the game. He's also the game's second-to-last boss and fought right before the Devil himself.
* [[Dragon with an Agenda]]: King Dice doesn't want the two heroes to succeed, as he believes that the Devil will replace him with them if they do. {{spoiler|Which is, in fact, exactly what happens in the Bad Ending.}}
* [[Dual Boss]]: Ribby and Croaks, as well as the Lollipop Ghouls of the Phantom Express.
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: If you defeat the Devil after refusing to join him, then the Cups earn this. {{spoiler|They burn all the soul contracts and throw a party for the debtors}}.
* [[Easy Mode Mockery]]: When you fight a boss on easy mode, you face fewer phases, and winning won't give you their soul contract. To fight either of Inkwell Hell's bosses and beat the game, you'll have to put on your big boy pants and beat the game as the Moldenhauer brothers intended.
* [[Eaten Alive]]: Cala Maria's hinted to have eaten a ''lot'' of sailors, judging by all the ghosts she's got living in her stomach. {{spoiler|Werner Werman also seems to meet his end this way when a giant cat swallows him whole during his boss fight... but it turns out that the cat was a mech that he controlled}}.
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* [[Warmup Boss]]: While it's likely you'll die to them a few times before getting a hang of their attack patterns, the Root Pack and Goopy Le Grande are both incredibly simplistic foes that ease you into the game's mechanics well before the truly brutal opponents show up.
* [[Wrong Side of the Tracks]]: Where the Devil's Casino is located, according to the storybook intro. Considering that the (intended) last boss before Inkwell Hell is the Phantom Express, this appears to be a literal example!
=== Tropes Exclusive to the DLC ===
* [[All for Nothing]]: After all the trouble the boys go into so that Ms. Chalice can try the Astral Pie and return to life, {{spoiler||they realize that for her to do that, she'd need to sacrifice a living soul. Chalice refuses, saying that she is not someone that would sacrifice another person or being for her benefit. With that said, the epilogue did show that she found another way}}.
* [[Belated Happy Ending]]: The epilogue with end credits shows that {{spoiler|Chalice managed to find another way to come back to life, and she hangs out with the brothers, a reformed Saltbaker, and the DLC island residents}}.
* [[Contrasting Sequel Character]]: The real villain, {{spoiler|Chef Saltbaker}}, serves as this to the Devil. While the Devil has legitimate reasons for wanting the soul contracts from the debtors that had evaded him, {{spoiler|Saltbaker basically sent children to beat up his neighbors}}. They also {{spoiler|reveal they played the Cups and Ms. Chalice for patsies, while the Devil was upfront about the price that the brothers had to pay}}. Also, while the Devil can be beaten, {{spoiler|Saltbaker can be arrested for his crimes}}.
* [[A Day In The Limelight]]: The DLC gives more focus to Chalice, an NPC from the main game. She gets more characterization as a legendary hero, that once gave up her life to save the Inkwell Isles.
* [[Equivalent Exchange]]:
** Chalice can temporary come back to life if one of the brothers eats an Astral Cookie. They become a ghost, while she takes their place in the living realm.
** The Astral Pie requires one last ingredient: {{spoiler|a living soul. Saltbaker says that he plans to sacrifice one of the Cups or Chalice to make it. When Chalice finds this out, she refuses to help Saltbaker finish the baking. That, and he plans to use it to take over the astral plane}}.
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]: Deconstructed by the end of the story. Chef Saltbaker asked the brothers and Chalice to collect the ingredients from his neighbors, who hadn't done anything to warrant that level of home invasion. {{spoiler|It comes out that the antagonists were [[Good All Along]], barring the Bootlegger Bugs. The Astral Pie also requires a living soul to be baked into it. When the brothers and Chalice stop Saltbaker from making the Astral Pie and accidentally destroy his bakery, they agree that one living soul is not worth bringing Chalice back to life. Chalice says that she'll find another way to gain back her limbs.}}
* [[Reality Ensues]]: Chef Saltbaker sends the kids on an errand to collect the ingredients for the Astral Pie, that could bring Chalice back to life permanently, without needing the brothers. {{spoiler|The epilogue shows that he gets arrested for coercing and kidnapping children, attempted murder, destruction of his neighbors' property, and attempted domination of the astral plane. Why were the brothers let off the hook? Because they had helped save the Inkwell Isles from the Devil, and the Judge was a [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] that figured out Saltbaker duped them. Saltbaker gets a plea deal where he rebuilds all the damage he indirectly wrought upon the DLC, and spends months doing community service}}.